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Lost Hook Found!

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In May or early June I lost a hook. Well, I didn't loose the hook, but I made the mistake of letting my 4 yr old wander off with it. Then he came back empty handed. Of course he couldn't remember where it was and I couldn't find it. I ended up buying a new one for my WIP. I figured it would turn up during our move. It didn't. I finally found it yesterday at the bottom of a box, just not a moving box. It was inside (and at the very bottom) of the box of sandwich baggies. :eek At least it's home safe now!



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That's a good one!!!

The strangest place I've found one is in the freezer. I went into the kitchen to get something to drink, and must have set it in the freezer when I got out the empty ice cube tray. I looked all over for it, thinking I dropped in either on the floor or on the couch. Finally found it the next day.

That is why I have duplicates of each hook size.

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i put mine in my ponytail while doing something else and couldn't find it. except when I went to bed that night.


Ive done that a time or two as well my cats are the culprits who snag mine when im not looking they end up all over my house. I to have multiples in each size.

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Yay for finding your lost hook! Now if only I could find the D that I lost about a month ago! I was working on a project, I set it down for just a minute, picked it up again, NO HOOK! I have another D, and it's not like I use that size all that often, but I just HATE knowing that one of my hooks is lost! And the bizarre way that it disappeared has me miffed as well.



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That's a good one!!!

The strangest place I've found one is in the freezer. I went into the kitchen to get something to drink, and must have set it in the freezer when I got out the empty ice cube tray. I looked all over for it, thinking I dropped in either on the floor or on the couch. Finally found it the next day.

That is why I have duplicates of each hook size.


Ah, you have EMPTY ice cube trays too? I'm right there with you. Makes me crazy but there they are.

Never found a crochet hook there, though.....maybe I should look! :hook

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:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

The picture of a hook in a baggie box is classic, really. I have about 5 hooks each of H and I, and I don't even use them that often! How did I get so many? And where are my D and E hooks?

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That's too funny! My three cats are "felines of interest" in the disappearance of my F hook :). Just the other night, one swiped a full-size knitting needle off my lap and took off with it.


Y'know, I never even thought about the cats! I've got nine of the hairy little buggers, and there really IS the distinct possibility that one of them batted the hook under something. I'll have to start questioning them, maybe DH will help me play the "good cop, bad cop" game. They never talk, though. One thing about those cats, they're good at keeping clammed up about things they don't want us to know about! :lol



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