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I am on cloud nine

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I am picking this lovely wool up in the morning. I will never have to buy wool ever again. I couldn`t sleep last night and found this on ebay. I am going to dive into it the only problem is how do I hide 85 cones of wool from my fella lol. (he doesn`t understand my addiction). going to set off under the cover of darkness and try to be back before he gets up.

Thank you in advance for looking I just had to tell someone. Love to you all Sian xxxxxxxxxxxx

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Great Haul! Hide it under the bed, stuffed in pillows he doesn't use, shoe boxes, behind the frying pans, behind the towels and linens, stuff it into your coat pockets in the hall closet, purses you are not using, toes of shoes (helps if you've got big feet), trunk of your car (spare tire carrier is a good place) . . . . . I'd be on cloud 9 too!

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Well I had to pick my friend up from work, bless her she has epilepsy and was heading towards having a fit so while she was in a confused state I asked her to hide it for me for a few weeks. She agreed, then I showed her, she still didn`t back out of her promise but she smiled and shook her head. I told my fella after saying how hard I had been working cleaning house and his slippers were out ready and I was safe having a friend with me lol. he wasn`t able to have a stroppy do while she was there feeling ill.

He told me how he wanted to spend £700 on a flat screen telly and before I was saying things like do you really want to spend that much, well last night I said well I love you and who am I to tell you what to spend your hard earned money on sweet. then as he was smiling i told him I had bought a few balls of wool and had to go pick it up from across the country. in the west I am in the east lol. he went quiet and said how much. I decided to be honest and say the whole amount 85 cones. he went quiet but said "how much did you spend on that!" I said about £50 but I wouldnt need to buy wool ever again. he quickly got over it and asked for the address so he could put it in the sat nav. I am not sure if he knows what cones are and I will be driving 130 miles to pick it up this morning woot woot. so I was honest with him.

Thanks for the comments. I will be smiling today

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:drool:faint I have never seen so much all in one place, am sooo jealous :D good luck on the hiding it from the other half. tempted to say hahaha that's what you get for being so darn lucky and getting such a great haul! of course you will buy more. this "i will never need to buy again" wont last long :lol
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what a find...my dh sometimes get grouchy about the yarn too but then all i have to do is start talking about his cast iron cookware collection for camping and he changes the subject...haha great score...

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I decided not to hide it BUT he hasn`t actualy seen it yet. It is at my mates house. I have decided to keep the best then sell the others I won`t be able to use on ebay. So I think I will make the money back what I paid for it so if you like it is free wool.

most of it is 2, 3 and 4ply which I can double up to make blankets the one ply will be suitable for machine knitting only. I will give it till wednesday I think when he is at work and get the others listed and the ones I can use stashed in the bedroom.

thanks for the lovely comments. its funny how he gets upset over little bundles of wool and this huge stash he is interested in how much but not upset lol. I will never figure it out. take care all Sian xxx

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I decided not to hide it BUT he hasn`t actualy seen it yet. It is at my mates house. I have decided to keep the best then sell the others I won`t be able to use on ebay. So I think I will make the money back what I paid for it so if you like it is free wool.

most of it is 2, 3 and 4ply which I can double up to make blankets the one ply will be suitable for machine knitting only. I will give it till wednesday I think when he is at work and get the others listed and the ones I can use stashed in the bedroom.

thanks for the lovely comments. its funny how he gets upset over little bundles of wool and this huge stash he is interested in how much but not upset lol. I will never figure it out. take care all Sian xxx

why is 1 ply only good for machine knitting? couldnt you use it as a blending filament with DK or just crochet it like thread? i've never seen 1ply or 2ply for that matter but I know i'd find a way to use it :D

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where there is a will there is a way ;) and as someone who has to make the most of what I can get my hands on I find lots of ways!!! :lol

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