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Left Handed Crocheters?

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I'm a lefty also. I was taught by a right handed person. I don't remember it being too difficult (it was more than 30 years ago! lol) I think that a lot of us lefties are just more adaptable when it comes to learning, just because we have to be. I am mostly self-taught (other than the basics) in both knitting and crocheting.


But I "think" lefthanded knitting is called "continental" but who knows?


As far as this....continental is just another way to knit....right handed people knit this way also. I found continental knitting easier because you hold your yarn in your right hand just like you do when you crochet.


As far as my stitches looking different....I don't think any one would know I'm a leftie....also, I have never reversed a patterns directions....I always knit or crochet just as the pattern reads. I don't really know that it makes a difference. Maybe I have never made something that it would. I try not to overthink these things....I find that it just drives me crazy!

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I'm a lefty and proud of it. I'm so used to following right handed patterns that I have trouble with patterns made for lefties. I learned from watching a right handed person when I was a kid. Sitting facing them helps. Us lefties sure do beautiful work, don't we?

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Lefty here as well.


I learned recently a tip I'll share with you. I was working on a PK doily with alot of BPDC, FPDC and the like. For it to turn out right I needed to reverse and do FP when it asked for BP for the good stuff to show up on the 'right' side.


Do you realise: Out of all the population only 20% are left-handed and out of that 20% only 3% are women. Pretty cool that we have some many of us here.

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Lefty here as well. Do you realise: Out of all the population only 20% are left-handed and out of that 20% only 3% are women. Pretty cool that we have some many of us here.



I didn't know that! That is neat to see so many lefty's in here! I haven't met more than 5 left handed women in my life.

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I'm also a lefty. Self taught. The only time I have problems with patterns is for some wearables and when doing filet crochet. I always read my pattern first to see if there may be a problem, or I ask someone from here !!

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I'm a lefty too. I crochet from left to right...my mom who is a righty taguht me the basics and for some reason, when I first started, I couldn't get the hang of just sliding the yarn over the hook so I had to "pick" at it. Finally one day, it just clicked. Anyone else do that?


I've never tried reversing patterns before....I don't think I'd know how lol

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I'm not sure on how your daughter learns. BUT it helped me immensely to just face my teacher and watch her do it before I attempted it. I caught on quick but it was confusing to her because it looked different from hers.


Otherwise has anyone use 'I can't believe I'm crocheting'? I never bothered to glance inside and see if it taught well enough to buy for someone.

Thanks Butterflie I'll try that this weekend. And I'm sorry I didn't mean to just jump in your thread like that and start asking my own questions.

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butterflie, are you saying you insert your hook from the back to the front of the stitches?!



That's exactly what's happening...I'm left-handed, and that was the way I was taught. I think it is done this was because it feels easier for left-handers...and yes it "looks" different or inside out.

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Wow, look at all of these talented lefties! Just goes to show we are a creative bunch. :yes I'm a leftie: my right-handed mother taught me when I was nine. I, too, was only crocheting through one loop, inserting my hook from the back to the front, with my yarn held in front. Once I learned it was wrong, I made myself learn to hold the yarn in back for the sake of pattern writing - and guess what? It's soooo much easier and faster. I used to have problems with taller stitches like doubles and trebles, getting the hook through the loops and such, and now it's just so much easier.


I had an essay about crocheting as a lefty published in the Spring 07 Interweave Crochet, and I wrote a little article about it for my site here: Technical Tips for Lefties.


I hope it's helpful!

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Another self-taught leftie here! I taught myself in 1958, and haven't stopped. I too can't read patterns for left handers now because my brain gets confused!! Guess it's used to mentally converting from right handed to left handed. So glad to see so many of us around. My only sibling, a brother, is a lefty too. Drove our mom nuts!

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I'm a lefty too. I learned by watching my grandma trying to teach my mom.:hook I was sitting in front of her.


I go from left to right entering through the front. At one point I only went through one loop too.:yarn

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i'm a lefty, but i was taught to crochet right-handed, i had no lefty's around to teach me, so it was easier to learn right-handed...


I'm a lefty who crochets righty too! My grandma, who was a lefty, taught me to crochet. Since I was so used to just turning everything around in my head in every other activity I do (I learn really well from mirroring), it was easier for me to imitate her motions as a righty than a lefty.

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OK, I have what may be a silly question, but I'll ask it anyway! I have seen a few people on this thread refer to patterns made just for left-handed people. Do you mean a pattern that has the photos of someone crocheting with their left hand (as in an instructional manual), or an actual pattern that was written for left handed people only? I have never seen an actual pattern that was written for a left handed person....I am a little confused? If their is such a thing as a pattern for lefties only, can anyone point me in the right direction?

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If their is such a thing as a pattern for lefties only, can anyone point me in the right direction?


Well, here's one, but it only matters because of the colorwork. In most cases it absolutely doesn't matter whether the directions are for right hand or left.

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Maybe someone here can help me. My 11 year-old daughter is left-handed. She has made comments on wanting to learn to crochet. Having learned to crochet when I was 7, I don't know how to show her because I'm right-handed. I don't want to force her to learn right handed.

Or would that be better? Books are written for right-handers.


Could I get some thoughts and opinions?


I saw a beginner book that had written directions in the center of the pages with pictures for righties and lefties along the sides of the pages. It was at an A C Moore or Michaels. I don't remember the name, but you could ask them, they should know what one it was.

Ellie 13

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