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My Doctor Who scarf progress


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I am still plugging away at the first of three Doctor Who scarves. It is going kind of slow, because I am finding myself getting burned out quickly. I am hoping to make a big chunk of progress on it today.




It is folded over, because otherwise it would go right off the bed. And to think this is not even halfway through the pattern! :yarn


What do you guys do if you are working on a big project, and get a little burned? Do you start something small? How do you get your inspiration back? I am a little deflated.

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Hi Aden, I like to keep several projects going at once, for that reason - I do get burned out, and so to keep things fresh, I'll often move on to something else. I do a variety of things, some bigger, some smaller, so I can skip around to find something that suits my current mood. Sometimes with smaller projects, it's really nice to get that feeling of accomplishment for having completed something, especially if you are working on something that it taking a long time (in my case, it's afghans).

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my husband would LOVE that scarf! great job.


to keep from getting burned out and hidning a project away for years (only to be found again when searching for that yarn you know you hid during your last yarn spree) i have 1 long term project going at a time. like the mantle scarf i did. now a pair of curtains in thread for my daughters room. to break up the monotony of it i do a bunch of instant gratification type patterns at the same time. a baby afghan, small doily, ornament. all are great to do in the mean time. i did a bunch of ornaments while i did the mantle scarf. and come christmas i had the scarf and a buch of ornaments to attach to gifts.


keep up the great work! set a goal, maybe 10 rows a day. kepp track. when you get longer crochet time, you will feel ahead of the game....just my 2 cents. it worked for me...lol



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I agree with the others - when I start to get burned out on a project, I do something small and quick. Kind of an "instant gratification" thing, so to speak.


It's looking GOOD, though! :tup

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atom girl, i really like your dr. who scarf. had planned to make one but i the yarn wanted to be a different type of scarf. :) as far as getting burnt out i usually just take a day or two off. i'm finally working on the edging for a baby blanket made with fingering weight yarn with an F hook that i thought i would never finish..it took so long because i just didn't want to see it on some days...and my hands needed a rest too. :lol

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Same here. I start another project that I can finish quickly like a little purse for one of my daughters or a couple squares. i have also started aother project but then I end up wiht a lot of WIPs. Whatever I decided to do I use a different stitch then what I am making. so like a blnaket I am working on is all double crochet so i make a hat using the FPDC or a sc or HDC.

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I'm working on a knit version of the Dr Who scarf (x2). When I get burned out I usually put it aside and switch to some small project I can finish in a day or two. Gives me a chance to recharge before going back to the monstrosity.


BTW - yours looks really good, and you're further along than I am as well :)

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You are in good company, I'm working on a Dr. Who scarf for a friend and a 28 foot long white scarf for her SO. And no you didn't read wrong about the length ... so I hear you.


I've been switching off between 2 large afghans, a baby afghan and the scarf for a while now.


I started out knitting the scarves, but forget it ... was taking way too long. I have to ask about yours though, is that done in double crochet? I'm doing mine in single for easier pattern conversion .... just curious.

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I have the dr. who pattern, but have never made it. I was a huge dr. who fan, I would love to have it back again, lol. I too have alot of projects started, but I find the larger ones alittle time consuming, but sometimes I do complete them. I have to really get on myself though, lol.

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very very nice scarf, i too do the same thing i work on some smaller projects so that i can not get overly bored. nothing worse that working on something and getting so bored with it you never go back currecty i have a afghan i keep promising myself i will finish some day but so far nothing doing, its still sitting in the bag waiting for me to get some insperation:blush:blush

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I love it!!! :manyheart Awesome scarf!!!!!


I have this pattern too and I hope to make it soon!

I am a huge Doctor Who fan. My favorite Doctors are Tom Baker, Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant. My husband just got me Series 1 & 2 of the new Doctors for our anniversary :D

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