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Personal Question of Kathy/Katchkan, I am sure others wonder too

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I was wondering, since you crochet so much what brand of thread you use?? :yarn




Do you order it online or have a store that you get it from??:blush


I have tested several of your patterns and you use the Extended stitches, why is that?? :think


Hope you don't mind me asking.......:hug


I just love all your patterns and want mine to look 1/2 as good.

thanks so much for putting up with me:devil


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I was wondering, since you crochet so much what brand of thread you use?? :yarn




Do you order it online or have a store that you get it from??:blush


I have tested several of your patterns and you use the Extended stitches, why is that?? :think


Hope you don't mind me asking.......:hug


I just love all your patterns and want mine to look 1/2 as good.

thanks so much for putting up with me:devil



My favorite threads are

DMC threads number 1.

Opera Threads number 2.

and the Royal threads number 3.

I haven't tried some of the threads out there yet. So don't quote me on what is best. These are just my preferences.

I try and by locally when I can. Just to let them know there is a market for thread out there. But sometimes I have to order it online in order to get the size and color I want, or the amount I need. I order from several places and look for the best prices on whatever I am ordering.


Why do I use extended stitches. Well in filet the Extended double crochet gives you a almost true square to your piece. A double crochet by itself is normally too short and a treble is too long. So a extended double crochet is just right....... See I learned from Goldilocks. Once I learned that stitch I have enjoyed filet crochet so much more than I did before.


I will use it sometimes as a connector if it makes the piece lay better. It's just a matter of the best stitch at a given place.


Hope this answers your questions.

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How do you do the Extended Double crochet? I don't remember hearing about that stitch.

edc = extended double crochet which is done in this manner, Begin normal double crochet until three loops on hook, instead of yo and drawing through 2 loops, yo and draw though 1 loop, you will still have 3 loops on your hook when you have done this, proceed to finish the stitch in the normal manner. This will give you a slightly longer than normal dc,

Here are my instructions for it. It's a great st for filet work.

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Thanks for the explanation. I'll have to practice this one to make sure I understand it.

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where was this helpful info when I was making squiggly-wiggles {which starts with a mesh grid}?!?! I know about this stitch, and how to do it, but I've never used it. I'm going to try the edc the next time I make one of these.

Thanks for the tip about using this when doing filet crochet.

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Thanks so much, I have always loved filet crochet, but got so frustrated when peices came out looking flat and long. I always tried to fix it when blocking (especially the doilies), but it never looked quite right. This is something definitely valuable to us thread lovers.

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