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Do your friends and family appreciate your crochet gifts?

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:manyheart I know what you mean. Some people don't like to receive crochet things for gifts but then there are others who keep requesting those popular crocheted slippers! My MIL doesn't like to receive crocheted things except for the boa I made her out of fun fur because she is of the opinion that homemade things aren't soft enough. It's their loss. I made my son and DIL a granny square afghan for Christmas last year and they love it! I'm making another granny square afghan for my uncle as a surprise because he has been so good to me and my family and when he hinted that he'd like one I thought I'd surprise him. Just about 20 more squares to go and then finish sewing together and crochet an edge around it. :flower
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Alllll...I hope you are not discourage anymore and found yourself renewed since you have received so many replies.


I know how you feel. I have been yarn crafting for most of my life. When I was in my 20's a lot of people I knew made fun of me for doing it. It really hurt my feelings telling me I was too young to crochet my life away so I gave very few presents at this time. Now I am almost 50 and people still make stupid comments to me. Only this time, they say that I must have too much time on my hands to spend my time doing my crafty projects. I am a SAHM who enjoys crocheting/knitting etc rather than house cleaning (which I hurry up and get it over with so I can make my crafts).


I know people who think crafts are a cheap present but there are many who know I put myself into each stitch and if that piece is a gift, part of me goes into that gift. You are an artist in every sense of the word and don't you forget that! This is the reason you get your feelings hurt. Anyone can buy a present but not everyone can make a present. We as a society have lost this art of giving. Even holidays are all about finding that perfect store gift card. Don't get me wrong, I love the gift cards that come from craft stores, lol and I make that known!


I pick and choose whom I give my crafts. I often give dishcloths to people when they hit a hard time in their lives. It makes me feel good to do something when you don't know what to do or say. That is becoming my trademark and now I have them coming back to see what else I make.


The summer before the millenium celebration, I canned so many fruits, jellies, jams, and butters that I decided to make up each family a large tote of these for a xmas present. I thought it was rather funny since so much was being said about how bad things would be at the beginning of 2000. Was it cheap? No, besides my time it was very expensive. Of the 4 big totes I made up, only my niece said she loved it and brought back the jars so I would do it again. Now, who do you think I would make something else for?


Last year, when my niece was pregnant, I knitted/crocheted for 6 months. She had a huge bag of blankets, sweaters, hats, toys. For her, I would do it all over again! So you see, people do love what we can do!

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Thank you all so much :yay this really means a lot to me. Now that I have all of you and my fiance's support I feel I can do anything. I know I m not going to waste my time making something for someone who won t appreciate it :) I know that I will find people who will like them in the future :) Thank you all for your support.

I will definetely not give up any of my crafts, cause I also draw and paint :manyheart

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I think I've experienced the opposite of most of you. Most friends and co-workers really appreciate the gifts I give, but family seems to think it's either a waste of time, or it's just "expected" of me to do something. My mother constantly puts me down for crocheting; says I don't have enough "real work" to do. My dad actually appreciates what I do (even hid some yarn for me). But most of my relatives don't appreciate the work that goes into it. I know it's stupid to expect a thank you for something, but like a while ago, I made this really beautiful blanket (it's in another post around here), and the relative I gave it to just said "thanks" and moved on to the next gift. That was fine, but I kind of expected a little more, you know, even though it's supposed to be about you giving, not expecting praise or thanks. :)


My mother was at the same shower, and said "you should have kept that for yourself." :) Mom actually did like that crocheted item, even if she hates everything else. Oh, well, I can only hope that it gets used.


Like others have said, I think I've started to learn who not to waste my time on.

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Hi Maria


I too have famliy members that think a "shop bought present" was the only way to go UNTIL....they saw a few of my afghans..........I usaually make them bright funky colours.... update the look alittle and low and behold...the "orders have come flooding in........


So now most of my family appericate my time effort and skills....I think it will take a little time but they will come around too....


Good luck with your crochet projects and happy stitching!!!!!!!



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Dont let anyone discourage you in your endevours. I have been lucky (or dense) as well.Anything I have crocheted has started out assomething for myself - like when Iwas about 11 and ponchosand berets were the fashion so I made them for my sister and I - next thing people were requesting me to make them for them AND paying me. Then when Ihad my children I made christening shawl,cape, cardis etc and the next thing requests again flowed in. Currently make personalised afghans and cant keep up with the demand - so I feel very blessed. Just stick to your hook girl and enjoy it.

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The best appreciation I ever got was from my mom (who taught me to crochet decades ago)....i made a rather large motif doily and framed it for her for Christmas last year. Wasn't sure how she would react. I knew there was a good chance she'd do a polite smile and move on to the next gift...instead, her eyes bugged out and she said "you made this?!" it's not the main wall decoration of her guest bedroom with my grandmother's antique furniture and other doilies. I couldn't imagine a better compliment to my work.

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You need at least SOME friends who are crafters...

Though my NON-crafty sister is occasionally putting in a request for something (a Jayne hat from firefly, a Slytherin scarf, and so forth...) for upcoming birthdays, holidays whatever.


My mom, who is a skilled seamstress doesn't really "get" either my crochet or knit work... but is getting to sort of respect it, now that I'm making a business as a "Fiber artist".


