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a sad day....

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at my local walmart.

i need some more caron simply soft for a round ripple i am working on and when i got to the craft section all the material had disappeared. now i knew that this was going to happen but i guess apart of me was hoping that they had changed there minds! NOT

so i go around the corner to see what they had for cotton which was all stacked up on the floor and they told me they were discontinuing all their crochet hooks and knitting needles! :no:angry:cry :cry

between that and michaels not carring as much as they used to whats a girl to do?

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It is a shame that Wal-Marts went to supercenters:angry When Sam and Helen were alive they made sure that the stores held items for small communities and now it is all about money. There is less merchandise and lousy food items. I hate it and I once loved them as my favorite store. I have started buying yarn online and I am lucky enough to live within driving distance of Herrschners

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I am so disgusted with WM it's not even funny. We have no crafts around here except WM and rumor has it that by 2008 they will be completely discontinuing them. We buy canned goods there, and meat if it's a good special, otherwise for fresh stuff we go to our local guys and now Farmer's Markets.


My nearest craft stores are 3 hours away...ugh!!!

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When our WalMart SuperCenter opened we had the same problem - where we had previously had lots and lots of yarn to choose from, suddenly we now only had a couple of bins of RH and WalMart's own brand (can't think of the name right off hand), and a bin or two of a couple of different kinds of eyelash yarn. I was crushed, because I had been so excited thinking that once we had a SuperCenter we would have a much BIGGER selection.


Apparently, many of the folks in town were as disappointed as I was, and everyone voiced their displeasure, and lo and behold our yarn department has grown considerably and now takes up an entire aisle again! It's still not as good as having a real LYS, but it's a LOT better than it was when the store first opened, and for the really different stuff there's always Ebay and other online sources, so things are a bit better here now.



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Truthfully Id rather buy online --all the colors and yarns are there plus needles and hooks

Takes about 5 days to receive it and postage is 5.99

Sure beats using gas and running to the stores and find nothing


I like Knitting-Warehouse.com

and Yarn and Thread by Lisa



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It is a shame that Wal-Marts went to supercenters:angry When Sam and Helen were alive they made sure that the stores held items for small communities and now it is all about money. There is less merchandise and lousy food items. I hate it and I once loved them as my favorite store. I have started buying yarn online and I am lucky enough to live within driving distance of Herrschners

Hi, my friend!

That's great you're near Herrschners! I love their catalogues. I have 2 Michaels stores nearby - one of which I don't care for, the other has more to choose from. Then there's AC Moore:) ...very nice. There's also a JoAnnes...but a bit further and in a congested area, so I haven't been there yet. Now that my nearby Rag Shop has gone out of business I may have to go there, though - a great place for fabric, from what I've heard.

I miss the good old days: when I was first starting crochet Target stores had so much to choose from:manyheart

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How do I go about complaining to my Walmart - our craft and yarn dept is almost non exixstant in the last month - I am so disgusted - and also the fabric is diminished!

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our older WM still has a very large craft section fabric and all I keep waiting for them to start clearing it out and hoping they don't WE had two new supercenters built in the last year and they both have craft sections albeit much smaller.

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Nothing's happened at the Wal-Marts I usually go to yet (both Supercenters), but I'm dreading that it might. I don't mind ordering online, but I like to go pet the yarn. :lol And honestly, their selection is almost as good (and if you're looking for affordable, maybe better) than either Michaels near me. And now Michaels is totally resetting, so who knows what that'll look like when it's done...


Wal-Mart seems to be making a lot of changes that I don't think will work out for them in the long run. My folks love to fish, and they used to buy most of their gear there, and they say that they've cut *that* section down to just about nothing recently. It's a real shame. :ohdear

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Before my WM became a super store we had a whole wall of yarn.

Now we have on row of yarn. It was so much nicer when they had more yarn!!!

I use to go there and get my yarn for projects but now I have to go across town to Joanne's.

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Same here. when I lived in WA the yarn section there was huge, an entire wall of yarn, then they remodeled so it shrunk, then it shrunk some more. Now here in Katy, with this ginormous wal-mart all they have consists of half a row of yarn, no tapestry needles, no ring markers, hardly any hooks. it's bad enough they took away layaway, now they are taking away the crafting section too. makes me very sad.

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I went to our brand-new WM Superstore last night to see what they had and pick up some yarn for a baby afghan. They had less than a half row of yarn. The beading section was almost twice the size and the scrapbooking section was an entire row. JoAnn's is reducing the yarn they have too. Michaels and Hobby Lobby are an hour away.


We have a nice LYS, but it's pricey.


I guess I'll be working from my stash for a while--which I should do anyway! LOL

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Our Walmart is still stocked as much as ever but it has never been my favorite place for yarn (or anything else, except paper and cleaning products).

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Our Wal-Mart in Campbellsville,KY recently did a major remodoel and did away with the material and patterns and downsized a lot in the arn department. I asked what we could do about it and they told me to go to Wal-Mart.com and voice my opinion. A lot of people in our town did that but it didn't make any difference. They still did what they wanted. It made me feel like us little people do not really have a voice when big business makes up their mind on what they think will increase their sales.

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I also used to visit my local WM for supplies but now they are "Super Centering" it and it looks like the craft dept will be 86'd or at least minimized. They have to make room for groceries, after all, since there are only about 5000 Publix and Krogers in our area. :(


Not that their yarn selection was ever that great, but it was very convenient. They also had yard goods (same story) and sewing notions. If I needed something in the middle of a project, I could run to WM and get my zippers, buttons, thread, etc. They had even had a fair selection of pattern books. In all, they were like a mini-Michaels right down the street from me.


But IMO, Michaels selections aren't that great either. They have all the acrylic baby yarn you could ever want and plenty of cheap novelty yarn. But they don't carry nicer yarns and they stopped carrying Cebelia thread. I guess it is all about supply and demand - still it is disappointing.


My local Hobby Lobby is my last re***e. They actually carry better supplies than Michaels or WM ever did. They have a few nicer yarns and plenty of supplies including yard goods. But I still buy 90% of my yarn online - Herrschners or Joann's usually. Because no matter how much yarn my LYS has, chances are it doesn't have EXACTLY what I want for any particular project. Heck with gas $3/gal it is cheaper to have it delivered anyway.

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