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introducing my stash

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i am one proud momma thats for sure. i got a nice big yarn binge for my birthday from DH and since it has been soo long since i pulled it out and organized it i have just been stuffing the new stuff into wherever is would fit and making a big mess i decided to pull it all out organize and re-stash it all. which really served 2 purposes, 1 i can pick out all the yarn i need for christmas presents, and 2 i can now re arrange and make it so i dont have 2 skeins here and 3 skeins there so i can keep all my lots together in the closet. :c9 i love my yarn and my closet and my DH who feeds/allows the addiction. when i told him what i would be doing he said to me "is this your way of playing with your birthday present?" well there will deffinately be some petting/counting/loving of this yarn tomorrow when i really dig into deciding what goes in which cubby.


this is a little sum up of the photo, that is a double size futon and most of it is 2-3 layers thick and the basket has all my unraveled sweaters yarn and the bags are all those 1-lb minimum bags from walmart. tomorrow i will have to count the balls as i put them away and put up an official count. i must say it looks like so much more when you get it all out of the closet and spread out! :eek


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Nice stash! And you know what you have or at least can see it all at once. I keep forgetting what I've bought because it's stored several different places.


One day I'll get organized. (Yeah, sure)

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Oh yeah!!:D That is an impressive stash. You do a great job of stashing too as I see that you have lots of skeins of the same color/yarn. You should be ready for nearly anything except the new pattern that comes out that you must do. :devil


At least your dh knew when you married him, that you loved yarn and were a stashaholic. :c9

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Great organizing!!! I got this batch of yarn from freecycle several weeks ago and I am still trying to organize it. It is a lot of scrap yarn, but I am using it for my charity afghans. Right now I am sending squares to a lady for children who have cancer and need afghans. It's a bit overwhelming because I usually buy what I need and don't have a lot of extra yarn around. This is my first real stash!!! I also have a huge plastic tub of donated yarn in my attic. I need to get busy!!!!! :hook



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