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Where's the Strangest Place You've Ever Hooked?

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I knew it - I'm not the only bathroom hooker around here !!! :)


I am starting to be suspicious about what my husband is doing in there so long. I often tease him about doing it to get away from me. But today I was looking in my yarn closet and the stash seemed lower than I remembered. Maybe he has been closet bathroom crocheting.

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I knew it - I'm not the only bathroom hooker around here !!! :)


I am so enjoying hearing about the places where we do our hook thing. And to see that I either have or would crochet in just about all of these places really puts a smile on my face. :c9 For example, the doctor's office is a definite. There's no way I'm going to waste all of that time either in the waiting room or on the examining table waiting when I could be working on my current crochet project. I would LOVE to try crocheting in the bathroom, but either my hands are in water or otherwise occupied, and nothing else I do in there keeps me long enough to even think about working a stitch or two. :blush

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  • 3 months later...



In the bathroom. (I was sitting on the toilet, keeping an eye on my little cousin's bath. She's old enough to bathe herself, but young enough that if she's alone we're just SURE she's drowned.)


On the way to school. (My mother has to drive me... I fall asleep on long rides)


During church/ at a funeral.

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Ok mine aren't strange...I don't think but here is my list.



-In the car (not driving)

-In bed

-Sitting in front of the computer

-In doctor's waiting rooms

-Outside laying on a hammock

-Outside sitting in a lawn chair at sundown waiting for our power to come back on

-While boatriding

-At MIL's house

-On vacation in the hotel room

-Sitting by the pool

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I have crocheted in the bathroom. There are times when that is the only quiet place in the house. And who's going to begrudge you a trip to the bathroom or question why you've been in there so long!

:lol thats funny but the bathroom is not so quiet with two :cat :cat sitting on the window watching your every move. I evven have to share a bath and shower with one or the other of them.

I have actually crocheted on a float in the pool, the kids were all gone and I was alone on a large floating "Island" and i crocheted some washcloths/dishcloths

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I've crocheted just about everywhere I've been, but I can't remember crocheting in the bathroom! :lol


Some people might think these places are strange, but obviously the people here don't!


scout meetings

football games

track meets

basketball games

volleyball games

red lights

sunday school

pta meetings

parking lots waiting for kids

drive throughs waiting for my food


(Dang! Can you tell I have kids by that list????)


Really - just about everywhere. I'm so used to carrying something with me that it doesn't seem strange to pull out my crochet. I always miss it if I don't bring it along! I've gotten some strange looks from time to time, though.

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The ER in a Chicago Hospital. It's just as exciting as it looks on TV, too! The afghan's not looking to bad, but I can tell the squares made with the drunk leaning on my shoulder!

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I think the strangest place I ever crocheted was in a row boat while my husband was fishing.. he wanted me to go but I did not want to fish... I think I was making pot scrubbies out of nylon netting...


I also have hooked in most all those other places too ..I've never been to an airport.

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