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I did it!!!

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Hi everyone!


I just joined this site yesterday, It's great!! and everyone is so friendly...well with a little help from some posts I had been reading here and on Knittinghelp.com (yes I knit) I have finally gotten the hang of crochet. For whatever reason I just couldn't get it before it always looked funky and I gave up.


Well I am 1/2 way through my first dishcloth, using sc and hdc stitches....it's funny because you can actually see where my tension changes...hmmm...I really need to work on that...


So I just wanted to share with folks who know what I'm talking about..:lol


Don't tell but I even brought it to work...it's under my desk....:P


I must be crazy .....lol

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That's great! I am a knitter too and do a little bit of crochet but am learning more. I love it! It's like a whole new addiction, but you already have most of the supplies :devil

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yeah now the new problem is my daughter who is 6 wants to knit or crochet so badly...but I am such a bad teacher.....so I'm thinking that I will let her watch the videos that helped me and see if she can pick it up that way...this way I can just help instead of teach...does that make sense...

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yeah now the new problem is my daughter who is 6 wants to knit or crochet so badly...but I am such a bad teacher.....so I'm thinking that I will let her watch the videos that helped me and see if she can pick it up that way...this way I can just help instead of teach...does that make sense...


Do you have a Michaels or JoAnns around you? Maybe you can take a class on crochet. Or another idea is to check with a local crochet group and see if someone can help you and your daughter. Maybe with your local LYS. Also, at nursing homes that are many wonderful people who know how to crochet and are lonely.

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Welcome to the addiction and the site. Stashing your work under your desk is just the start of it. It's when you start walking down the street while crocheting that you know you're truely addicted :devil


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Great idea! I never thought of encouraging folks to go to nursing homes to learn our beloved craft!! :lol


I'm so glad your dd wants to learn at age 6! I was beggiing my mom to teach me, and she wouldn't until I was 9 (some 20 years ago ;-)). I think you'd be doing the right thing by showing her the videos and books you used to learn, if you're not confident enough yet with your own skill. Hey, think of it this way: it could be a bonding moment/experience with your daughter as you learn together. ;)

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Ok I have re-done what I had already crocheted...lol


I think I did have the stitch count messed up that's why my sides were angling in.. :)


The good thing that has come of this is that my tension has improved very much, I found a different way of making my chain that makes it more consistent, and my stitch definition is there...yay!!!


Ok when I chain 10, I will only have 9 stitches to crochet for each row, for the pattern that I am making correct?


I have come to this because I have chained, 10, 16, 21, 26, etc. ( I have ripped my work any times. lol) and when I go back and count I always have one less than I chained.


Thanks again for all the help...now I'll go make the real thing...my poor yarn...lol

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Ok when I chain 10, I will only have 9 stitches to crochet for each row, for the pattern that I am making correct?


I have come to this because I have chained, 10, 16, 21, 26, etc. ( I have ripped my work any times. lol) and when I go back and count I always have one less than I chained.



Yep, with sc and hdc you will end up with one less than your chain number. It is actually a good thing that you figured this out already. Makes life easier as you progress.


It would be neat if you could find a class for you and your daughter together. i think it helps kids to know that mommies have to learn things too.

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Bwa ha ha, we've hooked another one to the dark side!:hook


Practice makes perfect, I'm glad you are having fun! On top of that, it's a great stress reliever, so maybe taking it to work for breaktime isn't such a bad idea.


We'll be looking forward to your pieces in Show and Tell soon!:)

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Kudos to you for learning!! I only Crochet, but I desperately want to learn to actually knit something. I've got the basic stitches down pat, but I seem to keep dropping stitches and ending up with extra stitches that I have no clue on how I even got them, and it all becomes one big mess and I just give up trying.


....one of these days tho!



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:clap :clap :clap !!! That is wonderful...I am pretty-much self-taught in everything I do...it is such a good feeling when I "finallly get it"!!! Thanks for sharing!




Hi There ! Welcome from Maggie in Stoneboro, PA!

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Welcome! Many of us are self-taught--I have never attended a class. I had a little instruction as a child, but have gotten the rest of it from books and websites. I'm a bookworm, so I have lots of them. I would recommend Stitch and B*tch The Happy Hooker or Crocheting for Dummies. They not only have beginner and intermediate information, but neat projects to make. Enjoy your new addiction!

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