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i lost them!

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i have lost all my crochet hooks! i have been looking for them and have no clue where they are. i know i didn't throw them away but where did i leave them???? they are in the house somewhere.... but where... ???


it's bad because i'm dying to try a new pattern: "Beth"s little star Afghan". but i can't without H-O-O-K-S!!!


where do you keep yours???? do you loose them too? if you were to say.... loose them,lol, ... where would you look?


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Sometimes..ok... Alot Of Times I Put Things Away So That I Know Where They Are And Then I Forget Where That Was. Silly Sounding, Check Like The Top Of The Fridge, Or Cabinet You Never Know!!!

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What was the last thing you worked on? Could it be with that project, or the scraps? It sounds to me like you have to run to the store and buy some more. Preferably 2 of each so you won't lost them again.:devil It's a good excuse to go to the yarn store!!!

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I've lost my hooks so many times... I just go to the store and buy new ones. LOL. That is why I have soooooo many hooks right now. I eventually find them. Do you have a cat? Mine likes to play with my hooks. Hope you find them soon.

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My hooks sit in a case next to my seat. I do not move them. I have a back up set in a drawer in the room with all my dolls and yarn.

Like Felixlake, if I do lose one, I go buy not one, but at least 2. Then I find the ones I lost and now I have 4.:rofl

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I have my hooks with the foam cushions in a giant coffee mug (Hairdressers are shear pleasure), I have my hooks without the foam cushions in a purple case, I have Amber's hooks in a hard backed case that's lost at the moment (it's ok - they're boye hooks)


I just found her new G hook in her sleepover backpack. lol


I have my jimbo hooks in individual cases hanging from the side table I keep next to me, and ***'t odds and ends that I find under the couch cushions, with projects, under the car seats (you know - the important hide-away places that they always seem to land in lol.


i'm pathetic and NO I don't want an intervention.

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mine come up missing all the time tends to be the :cats in my house they think they want to learn but i cant get them past the chain row oh well they make great toys for them but i have at least 3 sets of hooks in all sizes just in case
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i am obsessed with my hooks and odds and ends bag. i take it everywhere i go even to work. they laugh but i never loose my hooks and i will always have them. my husband says in case of fire always grab moms crochet bag FIRST. I have just started buying wooden hooks and i dont know what i will do about those!!!

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I'm going to have to show dh this thread LOL. He thinks I have too many hooks. My DD is trying to learn, so she will sometimes sneak my hooks (and yarn ) away from where I keep them. I keep my hooks, and case on the end table next to my spot on the couch.

I would aggree to look at the store for your hooks, if possible. I'm SURE you'll find them there LOL. If not, I'd check with your stash. I agree about cleaning. I know my stuff might look a mess, but it's organized chaos. I know exactly where everything is at, and that is all that matters, right?

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I have 2 sets of aluminum hooks (well, 3 actually). I have one complete set in a mesh pencil holder next to my chair, I have a complete set in a leather case I take with me in my crochet bag, and i have a set put up in case I lose the travel case set.


I only have one steel hook, and that is also in the mesh pencil holder. I love the pencil holder. It is square with 4 compartments in it. I have my scissors and needles in 1, small hooks in 1, larger hooks in 1, and my plastic hooks (which I hardly use) in 1. I like it so much, I bought a second one :lol


Hobby Lobby has their hooks 50% off this week, so I bought some Clover Soft Touch hooks today. I'm going to try them out here in a little while. If I like them, I am going back tomorrow to get the other sizes.

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I have one complete set in a mesh pencil holder next to my chair, I love the pencil holder. It is square with 4 compartments in it. I have my scissors and needles in 1, small hooks in 1, larger hooks in 1, and my plastic hooks (which I hardly use) in 1. I like it so much, I bought a second one :lol


that is a great idea! i have a few fat hooks, with no place to put them in, they get lost, i'll have to get a pencil case thing for them! awesome idea! thanks, lol.

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Either look way down inside of the chair you used them in... or see if a family member thought the case was something else and put it up where you wouldn't think to look.

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Many times when I crochet the chair I sit it seems to eat them right up.

The last time I lost one even when I turned the chair upside down it wouldn't

come out but my daughter kept shaking in we heard it rattling and had to pry it loose. If I lost a whole case of them I would start looking on the floor in back of me where I keep all my crochet stuff like books, yarn, patterns etc.

It's always a mess back there.

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I must have 3 full sets of the hooks I use the most... one "lives" in my project bag, one lives in the "tool box" and another lives in the yarn stash... just in case... one of the spares was my main set, and it got lost (left at a friend's house, who then said they hadn't seen it, and 3 months later after visiting WEEKLY it was suddenly "Is this YOURS???" )

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my truck at my friends crochet hook. She crochets on the way to and from work, she dropped it one day, and we heard it hit the floorboard. But have never found it and i've clean the truck at least 3 times since then.


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I recently bought a plastic pencil box that kids use at school to keep al my hooks in.


My project bag set, and my "spare that was the main set that was lost" are packed in separate pencil cases like that. I have a fabric (kimono fabric) pencil case in my "toolbox" kit for the ones in there.

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my truck at my friends crochet hook. She crochets on the way to and from work, she dropped it one day, and we heard it hit the floorboard. But have never found it and i've clean the truck at least 3 times since then.



I have dropped mine when we travel and you can't see it but when you open the door it falls out on the ground......must fall just right on the edge of the door frame......maybe that is what happened to yours:eek



I have hundreds of hooks, and I mean hundreds, some good some not so good. Most I keep in a jar in the spare room at home, I also have some in a coffee cup at the cabin and in the motorhome I have them in a hook case I bought at Joanns. They are also in WIP. I have a couple of favorites that I tend to keep a close eye on.....

I use really old hooks, and one time I was working on a tablecloth and lost my hook, the new hooks wouldn't work as the shaft was too big, anyway, I looked :think and looked :think for my hook. I finally found it hooked on the lace tablecloth :eek that was on the table, I must have dropped the hook or knocked it off and instead of hitting the floor it caught in the lace.....didn't find it until I went to take the tablecloth off....:hook

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