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How to built a stash??

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I've always bought yarn for a project at a time, until now...


My local yarn store had a big sale so I bought a bunch of cotton yarn (what I mostly use), but while I was shopping I come up with a big question...


How do I know what quantity to buy???!!!! :shrug


So I was wondering how do you guys do it?? :think

Do you already have projects line up??


Give me some tips so I could work on my stash building skill!!!:worried



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how much do you usually use on a project? for example: i use lion suede to make FBBs. it takes 3 balls to make one. when i found it on sale, i bought 3 balls of each color.

i just kinda think about what i want to use it for and estimate.....

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I figure most sweaters take about 6-8 50 gram balls of yarn. When in doubt, buy an extra skein because if its on sale its probably discontinued and you'd never be able to match it if you run out.


(Of course that kind of figuring is why I have enough stash to open my own LYS!) :) Most of my stash is leftover from projects.


Remember this: stashes aren't planned....they just happen. Happy hoarding!

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Depending on my mood, I will crochet tight. So I always have extra yarn left with that project. When I find a sale, I will buy up extra in the yarn I already have. At this point I have one skein of just about every color of the homespun. I will then use it to make a ugly blanket. I made one for my Mother last year for Christmas, and still have more than enough leftover for another. I will keep baby weight one pounders in White ( about 3) on hand for baby gifts and I keep string and cotton yarns on hand for patterns I like to do. I have a sizable stash, so in the middle of the night and the mood hits me I have no problem getting started.

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I just buy a bunch of anything on a really good sale that I happen to like. For example, my local $ store had a huge shipment of luster sheen and RH Symphony for $1 each. I spent almost $200.00 that day!!!

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If I REALLY like the yarn, I will buy up a whole bunch of it, because I prefer to make sweaters and other garments, which tend to use up a lot of yarn. Sometimes, the skein label will have a pattern I like, if that is the case, I will buy a couple more than what the pattern calls for, just to be sure I have enough.

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i usually buy minimum of enough to make a sweater or top, which in summer can vary to 4 balls or up to 10 balls for a full sweater depending on yardage and gauge. but if it is a yarn i love that is on sale and i know i will use i will buy it all!

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I am kind of like the rest here. I just estimate what a sweater may take and buy enough for that. If I just like the yarn I don't worry about what I will make with it. I buy a bunch and figure a pattern will call to me later!

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It depends on what I see using that particular color for. Some colors I only have 1 skein. Others I may have 4-6 skeins because I see using that color for an afghan or sweater.

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I usually will buy yarn for a project, but if I see yarn that I like I will always buy at least three skeins (well if it's inexpensive) for me building a stash is basically if you see yarn you like you buy a few skeins even with no project in mind. I know my stash will soon grow since dd wants me to make her an army of turtles and some strawberry shortcake dolls. I know I won't use the whole skein and will probably have more than enough to make at a few dolls, but I can use the left overs for amigurumi dolls.

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My favorite way to build a stash is to hit thrift stores (Goodwill, Salvation Army, St. Vincent DePaul, etc.) and buy up their yarn. Most of the time it's only a few random skeins but I still get it. And I leave it in the skein, toss it in a pillowcase or lingerie bag and wash it in cold and dry it on cool. Scarves, hats, etc. can easily be made out of 1 skein and I can build a stash without any guilt over $. :D

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I just get several of what I like or if it's on sale a bunch. I make afghans and baby blankets mostly. I rarely make an afghan one color. Baby blankets are usually one color, but sometimes two or three. Sometimes I just get enough yarn for a border or an accent. It all seems to work out.

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My stash has been built purely on left overs from projects AND bargains. If I run across a great sale and I love the yarn but have no project in mind, I will evaluate if the yarn is indicitave to an afghan or wearable and buy enough accordingly. Then into my stash it goes till a project come to mind that will match with the yarn.

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I will give one word of advice, don't buy yarn just because its on sale. for instance I have never worked with say the ribbons yarn or things like those. I am not about to go and buy 2-3 skeins just because its on sale. Stick to the kind of yarn ( and colors ) that you will use in future projects. in all honesty nothing sucks more than having a ton of yarn that you will never use because you don't like it.

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If RH SS is on sale, I'll buy the colors I use alot. I have at least 3 skeins each in rainbow pastel colors and 4 (+/-) black and white. The rest of my stash is leftovers and RAOKs from family/friends.

Ellie 13

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I will give one word of advice, don't buy yarn just because its on sale. for instance I have never worked with say the ribbons yarn or things like those. I am not about to go and buy 2-3 skeins just because its on sale. Stick to the kind of yarn ( and colors ) that you will use in future projects. in all honesty nothing sucks more than having a ton of yarn that you will never use because you don't like it.


Wise words....I too only buy stash yarn on sale that is tried and true for me and I know I can use it in the future.

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I went to Joann's yesterday and they had LB Landscapes and LionSuede for $.97!!! I only bought the colors I liked, but I bought several skeins of each. I go by yardage. example: LB Landscapes is only 55yds/skein, so i bought 4, and atleast I know I have enough for a scarf if I dont find another project for it. I just think of a possible project and how much I'll need, then I get one extra just in case. your stash will grow fast at that rate :hook

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I agree that your stash is not planned, it just happens. Mine started out by buying yarn on sale. I got in that trap for a while (sold most of it on ebay) and now I have a lot of left overs. I usually buy yarn with a specific project in mind, but that doesn't mean I don't just buy yarn just to play with it (like I did yesterday...at Knit Picks..hehehhehehhehe)

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