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Home Made Yarn Winder!! You can make one!

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Yeah, so I just wound a couple half used skeins of yarn and was thinking....There has to be a way to make something at home with a motor that can do this with minimal waist movement from me...


So I did a search:


I really like this idea! It uses a kitchen mixer and toilet paper tube to do!






And this one is great if you happen to have a lucky engineer of a boyfriend/SO/Hubby around!


(Scroll down and she has a link for more detailed photos if you dare to try!)

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thanks for the info Rachy! will have to see how creative I get :D

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I actually have an RCX and the motors along with some other parts from a lego robot I had to build as a project in my first college engineering class (Rachy, males are not the only engineers in the world! :lol ) I think I may try to make the second one when I have time!

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I thought about making one with parts from my old Erector set and a wood dowel. But I'm missing a piece or two that would make it work. So I broke down and bought a yarn winder from the LYS.

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ohh I adore the lego when I was a kid. Somehow, the website dont give out specific parts to use, step by step instructions will be nice too. Pictures are great yet it's vague. I wonder if it 's possible to contact this lady directly or is it too late ?

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Sheeeeooot yew don't need no legos or mixmaster. Jist go out ta the truck, jack the driver side rear tar up (after loosenin the lug nuts first) Pull the tar offn the hub. Make a slip knot in yer yarn an slide it overn onea them lug bolts. Start the lug nuts back on alla lug bolts so the yarn wont be fallin off when you got'er windin. Start the truck and put'er in 4th gear, pop the clutch and winder up to bout 40... yew'll have yer yarn wound in nothin flat.

Mind you this don't work so well with trucks that got posi-trac. You pop that clutch with posi-trac and well, yew'll have mor'n yarn to worrybout.




Jist kiddin folks.... DON'T TRY THIS

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Sheeeeooot yew don't need no legos or mixmaster. Jist go out ta the truck, jack the driver side rear tar up (after loosenin the lug nuts first) Pull the tar offn the hub. Make a slip knot in yer yarn an slide it overn onea them lug bolts. Start the lug nuts back on alla lug bolts so the yarn wont be fallin off when you got'er windin. Start the truck and put'er in 4th gear, pop the clutch and winder up to bout 40... yew'll have yer yarn wound in nothin flat.

Mind you this don't work so well with trucks that got posi-trac. You pop that clutch with posi-trac and well, yew'll have mor'n yarn to worrybout.




Jist kiddin folks.... DON'T TRY THIS


That's Funny!!! :rofl:laughroll Looking at my car in a new way!!!

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