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Miscellaneous Afghan CAL


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I plan to bring many projects to San Francisco as I will take care of mom after her surgery. I think I will pack some socks, and mother's scarf. Still undecided on the misc. afghan. So tempting to do a market tote. :hook

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Have completed my 1st row of my afghan.


Please bear in mind that i have only been croching for a few months and still learning.


Had a few problems getting the yoyos into squares and to stay square, as I was making the pattern up as I go along, and spent along time frogging.


I think they are getting there and suppose they will all square up once the whole ghan is complete.






Rox, good luck with your first afghan!


Tip: If your squares don't "square up", you can set the shape by pinning them to a board. (I use cardboard covered in plastic wrap.) Lightly spray with water and let set until dry. This is called blocking. It's typically done with starch for thread work, but I've used it to shape unruly afghan squares too :)

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Wow, it takes a bit to get caught up if you miss a few days...:blush

Krazy kitty, looken good.

Barbara, I like that..looken forward to seeing the finished product.:yay


Have a great weekend. You all are doing awesome, keep up the good work.



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It's finally official....I've completed the shell afghan for my son and future dil. It's been a labor of love and very easy to crochet as well. At first I was worried that I wouldn't have enough yarn to make this sizable enough, but it worked out quite nicely. I had 10 skeins of Rowanspun Chunky tweed and I used each and every piece of yarn I had. :yes Although it could have been larger (I guess we could say that for all afghans) I am pleased with it. This picture was taken shortly before I completed it and that's why you can see the ball of yarn discreetly ;) tucked under the ghan.




Here's a pic of a ripple afghan I just started, so don't count me out of this KAL just yet. :D


Thanks, Laura



Laura very nice:D

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Progress report --


The Dazzleaire afghan is getting close to being done. Just 28 more rows and 3 color changes and then it's done.


Tomorrow I'm going to get the yarn to finish the baby afghan. My co-worker found out last week that she's having a girl.

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Hi ladies!

I just got back home after a wonderful weekend with friends and popped in to catch up on everybody. So nice to see some new pics and to read of your progress. And the blessing of finding a lost hook! :P Don't you hate that!

I made a bit of progress on my afghan but not much. I'm going to try to get the jacket finished up and then get back to work on this afghan.

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Hi everyone, I have eight more squares to crochet and I will start connecting them together and hopefully have it all done this friday. Then I will have the Circle of love blanket done and then back to the one I was doing for myself.

But also have some graduation cards to make. Hopefully it will all fall into place.


Barbara, glad you enjoyed your weekend. Good luck on your crocheting progress.


Hope everyone had a wonderfull weekend..


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Last night, I did some rows on diagonal texture afghan, still on the pink (1st color). The width and length is 19" each at the moment. It's one of the times when the skein will not shrink even if I did a lot of rows. It feel like it takes forever to do this blanket. :(


Good thing, it don't have a deadline. It's nice to have a project around the house where I can just do few rows at a time once in a while. ;)

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Hi everyone!


After being away for 10 days, I'm finally back. I had to go to St. Simon's Island for a work conference. While I was there, I decided to take an extra day and spend it on Jekyll Island - hardly anyone was there, I felt like I had the whole island to myself - it was great! Then I said, well heck, I'm so close and it's on the way home so I decided to spend 2 nights in Savannah. The weather was great the whole time.


I could have used another week on the Georgia coast - but alas, I must return to work today.


A couple of friends went with me and one of them is the one that I'm making the cancer awareness ribbon afghan for so I couldn't work on it while I was away. I haven't crocheted in almost 2 weeks - aacck !!:P


Welcome to those that joined in the past week and congrats to those that completed their afghans - they look great! I also love seeing the other projects that everyone has going on.


BarbaraJean - I really appreciate you putting the links to everyone's finished afghan on the first post - I go back and look at them often.

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I 'd love to pop into this cal for this little guy

It's homespun with a "K" hook It's about 26" now and not much yarn left so it will be small.


Here's the pattern

It makes a nice simple pattern,I thought.






:cheer Beautiful work ladies

:yes Thanks for the great CAL BarbaraJean

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Progress report --


The Dazzleaire afghan is getting close to being done. Just 28 more rows and 3 color changes and then it's done.


Tomorrow I'm going to get the yarn to finish the baby afghan. My co-worker found out last week that she's having a girl.


Those look great Laurie. What pattern is that baby ghan? Can you share?



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Hi All


I'm just checking in. Was gone for a 3.5 day weekend this weekend and though I took my crocheting, I did not a stitch of it. So, on the daffodil afghan, I have all nine daffodil squares done and three of 8 off-white squares (finished two since I got home). I have five more of those to do and then 9 in yellow before I can tackle assembly. Fingers don't fail me now :hook



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I'm just checking in. Was gone for a 3.5 day weekend this weekend and though I took my crocheting, I did not a stitch of it. So, on the daffodil afghan, I have all nine daffodil squares done and three of 8 off-white squares (finished two since I got home). I have five more of those to do and then 9 in yellow before I can tackle assembly. Fingers don't fail me now :hook

Wow - you have gotten a lot done! I can't wait to see it.

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HI everyone! You are all making good progress! the pictures posted all look really great!


My mom finally got the yarn picked out for the ripple I said I was making... I'm not so excited about it personally. A lady she works with is having a baby, and she aparently doesn't have much money so the ladies at work are throwing her a shower, but she doesn't know/ doesn't want to know whether its a boy or girl... which is fine, but limits some of the colors...


personally id have put both blue and pink in it... but my mom didnt' want to put either... so we ended up with pound of love in cream and light green, then a caron varigated (SP?) in baby colors. the pattern will be 5 rows green, 1 row cream, 3 rows varigated, 1 row cream, repeat for crib size ghan... Hopefully I like it more once we get going... otherwise its going to be tough to get done... I only have 10 days!


Good luck to you all on your ghans!!

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Haven't been able to get in touch for awhile, but wanted you all to know that I finished the "Baby's Bed of Roses" crib afghan for my granddaughter. It's made with green, pink, and white Baby Pompadour yarn and the finished afghan is beautiful, if I do say so myself!


Jessica, I think the green, cream and baby variegated afghan will look great once it's all together. Any combination of baby pastels always looks so fresh and spring-like to me. My nephew and his wife are expecting soon, and also want to be surprised. I made a green, pink, yellow, and cream plaid afghan for them. It looks a lot prettier than it sounds!


Hope you all are having a beautiful spring, wherever you are. Marci

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