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I love this pattern!:manyheart I don't have to think about the pattern, it just goes and goes and goes. It is working up great too. This is my first afghan and I was a little concerned about taking on a large project and actually finishing it. But, I really think that I will complete this.


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Howdy all y'all. I wanted ta check in an let ye know I didn't get runned over by that crazy herd o buffalo that got spooked. I was finishin up them toys for the youngins. Now I'm ready ta git back into workin on thems blankets agin. I got mes a plan that I hope to foller. I'll be gittin to this here saddle blanket agin in a few days.


Ned I'd be mightee obliged of ya ta sit and have a cuppa wit ya. I was watching one o them movin pitures about ya last night. I didn't git ta all o it just yit though. I had ta turn in sos I could git some shut eye for them youngins got up at sunrise.

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Hey there Doc pull up a rock and have yerself a cuppa. Its a might fine night here. Did ya hear about the ruckus at the bank today. Wild Bill went a bit strange like in there. I nearly finished me saddle bag but maybe with this here cold wind shoulda made me a blankie instead.

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I'm donewith my blanket!! Granted, I ended up making it a little smaller than I originally planned - but it's big enough to curl up on the couch with. I'll get a pic of dh with it when he gets home on Tuesday.

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Old version that cause 24 frogged balls in the tepee....still loved the stories that were shared with a bit of confussion on my terms



Here is the new order of the same colors

I want to thank you for suggesting that a switch in order of the colors

I like it much better




Funny how the order of colors changes the entire look

The colors in order are chocolate, taupe, winter white and turqua


Thanks again


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Oooh, Squanto

That is definitely prettier like that !!!


One question- what did you do with the 24 frog balls ?


I hear Calamity and Bull came over to your Tepee for supper the other night. That wasn't REALLY rice pudding you fed them, was it ? :D

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The frogged balls are sitting in my saddle bag in case I need them for fighting off the sheriff ;)

I did not serve them up in the viddles that night that was true rice and cream that I got in a fair trade for a fox pellet :D

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Slim - Why you shore got that there blanket done right quick! You must have the fastest hook in the west :hook


Squanto - Excellent on the rendition!! I luv it!!

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thanks for the pattern .It is cute--- and there was a time when Cam would have worn that, but now he probably wouldn't . Plus his mom probably wouldn't think it was cute for him now. She kinda wants him to look in style and everything has to color-coordinate . She always has him dressed so his shoes match his pants, match his socks, match his shirt .


I remember once when he was about 2 -- it had rained REALLY hard and we had a mudhole at the bottom of the driveway. Me and Cam went out, took off our shoes and splashed in that mud til there was none left in the hole, it was all on us .


Anyhow, I didnt have any other clothes here for him that day, so I purposefully went to Goodwill and bought him the butt-ugliest clothes I could find.

Like a rust-colored pair of pants and a really UGLY plaid shirt .


I came home, tossed the clothes in the washer and dryer, bathed him and dressed him in his "NEW" outfit .


Steph almost had heart failure when she got home and saw him in those clothes .

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thanks for the pattern .It is cute--- and there was a time when Cam would have worn that, but now he probably wouldn't . Plus his mom probably wouldn't think it was cute for him now. She kinda wants him to look in style and everything has to color-coordinate . She always has him dressed so his shoes match his pants, match his socks, match his shirt .


I remember once when he was about 2 -- it had rained REALLY hard and we had a mudhole at the bottom of the driveway. Me and Cam went out, took off our shoes and splashed in that mud til there was none left in the hole, it was all on us .


Anyhow, I didnt have any other clothes here for him that day, so I purposefully went to Goodwill and bought him the butt-ugliest clothes I could find.

Like a rust-colored pair of pants and a really UGLY plaid shirt .


I came home, tossed the clothes in the washer and dryer, bathed him and dressed him in his "NEW" outfit .


Steph almost had heart failure when she got home and saw him in those clothes .

Julie, I LOVE your style...!! I have a friend who is like that with her 6 year old son...trendy and coordinated. It's not my style - esp for kids.

I guess it could be nice, if you can afford it. We couldn't when Philip was little - TG he went to Catholic school and wore a uniform! Saved us a lot of money.

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Yea, clothes are not important to me at all. In fact, it amuses me to watch most ladies and the time and trouble they go to just to "look good " .


Good grief, take a bath, wash your hair and brush your teeth . Grab whatever clothes are on top of the pile and put them on .


I think too much emphasis is put on looks and STUFF .


You might see one of the most beautiful ladies in our town, but doggone, she'd kill you in your sleep if she got mad at you, so it's not always the OUTSIDE we should be looking at .


I think the world would be much more interesting if we were all turned INSIDE OUT. Then we'd get to see the REAL person .


Kinda like a box of Whitman's Samplers-- when someone has squeezed the bottoms of them to see what filling is in each one.

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Thanks for the pattern Judy. I think I'm gonna make it for my friend's son. She wants me to make him a cardigan for school - has to be in uniform colors (our school is a uniform school), so this would be fun!

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Tammy, I'm glad you can use it - FYI, if you haven't used the pattern of the day - print it out - tomorrow it won't be there!

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