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Austria, France, Germany, & Switzerland Flag Bags


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I've made more Flag Bags to go with these and this one.


This time it's Austria, France, Germany, and Switzerland.

(Images are clickable for enlargement).


I was going through my craft boxes and found these patches I'd bought a few years ago to sew on my son's jacket, (which I never did get around to doing). They wound up here in a box. So I thought I'd use them on some new Flag Bags since I hadn't made ones for any of these countries yet.


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Austria's and Germany's were made starting from the top going down to the bottom and back up to the top of the other side since their stripes are horizontal. I made one long continuous piece, repeating the graph twice, (for front and back), using a size H long afghan hook.


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France was done going side to side because of it's verticle stripes. (It was easier for color-changing since I didn't have to worry about having three colors going at one time). These first three measure 7 inches by 10 inches.


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Switzerland was a challenge for me. It's supposed to be a perfect square. Yet, because the afghan stitch is taller than it is wide, it didn't come out as an exact square. It measures 13 inches by 15 inches. All the row counts are exact. It's so frustrating! I also had to use two different reds, (one on each side). But I tried my best.


As always, you can visit my blog for more babble.


I'll be adding these to my Flag Bag Charts page here once I have the time.

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Those are all great!! I may have to do one myself now. Thanks a lot. Just what I need - another project to add to my list.

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Very nice Becks :D you should ask for some patches as RAOK's. Who knows what you would come up with then :U

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you should ask for some patches as RAOK's


:) Well, you know, I was looking at Spain's flag and I think you'd need some type of patch for the coat of arms/crown emblem. Flag of Spain. Even if you had a super-duper embroidery machine that could make that emblem, I don't think it would work on crocheted yarn.

The background stripes would be easy enough to figure out.


Italy's flag would be done the same way as France's flag. Start from the side, do 15 rows of 28 stitches in each color, (green, white, red), then repeat (for the back of the bag). Fold and join sides and bottom.


Now Norway, wow! That would be a challenge!

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I don't think Norway would be that hard... That's the one I think I'll try first! I'll let you know how it goes - if and when I get around to it! lol

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