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Knitting Needle Bag - My pattern posted on beginning post!!!


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I just got this in my e-mail today and LOVE the idea!!!




I'm thinking a basic bobble stitch would work although it may take some experimenting! Anyone else wanna try this one out crocheted style? You could use either an afghan hook or cro-hook in lieu of knitting needles, huh?


If there is interest in this I'm thinking of starting this maybe next week (Oct 1st.) If there's no interest I'll just make it on my own! :hook


Below I will post the instructions for MY version of the bag. This has NOT been tested yet so proceed at your own risk! :devil I am only up to a certain point so this pattern isn't complete yet. As I work more on the bag I will post more of the pattern.


Crochet Hook Crocheted Bag

Size H Hook

WW Yarn

Bobble Stitch: *YO, insert hook in stitch specified, YO pull through loop, YO pull 2 loops through hook*, repeat in the same stitch 3 more times. Finish stitch by YO pull through remaining 5 loops on hook. CH 1 to close the stitch.

This is worked all in one piece.

Since this pattern has a lot of weird repeats, I have named a few here.

Repeat A: SC in next 2 SC, Bobble in next SC

Repeat B: SC in next 3 SC, Bobble in next SC

Repeat C: SC in next 4 SC, Bobble in next SC

Repeat D: SC in next 5 SC, Bobble in next SC

Starting with the bottom:

Row 1: CH 51, SC in 2nd CH from hook and in each CH across. (50 SC). CH 1, turn.

Rows 2-10: SC in each SC across. CH 1, turn. (At end of row 10, do NOT turn.)

We now start working in the ROUND for the bag itself.

Round 11: SC in the end of each row of SC’s, working 3 SC’s in each corner stitch. Work 1 SC in each SC of next row. Work all the way around the base. Join with a SL ST. CH 1, turn.

Round 12: SC in same stitch as joining, SC in next SC, *work Bobble in next stitch, SC in next stitch 3 SC’s. * repeat around. Work a SC in same stitch as first SC, join with a slip stitch to first SC. (31 Bobbles)

Round 13: CH 1, turn. SC in each stitch around. Join. (124 SC’s.)

*** Note- do NOT work a SC in the CH of the Bobble stitch, only work into SC’s or Bobbles.

Round 14: CH 1, turn. Work Bobble in same stitch as joining. *SC in next 3 stitches, Bobble in next SC*, repeat around. ***Note- Your Bobble stitches should be staggered meaning they should be in the middle of the Bobbles from Round 12. If the Bobbles are lining up then you have skipped a stitch somewhere.

Round 15: CH 1 turn. SC in 1st 10 stitches. *2 SC TOG, SC in next 10 stitches* repeat around to last 5 stitches. SC in last 5 stitches. Join.

Round 16: CH 1, turn. SC in 1st 3 SC, Bobble. We now start working the repeats as stated in the notes. This is a list of the repeats and the orders you will do them for this round:

A, B, B, A, A, B, A, B, B, A, B, B, A, B, A, B, B, B, A, B, B, A, B, B, A, B, B, A, B. SC in last 2 SC. Join.

Round 17: CH 1, turn. *SC in next 7 SC, 2 SC TOG*. Repeat this around. Join.

Round 18: CH 1, turn. Bobble in first SC. Work the following repeats:

B, B, A, A, A, B, A, A, B, A, A, A, A, B, A, A, A, B, A, A, B, A, A, B, A, A, A, A, B. SC in last 4 stitches. Join.

Round 19: CH 1, turn. SC in 1st stitch. 2 SC TOG, (SC in next stitch, 2 SC TOG) 3 times. (SC in next 7 stitches, 2 SC TOG) 5 times. (SC in next stitch, 2 SC TOG) 4 times. (SC in next 7 stitches, 2 SC TOG) 4 times. SC in next 2 stitches. 2 SC TOG in last stitch. Join.

Round 20: CH 1, turn. Work following repeats:

A, A, A, A, C, A, A, A, A, C, A, C, B, B, A, A, A, A, C, A, A, A, A, D, D. Join.

Round 21: CH 1, turn. SC in 1st SC, 2 SC TOG. (SC in next SC, 2 SC TOG) 2 times. (Repeat D, 2 SC TOG) 5 times. (SC in next SC, 2 SC TOG) 3 times. (SC in next 5 SC, 2 SC TOG) 5 times. Join.

Round 22: CH 1, turn. Bobble in first stitch. Work repeat C around to last 2 SC. SC in each of the last 2 SC. Join.

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You could also just get some plain dowels from the craft store and the little deely-bobble thingies that you put on the end in place of the knitting needles.


I actually thought about knitting it, but was NOT about to waste one of my knitting needles (or two, as the case may be) as a decorative element. I happen to have some dowels on hand, with the knobbie dealyos, so I thought of them right away. They come in all sizes/diameters, and they are dirt cheap. I might seal them before use, though, as they can be a tad rough.


But I like the idea of doing a crochet version better - I was thinking what they call the "blackberry" stitch in Donna Kooler's Encyclopedia of Stitches. At least I think that is what it's called - I have to go check to make sure. It's basically a bobble, but it has instructions for doing them all bunched together like that.


And when we're done, we should send in photos of our crocheted "knitting" bags, and talk about how quickly we got them done, lol!

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It's a nice looking bag but I think I'll pass. It's a little too "girlie" for me. I used Wal-Mart bags for awhile. Now, I have a canvas tote bag (purple with SBU logo). Actually, I don't take stuff with me very often. I don't really go places where crocheting would be appropriate: soccer games, football games, work, etc.

