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Purple Dazzle Magic Bag


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Well, I've had this pattern for quite awhile, and stumbled upon some other posts here that use this pattern, and got inspired to do something with the pocket design on my own.


I used Red Heart in Plum and Black and something called Dazzle (so I was told)in a purple color, but not sure who makes it as it was given to me without the label.




(and if clicking on the picture doesn't work, try this link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/raevynnoir/sets/72157600201238804/)


I'm new to using the flickr thing, so not entirely sure if that'll work the way I want it to. Hopefully, if you click on the picture, it'll take you to the 'set' of pictures of the bag with some closeups.


I REALLY need to "de-cat-hair" the bag....

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It's saying the page is currently unavailable. I'll bet it's lovely-from the description, it sounds beautiful :)


Should be fixed now, think you commented as I was fixing. :-P

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Great job! No hiding in the closet for you :)


Heck no - got THAT over and done with about 12 years ago. :-p


The majority of my crocheting has a pagan theme to it - wonderful way for me to express my witchy self. :-P

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great bag, the sparkly stuff really sets it off. i like the flowers you added too :)

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it is really great. And considering i love purple i just fell in love with your bag :) may i ask what pattern you used for it?


The pattern is Victorian Charm - by Lily - and I found it at Michaels near the Sugar and Cream cotton yarn. I think it was $3.95. The pocket, though, is my own chart just done in single crochet.

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I just love this bag!! Great job:yay I will have to keep my eyes peeled for the bag pattern for my sister and myself.

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I love the bag and I love the shawls too. My sister would go crazy for your stuff!

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