My Daughter is one of my Biggest Fans... she's 20 years old, and has about 5 of my amigurumi, one or two she commissioned from me, and a couple she just claimed. :)


so mileage varies... I guess it's a case of the right gift for the giftee... but it's nice to have friends or family who go "Wow, that's really cool..."

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I have to admit that I was worried about what my in-laws would think. We visited this last week and I brought some small things that I had made. I was surprised by their reactions. They were all really positive.

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I have to admit that I was worried about what my in-laws would think. We visited this last week and I brought some small things that I had made. I was surprised by their reactions. They were all really positive.


I am that lucky too :) I have made some things for my soon to be mother in law and she loved them :clap

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Years ago when I first started to crochet, it was just something to fill down time at work (overnight shifts). I'd make an afghan or scarf-n-hat set and then figure out who to give it to. Now for me it's become an art. As my skills developed and I worked on more challenging projects, I crocheted more and more for myself. At that point, I had many people approaching me to make something for them. I don't like to mass produce, I like the challenge of working a pattern and then move on to something else. As a result, I find that not only family and friends but even strangers admire my work and have expressed interest in something that I've made. Usually I respond with, you buy the yarn and I'll make it, and the serious ones will. I do crochet for my son, daughter-in-law and grandson but only special items and I keep in mind their tastes and style.


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I've stopped making things for people other than me and my daughter. I don't have that much spare time so I don't see why I should spend weeks making something that another person has no understanding at all at how long it took and how much effort (and the cost of nice yarns). Seriously they should be thrilled at the sentiment, because it would be so much easier to spend $20 in five seconds at a store. So I keep my craft to myself, except I do want to start doing little hats and booties for the local hospital for newborns.




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I have only given two crochet things as gifts...a purse to my MIL for mother's day....and she still has never used it. But i'm not going to let it bug me. It did alot at first, but whatever, I LOVED it and was very proud of it and that's all that really matters. The second thing I gave was a baby outfit for my SMIL's new daughter. My FIL really liked it. Most of my family see crocheting as a waste of time saying that i'm a "90 year old stuck in a 20 year old's body" and i should be going out instead of staying home crocheting/crafting...and this is mostly coming from my GRANDMA! Luckily, my fiance is completely supportive of me, i think because the reason we met was because of crocheting. He saw me making something at school and asked me about it. The rest is history lol

What really matters is what you think about your work

because that's what it is, it's hard work

but it's work we love doing. So just keep going and let the mean comment go in one ear and out the other

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Well heres my favorite saying For every action there is a reaction good or bad Well Im a mother of eight and grandma to 18 grand kids and at one time each has gotten something crocheted . As all my friend and family know what I do and that is crochet my daughter and I sell our stuff in craft shows so I am always at my kitchen table crochetig ad they know do not touch.most have apprecated what they get some do but I dont care . You oughta see what they get me for xmas ad moms day and birthdays. they ask me what I want and I tell them a gift card from wal mart or hobby lobby would be nice ad what do I get a night gown.lol so It seems to work outI take it back and buy yarn lol. heck they never see me in it any way Ive got more nightgowns now then Ill ever wear . I so very sorry that you were so hurt by your friends words because crocheting is a great art and you should be proud of the talent you have nideed do set up at craft shows and sell your crocheted items Tip every one loves a baby the either have one gonna get one or know someone who has one babys come in all sizes so what ever you make it will fit someone then tell them your in the sellig bussiess ot the give away bussiess. show them what your are makig and if they say they like it you tell them its for sell. go to dollar tree buy them a gift and see how they like that you just keep on crocheting it is a great get away from alot of pressure and try ow to give your beautiful things away to those who do ot appr. them birthday comes around baby gets a onsie in a ice box.

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my sister just turned 18 for a few months she thought my crochet was stupid it wasn't untill recently that she had shown any interest in it and now she is learning I made her a gahn for xmas last year and she was thrilled and now my father has taken it over even though it is purple lol. I also made one for my fiances aunt she went totaly nuts over it she coudln't believe that I had made the time to make it for her cause I made her one that I had to weave in a but load of chains (A tartan). I plan on making one for my fiances other aunt this xmas and for my father this xmas too. I am making one for my mother just on general your my mommy principal lol. I have never had anyone not be happy with something I gave them. I also have 2 babys to make blankets for and both of the expectant mommys loved the stuff I got at my baby shower so I know they will be happy with what I make for them. I know there are a few people that I wouldn't make stuff for becuase I know they just wouldn't like it or appreciate it and I don't feel the need to waste my time making stuff for people that don't really want it I would rather make it for charity or someone that wants it. (the past 2 weeks I have had 6 of my friends and 2 of my sisters friends come up to me and ask me to teach them to crochet. I had to set up a weekly crochet night at my house so my aunt and I could teach them all. My sister is currently working on her first gahn. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to share that with my friends and family.

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My sister is a knitter, my Mom is an artist, and I think every woman in my family handmakes something. My husband LOVES to show off his beer koozies and all his friends ask for them. I like to make fun stuff for my friends and my daughter and they ask for more. My sister and I trade knitted wears for crocheted ones all the time.


So I guess what I'm saying is, Yes, everyone loves a hand made gift and is appreciative. But I didn't realize until now that I know who wouldn't appreciate my gifts so I've never made anything for my MIL.:devil

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