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I've discovered that I HATE stash!

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i am a recovering hoarder. i would go into the yarn store and look at yarns and buy with the intention of making something fabulous with it but then it just gets stashed away somewhere. i am in the process of organizing and sorting my yarn and craft stuff and i am not buying any more unless it is for a specific project. and i am trying to come up with projects for the yarn i have. let's see how it goes. my hope is that seeing all the yarn in one place and having it organized and accessable will help me stop the impulse shopping!

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I'm kinda the same way. I don't mind using the same yarn over and over again, but I've recently learned that I don't like having a huge stash.


I decided to sell "some" of my stash to help fund an upcoming trip to England and Norway - I ended up deciding to sell almost all of it. I think I ended up with the equivalent of 7 or 8 trashbags full. I'm keeping one. Staple stuff that I use all the time or yarn I have specific projects in mind for. Nothing else stays. Ugh.


I used to do the one skein here, one skein there thing. Not anymore. I feel much more free. Now, I can justify the trip to the yarn store because I don't have (well, I'm in the process of selling it all on Ebay so it isn't technically gone yet) a stash to use up. It's great!

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A very timely topic since I just cleaned out my stash closet....yes, a closet filled with 6 bins of yarn! :eek I've also given away quite a bit once I realized that in this lifetime I might never get to use it, which sadly, is still the case.

Ever since last year though, I've been knitting and crocheting ALL my new projects with STASH YARNS ONLY and I'm finding it's very freeing and I don't feel so much overload in the yarn department. :yarn

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I think you have hit me on the head with how you discovered yourself !!:lol :lol

I say make a granny square ghan? Hope you can find out what to do with it all:yes

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I am not a hoarder nor am I a "hater". I find that once I have used a color in one item, I tend not to want to use that color again for a while. I didnt know what I was going to use the partially used skeins on, but I found a thread here just for that purpose. Scrap afghans, colorful ripples and all sorts of wonderful ways to use those leftovers :)

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It killed me to admit that I just did not know if I was ever going to get back into sewing the way I had in the 80's


Eurolyons, I understand this completely. In the 70's I was a crochet and sewing maniac. Every once in a while I tried to go back to my sewing but I finally had to admit that it was over for me. I just don't enjoy all that nitpicky work anymore. I still love to crochet but now that I don't have to worry about money, I really will try to keep that stash to the bare minimum.


Hubby is retired and I can't work so I can't always buy the yarns..

I am not a horder nor have a big stash of yarns ...

I do love to use all the yarns and even bits and pieces.. I love to make my fridgies and even mouse toys for the vet clinic to donate them and with just long strips of yarns I tie together and then wind them and I then double it all and make snuggle blankets for the SPCA locally here.. So there is always use here..

Thanks in advance


Okay MooMoo, I've made a note to myself to send you some leftovers the next time I have some. All your projects are right up my alley since I too love the pooches.:dog

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Hey Roli, you know, when I'm home in the states, my love affair with my Viking sewing machine that I call Kirk Douglas, goes strong...it's almost like the movie Same Time, Next Year...my machine is over 20 years old, really needs a tune up and yet, we just have the best time while I sew up bags, or things for the house or clothes for myself. I have a wonderful machine over here in Germany, but I don't do nearly the amount of sewing here that I do on the island...I'm not exactly sure why but part of it is how things are set up...the Feng Sheu's off and I just don't know how to make it right...however, I never say die (yet) because things change. I've gone long periods of time without crocheting and then wham...like 2-1/2 years ago, something changed...a friend turned me on to all the free patterns on the 'net and I have yet to put my hook down...


But I will admit, even on the island, I'm not sewing like I did in the 80's. The thing that makes me smile though is that some of the pieces of clothing I made back then I still have, they still fit and I still wear them...and I still have my favorite stuffed animals and dolls I made from back then...


I do think it's good to come to some conclusions about ourselves...I still like to knit, but I haven't picked up a pair of needles in years...however, I did invest in a knitting machine recently...


Life...it's a learning experience...

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  • 1 year later...

Feel free to ship all of that unloved stash my way. I'd be happy to pay for shipping in order to increase my stash. I'm working on a scrappy ghan and can always use more yarn!! I never turn down yarn. Even stuff I don't think I like eventually lets me know what it wants to be.

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I have a yarn addiction and I'm not ashamed to say it. I have been asked politely numerous times to "try" and use up the yarn I've accumulated but i just can't help myself! Yarn calls out to me and I run to it! :) yeah, I know it's pretty bad.

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I'm like several on here, LOVE my scraps. I actually do use them up eventually (or near totally like now). So ladies, as others have said, "if ya need a good home for your small balls, contact me. I will be more than willing to help you out." :):)



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We had a swap a while back where we sent our partners a box of scraps. Problem was someone sent me a box of scraps!!!! So I got rid of some bits but got me some new bits to take their place! The new scraps were exciting because I hadn't seen or used the yarn before!

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I'm a shameless hoarder. Most of my stash is solid colored yarn anyways, so the "I might need this" mentality actually applies with it. I've tried stash busting in the past, and managed to use up a bunch of small (marble sized in some cases) balls, but overall, using up the last of any ball of yarn when I don't have more of the same color in my collection stresses me out unless that yarn is for a specific project. It is a little easier to use up multicolored yarn though, probably because I almost never use it, though I still have to constantly remind myself that yarn wants to be used in order to do it...lol

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I hoard yarn too!!! I find it at thrift stores and yard sales. Now that I have so much, I am much pickier but if there are 20 skeins or balls of something I usually get it then I can make something larger with it. and 50cents or so a ball or skein is hard to resist.

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I try to stay in the habit of making granny's daughters when I finish a skein of yarn. I've been doing it for a number of years. I'll carry along some of my scraps and a hook almost everywhere. It's small enough to keep in my purse. Because I work at the airport, I carry a pair of nail clippers instead of scissors.


I completed on afghan using these pieces about five years ago. I really love it, because I can look at the different pieces and remember all the different things I've made for other people. I keep track of them by putting 50 motifs in a ziploc sandwich bag. That way, all I have to do is count bags. I haven't looked in a while, but I think I've almost got enough for another afghan. I'm actually considering adding more strips to the afghan I've already finished to make it large enough to cover a double bed.

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