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Spiral Bound "Happy Hooker"

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Brilliant idea!!! I never would have thought to do this but now will. Thanx for the great idea!

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That's so awesome. I told my hubby I want him to get that done to my HH book for my birthday. Maybe I'll just grab a stack of books and send him to the store. I'm thinking it would be good for my Candi Jensen books and even the 200 Crochet Blocks book. I might dig out a couple recipe books for him to get done as well.

This is so exciting! I think I need to have my doctor check my meds. I'm just way too happy and excited about even the tiniest little things lately.




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Ok I get it now duh :blush


Don't feel bad, hon. Took me a second to figure it out, too :lol But that is a brilliant idea! I will have to keep that one in mind. Thanks for sharing :manyheart

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Great idea! I have a book at work that needs to be spiral bound. I didn't know where to get it done. Thanks!!

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I just got back from Staples, I had my Happy Hooker spiral bound. It cost $8.98. When I took the book in , they asked me if I wanted the front and the back covers laminated and I said sure(protect it from the wear and tear). I was surprised at the cost:eek . Here's the break down on the charge: $3.98(both covers laminated); $2.49 (to spiral bound it) and 2.00(cutting). Plus tax. I checked the book over at the store and it looked alright to me, but when I got home and closer inspection, the laminating job that they did was not very good:no , lot's of "air bubbles". They also only had two colors to choose from for the Spirals-black or blue. I chose black. All in all I'm happy that I had the book done:cheer Thank you:yay

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I got my HH book spiral bound at Staples yesterday and it was only $2.64...they are having a sale on binding books and they subracted $2 from the original charge! This sale is going on thru June. I have a bunch more books I'd love to spiral bind...including cookbooks!! Thanks again for the awesome tip!


I do have to say though that the last half of the pages in the spiral bound book are cut really close to the words but you can stil make them out. I don't know if it is the book itself that was so closely bound (originally) or if the person at staples made an error. But, all in all, it turned out great!

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I plan to do this to my SNB book I don't know if I am going to Staples or wait until we ge out Office Depot. I love the idea but sometime I am not sure about some of the shops in my small town. I wondering how good my local store will do on the job.

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don't know whether or not this will help anyone here, but the local college bookstore here in my town will do the binding for you and since most of the customers are college students they are very reasonable (maybe and alternative for those who don't have an officemax or office depot)

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