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my help while i crochet

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i just couldnt help but share this with you. my little dog loves to sleep on my chest while i watch tv and last night she was even sitting there while i crocheted. Its my dd fault. He and my mother raise yorkies and she was a present. they kept her for six months for i got her and she was already spoiled. My dad let her sit with when she was a baby and now she insists on sitting like that with me. I just am thankful she only weighs 4 pounds.

This is my sweetie, Mercy....




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Now that is cute. Yes be lucky she is only 4 pounds.

I had a 50 lb Dalmation, who thought he was a lap dog, and everything I knitted was his and he would lay on it, be it on my lap or what. This was BC, Before Crochet.:lol

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Ahw what a cutie our little Jack Russell puppy likes to sleep on my work while I am working and if I try to move it he growls lol but after a minute of coaxing onto my lap he gets off my work and sleeps on my lap lol.

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I have a chihuahua-longhaired dachsund that weighs 4 1/2 pounds and she starts by sitting on my shoulder and then when she lays down, her head goes under my chin. I also have a yorkie - but he does not sleep on me. He sleeps in the chair or on a pillow on the couch. Your little one is very cute and precious.

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I have an Italian Greyhound Gotti who likes to lay on my chest and snuggle under my chin. He should be 8-12 lbs but he's oversized (not fat) and weighs in at 24 lbs. He's my little booboo...he's got 4 other dogs in the family...great dane, golden, greyhound and amer. bulldog..so he's the little guy!

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i love little puppies...i taught my doggie to jump in my arms when i come home...needless to say, she is now a 45 lb monster, but she insists that i hold her when i come home...of course i happily oblige :)

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