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Left Handed Crocheters?

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I'm one. What do you mean by it looking different? I have to read charts backwards and my work begins in the opposite direction from most other people's, but the end result looks the same.

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I am a leftie and unless I told you, it is doubtful that you would be able to tell. I don't understand why it should look all the much differnent. I just work in the opposite direction is all, the stitches are formed the same as a righties.

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I'm left-handed! My stitches slant the wrong way, but other than that I think my work looks the same as right-handers' work.


:lol You're stitches don't 'slant the wrong way" just the opposite of a righty. I'm a lefty and I haven't had a problem reading any crocheting directions. I might have to reverse the fronts of say a vest when assembling - but that's about it. I can read a pattern and picture it in my mind. For the most part - everything comes out fine for me.:yes

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I ama left handcrocheter though I finally tayght myself to crochet right handed while trying to teach my DD to crochet (I said try my DM had to teach her I was just getting frusterated ) but I think mine looked the same as a right handed crocheter

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:lol You're stitches don't 'slant the wrong way" just the opposite of a righty. I'm a lefty and I haven't had a problem reading any crocheting directions. I might have to reverse the fronts of say a vest when assembling - but that's about it. I can read a pattern and picture it in my mind. For the most part - everything comes out fine for me.:yes


I stand corrected! It's true - there's nothing at all 'wrong' with my stitches just because they slant the other way, and I didn't mean to imply that there was :lol

I'm proud to be a lefty! :yay

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hmm my stitches slant the opposite direction. I still go from right to left like a righty. But what their front looks like, is what the back of mine looks like, (while you are working on it.) I can usually tell if the project was made by a lefty or a righty. It looks slightly different to me.


I don't meet many left handed women, and even less left handed crocheters.

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Ahh, that explains why your stitches don't slant the 'other' way like the rest of us lefties :)


I don't think there's a 'right' and a 'wrong' way to crochet... I spent my first couple of years crocheting into the back loops only before I found out I was supposed to crochet into both loops :D

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Posted by planetjune

butterflie, are you saying you insert your hook from the back to the front of the stitches?!


Posted by butterflie

Yes I do now that I think about it.


You crochet like my sister who learned when I learned to crochet. I am the leftie so talked my great aunt into teaching me. My sister the rightie decided she needed to learn also. It wasn't until a few years ago when I happened to see her crocheting, that I realized that because of how she was seeing things she learned to insert her hook from the backside. It did give her work a different look. So it happens to righties also

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Butterflie I crochet just like you do.. Yes I'm a leftie.. Taught myself how to knit Christmas of 1995, also left handed... I enjoy both but prefer knitting, it is softer and uses less yarn.... Just my view!!




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I've attempted knitting more than a few times. It does not work out for me. I need to feel the yarn in one hand while I'm working or I just can't do it for some reason.


I'm off to find yarn and attempt the spiral scrubbie so I'll be back when I'm done (or I get fed up)

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South paw is the only way to go! As I've said before, the left side of the body is controlled by the right side of the brain. Therefore, only left hander's are in their right mind. Over forty years being a left hand crocheter and still going strong!

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I'm a lefty as well and insert my hook from the back to the front and work from left to right. I've never compared my work with other crocheters (right-handers) because everyone I know is a knitter! :hook


I've been trying to learn knitting (heaven knows why) and there's little out there in the way of tuitorials to help. But I "think" lefthanded knitting is called "continental" but who knows?

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Back when Super Yarn Mart still existed they gave away free flyers for left handed knitting.. I got my copy, but then I worked there!! If there is any way I can share the pattern I will. If I'm allowed too on here. It was a freebie and I would like encourage others to learn, if they want.




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Maybe someone here can help me. My 11 year-old daughter is left-handed. She has made comments on wanting to learn to crochet. Having learned to crochet when I was 7, I don't know how to show her because I'm right-handed. I don't want to force her to learn right handed.

Or would that be better? Books are written for right-handers.


Could I get some thoughts and opinions?

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Maybe someone here can help me. My 11 year-old daughter is left-handed. She has made comments on wanting to learn to crochet. Having learned to crochet when I was 7, I don't know how to show her because I'm right-handed. I don't want to force her to learn right handed.

Or would that be better? Books are written for right-handers.


Could I get some thoughts and opinions?


I'm not sure on how your daughter learns. BUT it helped me immensely to just face my teacher and watch her do it before I attempted it. I caught on quick but it was confusing to her because it looked different from hers.


Otherwise has anyone use 'I can't believe I'm crocheting'? I never bothered to glance inside and see if it taught well enough to buy for someone.

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Another Southpaw here. I learned from a rightie, the lady was very very helpful and patient. At first I sat along side her and she slowly made the chain and had me do the same thing, then showed me how to sc, then dc. Once I became familiar with what I was suppose to do then I was able to take a book and understand what the diagrams were showing and explaining from that point on I have loved crochet. I tried many times before with books for lefties and always gave up. I am a show me kind of learner.



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I've heard it said that if you are trying to teach someone who's opposite-handed than you, you need to sit across from them and have them mirror what you are doing. That way you can each use the hand you are comfortable with but still learn/teach.


As far as knitting, I got a book from the library and started trying to learn Saturday night. The book was worthless but with some online videos and the two half-remembered lessons my grandma gave me about 20 years ago, I'm getting along pretty well so far. I know I'll always WAY love crochet better, though!! It's so easy and fast.


I will say, though, that the "Continental" style of knitting, where the yarn is held in the left hand, is great. It feels really comfortable and natural.

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