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my version of the pattern in the snb hh book-fit to be tied


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thank you all of you, i made the mistake of showing my dd it:blush:blush she knows just how to get things from mom too. oh mommy thats darling, can i borrow it. it would look great with such and such. finally said take it its yours:lol:lol:lol i can always make another one, it sooo easy. not hard at all, i do recommend anyone making it that when you line it you might want to hav a stiff batting or cardboard/plastic canvas anything that will help it hold up since it is such a long purse it flops really easy even lined , i used batting left over from her quilt:devil:devil thanks again ya all, you are all way to kind to me:hug:hug:hug

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alisha it went soo fast. darn that child of mine,. she takes everything lol, i was thinking of doing one now in a cotton thread maybe a size 3 or 5. since i could make it a bit smaller and more sturdy and then if its tooo small she won't want it:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl dang that kid. then she brags and then all her friends want one, you would think i would be getting lots of orders right? but nooooooooo she says to them, my mom made it for me, she don't do repeats, its a original, HA:tryme:tryme:tryme:tryme:trymesheesh,they should come to me instead hehe thanks for your kind words:c9:c9

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