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Help me make her smile, keep her warm, and feel my love

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I need your help with some ideas.


My family has been given bad news. My aunt, who is overseas,

has cancer for the 3rd time. As of right now, All I know, is that it is a bone cancer and it is terminal.


If you were in this position, what would you make?

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oh sonia hon, i am sooo sorry, i would make her a prayer shawl and have her wrap it around herself and know people are praying for her , or maybe a small afghan she can wrap herself up in. god bless sweetie:hug:hug:hug:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart

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Vicki is exactly right......a nice shawl that you have said prayers over while crocheting would be perfect. And know that every prayer you speak is echoed by all of us for her well being.

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Thank you both. I really appreciate it.

I would like to make her a few different shawls, and a couple of lapghans. The shawls will give her the hugs that I cannot.

I am going to try to make the newlywed shawl for her. I just picked up the Amazing Lace book, (chan) But, I don't think the shawls are warm enough.

If you guys have links to nice shawl patterns,please let me know. Or anything else that you would think would be a good item to make her.

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Sonia, that's just awful news. You're in my thoughts.


We just got some very similar news about DH's grandmother, who is basically DH's mother, at least, the only real mother he's known. The poor love just got over heart surgery to be told she is riddled with cancer, and that she only has a couple of months left with us.


I too would love to make her something, but I'm very slow, so I wouldn't get anything done in time.


I hope your aunt loves the shawl, it will say what you can't face to face.

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My prayers are with you and your family. I think the seraphina shawl is beautiful. Worked in the right yarn and a smaller hook to make it less "holey" would make it warm and snuggly so she could feel wrapped in your love and prayers.

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I am so sorry to hear this awful news. I will say a prayer for your Aunt! :angel I my opinion, I think a Shawl would be the way to go.:hug :hug :hug

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