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I'm in - I've acquired a lot of new yarn lately, and I have some knitting needles - steel and plastic - that I have since replaced with bamboo.


It ought to be interesting.


And if it goes together quickly, I may actually get it entered in the State Fair - deadline is Friday. I've got the Half-Moon Shawl (which I need to get pix to the CAL group), and I may have a poncho ready that I'm working on for my daughter.


Let's GO!:yay

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You could also just get some plain dowels from the craft store and the little deely-bobble thingies that you put on the end in place of the knitting needles.


I actually thought about knitting it, but was NOT about to waste one of my knitting needles (or two, as the case may be) as a decorative element. I happen to have some dowels on hand, with the knobbie dealyos, so I thought of them right away. They come in all sizes/diameters, and they are dirt cheap. I might seal them before use, though, as they can be a tad rough.


But I like the idea of doing a crochet version better - I was thinking what they call the "blackberry" stitch in Donna Kooler's Encyclopedia of Stitches. At least I think that is what it's called - I have to go check to make sure. It's basically a bobble, but it has instructions for doing them all bunched together like that.


And when we're done, we should send in photos of our crocheted "knitting" bags, and talk about how quickly we got them done, lol!


That's a good idea too! Although I really like the idea personally of getting a couple of cro-hooks for mine but yes, you could do it that way too! I am concerned how I'm going to keep the hook on there and not slip off though. Maybe glue a stopper on the end??? :think

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I couldn't get the pattern to come up! Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

you need to register. THen you get an e-mail. I found going to the knitted critters pattern (cute, but I don't knit:no ) then going back to the site and getting this pattern worked (I couldn't get the bag pattern at first so I tried the cirtter pattern).


This is a super cute bag. I like the wooden dowels idea for the "needles". I wonder if you could find some actual knitting needles at a second hand store or yard sale...


I will wait and see what others are doing for stitches and yarn and other things. It is cute though.


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I would love to do this but would have "No Idea" how to convert it to crochet.


It looks gorgeous. I would love to give it a try if some others have done it and can give us an idea about how to go about it.



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Donna, I saw this bag and thought that a crocheted bag would be awesome too! Now I need to find my Kooler Encyclopedia! I can't join a CAL next month - too many projects to finish, but I'll subscribe to this thread to see what you guys produce. I'm sure the bags will be fabulous!!

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I just did a bobble stitch.

http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art5564.asp bobble stitch guide. I didn't do a chain stitch after the bobble, so maybe that's why mine ended up slanted... but since I"m going to make it a big purse and it's going to be stuffed with my "stuff":lol I figure it won't matter. I hope. I was going to make it the smaller purse for my balls of yarn or something... but decided to keep going and make it a full purse. So the bottom will be straight.


First side done:



Close up of part of the first side (I took a picture when I got this far because I wasn't going to work on it anymore but decided to when I couldn't sleep):



I started from the top (small side) and the wrong side rows were just single crochet and that's when I did an increase.

I'm using Red Heart Super Saver in dark brown ("coffee" it's called). An H hook.


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I love your bag. I've been having trouble getting the pattern the way I like, but since looking at your's, I'm just going to do bobbles across the even rows and sc across the odd rows.

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Just got the newest Knitting Daily and guess what's being discussed? "Lining Your Knitted Bag, Part I"! And according to the article, ".... What if I told you there were ways to line your knitted bags without a sewing machine, and without a lot of hand-stitching? (Of course, you can use a sewing machine if you like...." :clap


I'm so going to keep this article with my other crochet techniques and tips (:c9 )! I know how to sew and have a machine, but it's always good to have options. As my Mom often said: "It's a poor rat that only has one hole." (:rofl )

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Thanks for the article! I don't machine sew (have one in storage gathering dust:blush ) and have hand sewed my linings. I usually do the Running Stitch in loooong stitches. I try to get a flat purse, like this one (2 sides) and then fold the material and the fold is at the bottom--one less part to sew. This one will be interesting as I want to leave a few rows separate, like the knitted version looks from the picture, so I can put things in my purse. I'm thinking I should be fine in sewing the fabric to the open part because it won't be any bigger then my othe purses.


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I should be done with mine this weekend! I'm not going to do the "needle" part at the top. I think it's super cute, but not sure how to do that... maybe I'll check Michaels and see what they have... plus I like to toss my purses in the washer/dryer for easy care. I may do one later with it on there.


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I'm working on my bag too. I had a hard time at first, until I figured out I needed to sc the first row, now it's doing fine. Not sure yet when I'm going to get it done, and I haven't decided how to do the handles yet.

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Can't wait to see everyones pictures! I'm going to start mine this weekend and I haven't decided exactly which yarn I'm going to use yet.


Another idea for knitting needles, check out the yard sales and such. I got a bunch at a yarn sale that were odds and ends and didn't have their partners so this would be perfect for knitting needles that have since lost their partner. Just a thought!

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Ok, I picked out my yarn! Red Heart SS in Real Teal! I've had this skein for awhile now and never could figure out to make with it so this looked like the project for it! Hopefully 1 skein will be enough!


I have decided to modify my bag by making the bottom fat so that it will "stand up" almost and will have more room for stuff. I'm also doing it in the round so that there won't be any sewing or whipstitching at the end. Is anyone else going to try this in one piece or am I the only one???

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