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I'm Falling For You .......................


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Im sorry Julie...i hope i didn't keep you up...we are teething tonight and he wont let me put him down.I will try to get it worked on some more after i get some sleep.I cant believe i am still up at 4:20.



Thanks i like it to...i didn't want it to be to big becouse then it would never get done :D im hoping to have time to make one for Christmas to.I have a free wall in my kitchen that is just perfect for wall hangings like this.



Thats what i am using to...cant wait to see what you come up with!!


Good Night Ladies!!

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Ok here it is without the leaves and with a yellow border...i cant get eny of my blue colors to work :think so if someone wants to try the blue background please feel free :blush




Im also working on another one right now to...so we shall see what i come up with!!

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I think its adorable either way, but I have a question. Aren't the squares 2 1/2 inch squares?it looks like there are 30 squares across. That would be 75 inches. Wouldnt that be a little over 6 feet across!? And tall too? Thats big...or am I not adding something right? i am in the process of moving and I haven't had much sleep in the last 2 days....i LOVE this pattern too!

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Oh my gosh Gina....i think you are right...i just made a square real fast and measured it :eek


Ok time to make something smaller...i would never get that done....and i liked the kitty.


back to the drawing board :hook

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Gina...I just look and say "How pretty"...I truly admire people who see something and REALLY see it!

TY for catching the size problem and saving Shaylen and others a lot of crocheting!:c9

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Good morning! Has anyone started working on anything yet? If I do, it will probably be finished for Fall of 2008. :D

That's my plan:lol :lol :lol

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Good morning! Has anyone started working on anything yet? If I do, it will probably be finished for Fall of 2008. :D


I just barely started right before this CAL came up. Then I decided to wait for Sept. 1 and work on some other stuff in the meantime. I'd like to finish mine by Christmas, but Fall 2008 might be more realistic, based on my track record.

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I would like to post my afghan design. I have done it on paper but can't figure out how to do it on the computer. I would appreciate any help anyone could give me.

Hi, Angel!

I hope someone can help you out - becaause I haven't a clue as to how to do it!:P

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Wish I could help you, but I am definitely challenged when it comes to designing and posting designs on here. I have no clue how to do that. I bet some of the others will drop in who have done it and can give you some pointers .

We'll be watching for your design !

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Angel you could always scan it into your computer if you have a scanner, photograph it or if you have some sort of graphics software on your computer you can use the grid I use on my site at http://happyyellowhouse.com/grid_master.png and fill in the little squares with a fill tool. That's about the only ways I know of doing it.

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Evening Ladies!!



I do like Cara said and use her grid in paint....thats the only way i know how!!


Well i am at a stand still....cant make any thing work the way i want...my DH saw a photo of Linda B Around the world and wants me to do that only with the fall print yarn separating the colors,with fall colors and he also likes the scarecrow part of Cara"s fall quilt...men...they can make things hard on us.


Will let you know :yes

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The falling cal was really falling, had to give it a bump.


How is everyone going with their designs or has anyone chosen anything to do yet.

I'm on track for Fall 2008:lol

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