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My super good friend is going to Iraq in Feb. and I want to make him something to take with him.

He's a blackhawk pilot and I found this pattern


My question is, what size blanket should I make? I dont want to make him this huge blanket that will be too much for him to take.


Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.:hug

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Twin size is the best, if he gets a bed or even a cot it will fit the bed great. I made a blanket for my dh before he deployed last year and everyone with him loved it.

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I belong to several support groups and every Winter we have been sewing, crocheting or knitting "cot" blankets for the troops in the Sandbox. The most popular size has been 48" x 72". That gives a little "tuck in" room on either side.

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i would actually only send a lapghan. they have limited space and wieght when they ship out. I know hubby would rather have room for some entertaining stuff to put in his packs and back packs. UNLESS you mail it to him then a twin size would be great for his cot

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Actually.....in the news I read a very polite thank you and request from a military guy to all the people who have been sending knitted and crocheted items to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan......the request was to stop sending these items....they are lovely but not useful and practical there....the climate and the weight of the items makes them a hassle to deal with. Most troops are too polite to tell you that, though.....but it's the reality.

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Actually.....in the news I read a very polite thank you and request from a military guy to all the people who have been sending knitted and crocheted items to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan......the request was to stop sending these items....they are lovely but not useful and practical there....the climate and the weight of the items makes them a hassle to deal with. Most troops are too polite to tell you that, though.....but it's the reality.



Yes this is true. They have very limited space and when they move they have to carry all their gear. These afghans and blankets are too big. The other thing that has been brought up is that the Acrylic is dangerous for our troops. All of their gear and uniforms are flame retardent. Most requests for beanies and helmet caps are that they be 100%wool (superwash). Not only is it warmer in the winter, but it is cooler in the summer and if it comes in contact with flame it is self extinguishing and will not melt and burn the skin.

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Ok another lady is thinking about doing the same thing you are and here is what I do for DH when he goes on a journey.........



ok so this may sound sily BUT here goes. What about a little amigrumi animal? He can carry it in his pocket and know that you are always thinking of him. It can go anywhere with him and see the world.


I know sounds kinda dorky but they need to have something to lol at while away. Something that can give a tiny bit of home when they need it most. And a tiny animal would do just that. My DH has been doing this for years (the military thing) and for EVERY trip (mine is ARMY special forces so he is gone A LOT) I send a tiny something from home to remind him what he is doing this for and that there is aways someone at home who loves him and prays for him many many times a day. The trip he is on now I did make him peggytoes lil monkey. He said that he has carried that !@#$ monkey everywhere with him this trip and it gives him a reminder of home and that no matter where he is he knows that he is close to my heart and I cloxe to his. So that would be my suggestion for you.


They are tiny and can be put in his pocket. Because there are days when they get so lonely and sad that they just need a "hug" from home. And the little things that I send with DH do that for him. Once I had surgery right before he left and I didn't send anything with him he said that was the most lonely trip that he has had in a long time. The little things that I send with him can always fit into his pocket and they come home looking like the need a new home cause they are so worn out BUT I know that they are loved and needed while he is away.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I talked to my friend about this and he said he could take whatever he wants, including the helicopter blanket Im going to make.

So, if you want to make something, you should ask before youre discouraged!

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