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Christmas CAL... anyone interested???


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Hey ladies, can I jump in here? I have ghans going that could fit into any number of the CAL's going right now, but they are all for Christmas gifts, and I'd like to be able to keep track of them all in one place. I'm wanting to complete 4 ghans for christmas and countless thread snowflakes, and a few other odds and ends. So if this is still going, I want in!!!!!

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Hay. I need to go through and see how much folks have gotten done!! I have been gone for such a long time.

I have finally gotten one thing done for Christmas. After I joined this CAL I had many things to do for now.

I have made a Snow White graph throw for my son's girlfriends little girl. One day maybe I will be her grandma and I need to start bribing her to like me!!!!LOL

I have also started an afghan for one of my other son's, and have sort of made a list in my head for who I need to get something going for.

See ya all later.

I promise to not me MIA so much.

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Thanks Jessica.

You know. I have not had time yet to look back through all the posts to see what everyone else has gotten done, but, what I have seen looks fantastic. There are some very talanted folks here doing some beautiful work.

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Hey Diane, I'm sure this "will one day be your granddaughter" will love the snowwhite ghan, and if it doesn't endear you to her forver---- I'll be your granddaughter. :lol


I think it looks great!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi I am new to this site and also crocheting. I was wondering what a CAL was? I am going to try and make christmas stocking for my children and then see how it goes from there? Thanks again.

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Hey, everyone! I've been busy with family this last month, but I have gotten about 1/3 of my grandson's ghan done. Hope to post pics by the last of this month....if everything goes well.

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hi guys and gals i finished my step-brothers afghan but my new computer won't reconize my camera so i have to wait till i go over my parents house on saturday and download my pics to a disk hopefully i remember cause it's my nephew's first birthday

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Here is the afghan i finished for my step-brother and his wife for x-mas.





and here is the close up. It's called Shady Glenn



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You guys have been really busy since I last posted in this thread!! :cheer

I've finished te following Christmas presents:


1. Hot pink and white giant granny square lapghan.

2. Two shades of purple 7 inch granny squares lapghan.

3. Three strand (black, emerald green and gray) lapghan.

4. Red, white and green giant granny square lapghan.

5. Peach, white and pink star ghan lapghan (may keep that for myself as it's so pretty...lol)

6. 4 different scarves (the thin fashion ones for my nieces)



1. small stuffed frog

2. snowman toilet roll cover

3. Teal and white starghan

4. pink and brown starghan



1. Tissue box cover (Christmas design)

2. 2 shrugs for my nieces

3. 50 tiny stockings for DS classmates



I feel so much better now that I have a few items finished. :)

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OK when I joined C'ville I told myself that I was just too busy to join any of these CALs...well it just so happensthat is CAL # 2 I want to join. I already have my list but I haven't brought myself to start it yet. I WANT TO JOIN!!!


Here's my list (so far)

angel - Gram

bracelets - Shannon C.

bracelets - Shannon N.

change purse - Shannon C.

change purse - Shannon N.

finish the cloth and hang

football - Jonathon

football - Patrick

kiss - mom magic ball

magic ball - mom

necklaces - Shannon C.

necklaces - Shannon N.

purse - Shannon C.

purse - Shannon N.

SM Blanket

soccer ball - Jonathon

soccer ball - Patrick

stitch markers

Stocking - Kevin

Stocking - Patrick

Stocking - Shannon

Stocking - Stephanie

teddy bear - Brandy

teddy bear - Teresa

TKD bear - Nelson

Tree skirt

turtle - Pop

wash mitts - Work

washcloths - Work

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I kept an eye on this thread since it first was created. Unforunately, I have few birthday gifts, a baby shower, a baby gift and a wedding gift to finish up.


Then I will do for xmas: small hearts or a lace heart scarf for mom's best friend (Practically one of my aunts), mom ( a cardigan that needs to blocked, if failed, another scarf or wrap and a bookmark), and dad (hiker's vest, bookmark and wine coasters)


and also mom's birthday so close to new year (hat and mittens to match the scarf)

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Like everyone on here I have a list of things I want to make :). Currently I have :-


4 or 5 face washes

4 bath puffs

1 cradle purse

maybe a few FBB (depending on how quick the first one makes up)

1 Ami (or 2)


I think that is all. So far I have made 2 of the face washers and started a 3rd. Have patterns for the rest but need to fit in getting them done. Not much compared to others :)



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Yep, will post pictures as soon as I finish weaving in the ends on the last blanket. I haven't taken pics of any of them yet.


I've almost finished the teal and white starghan and just ordered 10 balls of some brushed chunky yarn in blue to start another starghan. lol I really love this pattern!!!

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Yay! pictures, my favorite part!


I am making slow progress, I finished a sweater for my future niece for Christmas, and I got a scarf done this week. slow and steady right? Started a new job... yesterday technically.... so a lot of training going on, should get easier in a week or two.

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Hi all :)


I just started making my gifts for christmas so I think it would help keep me going if I join this CAL.


I need all the motivation I can get. :cheer


I haven't listed out all the gifts I'm making but so far:


Sunbonnet Sue/Butterfly block afghan for Mom - WIP

potholder/kitchen sets for friends




9 and 11 yo nieces?


Oh and do any of you have any good ideas for the men in your lives? I have a 23 yo brother, my dad, and my FIL that I have no ideas for. I will most likely end up buying them gifts but if anyone had good gift ideas for guys I'd love to hear it! :hook

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