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63 Squares Crochet Along


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you know, it's funny, but the first few squares I did came out too big and I couldn't get them any smaller. So I just decided to have 7 3/4" squares and leave it at that. Now that I've done several, I'm having them come out to about 7-7 1/4" and I want them bigger! lol The one I was working on last night kept measuring small, but I finished it anyway and after I added the sc edging, it was in the right range.

I've also used the trick of adding another round of sc to bring the size up, it's just a pain when you've done the 'hard' work and expect it to come out right and you have to make adjustments.

Let's keep at it, ladies--it'll be worth it in the end! I love the recent picture with the shades of green, that was just gorgeous! (sorry I forget who posted it! :blush)

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Thanks all for the compliments.


Gauge was also one of the biggest issues I had. I just made sure to check my gauge early on each square. Good thing I own a nice selection of hook sizes 'cause I ended up using several different hooks to get each square somewhat similar in size.

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You know, I started this afghan several times, and each time I quit because of guage problems. It became no fun at all!


I have started it again. This time, however, I am using a G hook for every square. However it turns out is how it turns out. I am a lot more relaxed. I am using scrap yarn for the squares, with an orange border.

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That sounds like a really great idea. When I get frustrated with the gauge thing, I put it down and work on another afghan for a few days. I find that's helping a lot.

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Well, I've been working my little fingers off since Saturday, and I now have 45 squares completed and joined. :) Now that it's really starting to look like a blanket, I can see the finish line. I think it really does help to join these strips as you complete them. When you see them coming together it makes you feel like you're really getting somewhere and that encourages you not to quit. Plus, I don't have to worry about labeling the squares in order to get them in the right place after they're all done. Even within one strip there are some squares that look alike, so labeling would have been a must otherwise.


The steam blocking is making a huge difference with the gauge issues. Hopefully the squares won't go back to their original shape when I wash the afghan. I don't think that will happen with acrylic, as I've blocked scarves that stayed blocked after washing.

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Hello all!


I have been absent from the 'ville now for a few months due to the demands of life and motherhood. (Don't ask...just chalk it up to 4 active kids, 1 destructive dog, 1 overworked husband, too many volunteer activities, and owning my own business...:eek ). I am FINALLY seeing the light at the end of this tunnel and of course, wanted to pick up my yarn and hooks first thing!


I have had this book for SO LONG and totally forgot about it until browsing around the 'ville today. So, I am jumping in with you if you would like some additional company! I have some Caron SS yarn I bought about 3 years ago that I never did anything with that has been just biding its time sitting in my yarn stash waiting for it to be called into action. Well, now is the time! :hook


Looking forward to working along with all of you!

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Hey, Podger1! :hi Hope you have fun with this. Make sure you've got a lot of yarn, because this pattern really eats it up.


54 squares joined here, and another 6 completed for the final strip. Just three to go!:bounce


Thankfully, the last few vertical columns have had easier patterns than the first ones did. I can hardly wait to put that final stitch in the border. At this rate, that may be on Sunday.

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Sue that is great. Your really moving on it. I've gotten 36 squares done now. I have to put it aside to work on a gift but after that's finished I'm off to buy more yarn for this blanket to get it finished.

Podger, welcome to the CAL. I can't wait to see what colors your using.

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Thanks for the welcome everyone! :)


I am using an old stash of Red Heart Soft that I'm not even sure if they still make anymore. I am using 4 colors - a tan, a gold, a rust, and a muted green. The colors match my couch and family room perfectly (why I picked them out many moons ago!)...so I am happy that they have finally found out what they want to be when the grow up!


I am also having the gauge issues that I have read many of you had. I am just starting and making several rows and measuring and if it doesn't get close to 7in, then I FROG and start over. Ugh! I ended up using a J hook for the sc square to get it to come out to 7 inches!


One other thing - I originally thought I would go through the book in order (the way my anal retentive brain works I guess)..e.g....doing square #1, square #2, etc. Well, that's BORING! Especially at the first when the stitches are so basic. So, I have switched now to working the squares of one column, then will sew them together, before going on to the next. A little bit of variety to spice up my life I guess! Plus, I won't have to worry so much about labeling them with the correct number.


It is a fun project though and very portable! Easy to pull out when waiting on kids in the carpool line or at doctor's offices, etc. and work a few rows. Never have figured out how to do that with a huge afghan!

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:jumpyay I'm finished! :woo


I worked all weekend and finished this at around 5:30 this morning, and celebrated by spreading it over my bed and going to sleep. It's the same size as my twin comforter.




Podger1, that's how I worked on mine (column by column) and I really think it helps. When you're able to sew them together right away, you really feel like you're getting somewhere.


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Thanks, everybody. :) The yarn was Red Heart Super Saver in the color "buff." I bought 11 of their 7 ounce skeins, but ended up using about 9 and a half of those.


I've never done a CAL before, and it was fun checking in here while I worked on this. I feel like I also improved my stitching. For example, I learned that when it says "pull up a loop" it means really pull up that loop (to the level of the last stitch). In the past I would only pull the loop through rather than actually pulling it up, and then I'd wonder why my gauge was always shorter vertically than it was supposed to be. Once I got the hang of that I noticed that I didn't have to switch hook sizes as often when starting new squares.

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I really like it in one color. I've never done a blanket or a cal, but this thread is 223 pages... so, is it too late to start? Also the join form doesn't seem to work. hmm hmm hmm

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