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Sweater for 3-legged puppy

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A while back I had posted in the "seeking patterns section", asking if anyone had an idea of how to make a sweater for a 3-legged dog (missing a foreleg). Gizmo came to our clinic after being hit by a car and his "family" abandoned him there :(. He had extensive damage to one of his front legs and it ended up needing amputation; he also had a broken jaw and contusions on his lungs. But, with his incredible spirit (and his youth, they heal so fast when they are that young!) he came through everything with a wagging tail; he was adopted and is now living the high life in Manhattan :bounce


Because of the missing foreleg, on walks he often lays down rather than sit when you stop at a crosswalk, etc. In the winter that can be very chilly! Hence my idea to make him a modified sweater. I've actually never made a sweater, or even done armhole shaping, so it was extra-wonderful when Shelle stepped in and offered to make him a special sweater! THANK YOU SHELLE!!!! I delivered the sweater to him and his new dad this past weekend--it's gorgeous, fits wonderfully, and of course he is very handsome in it! Giz is a very happy, playful dog so taking pictures was a challenge. He either would drop down and wiggle on his back or else try to lick my face when I knelt down with the camera. Here are some photos that document how cute he is and how difficult it is to get a photo!
















Once again, thank you so much Shelle. You are very sweet to make something so special for this little guy!

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Your explanation and the photos really do capture the spirit of this little boy, how lovely. I'm SO glad it all had a happy ending, he certainly looks extremely happy. The coat is very handsome and fits him perfectly!

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What an adorable pup and such a lovely sweater! Yes, Shelle is awesome and amazing and wonderful... and so are you to want to have helped Giz through his trauma and to be able to follow up and see that he's comfortable on this chilly NY winter walks!

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Don't you people kow you're supposed to put a Tissue Needed Warning alert when you write things like this? What a great story! All of you involved (from everyone at the hospital to Shelle) are wonderful! Lucky Gizmo! I am so glad he found his home after such a search. Patty

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Kleenix please!


Great job in taking care of him, getting him his sweater and his new home. Gizmo looks like he really likes that sweater.

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Awwwwwwww, he looks so cute. Such a sweet, adorable face! I'm glad the sweater fits. If he outgrows it, I'll make him another one. Thankyou Paulette (funkyreporter) for telling me about Gizmo. I'm so thrilled to have been a part of this. It warms my heart to know there are so many kind-hearted animal lovers out there. Kudos to your Animal Clinic, Adriann, for stepping in & making it possible for this wonderful dog to have a chance at life. If there's ever another case like this, please let me know. I'd be glad to help again. :manyheart

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