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Miscellaneous Afghan CAL


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Whew! Trying to get caught up! I was out of town Friday and Saturday and also had a set back with whatever this sickness is that I have. Feeling better yesterday evening and today too.


well sorry but your going to have to change my project already!!! I really didn't like the way my pound of love one was coming out, so I switched toa blue and yellow ripple, for a baby boy ghan... I love the way this was coming out! I'll post a picture later today! i've got 8 inches so far! (and nothing besdies housework to do besides crochet all day!!)


I'll make the adjustment to the first post.


My 3 strander for my DD is done. :cheer:clap It is a monster ghan. My DS is holding it up in the pic, and kept asking if I was done because it is so heavy and he was getting tired of holding it up :lol He is 6' tall and is standing on a step so we could fit it all in the pic without it dragging on the ground.


I used Caron Simply Soft, the colors are watermelon, chocolate and new white. I used a size P hook. She wanted it long, so she got a long ghan!!






That has turned out great! Congratulations on such a huge project!


I'm just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I finally finished attaching my 2nd row - whew! I thought I would never get that done. I seem to be moving along a little faster and hope to at least get the 3rd row done tonight. I am going out of town next Thursday and would love to take it to "show it off" so I'm going to try and have it done by then. Wish me luck.


Good luck! :yay


Can I get in on this crochet-a-long.


I am working on an afghan for hubby. It is from an Annie's Attic book and is called Harmony. It was really pretty in the picture. But, it is all single crochet with long stitch treble accents and seems to be taking forever. I need a little cheering on. :2blush


Here's where I am. I can't figure out why this particular image will not reduce. I fixed the other one just fine. Help




Hear's a detail.




Beautiful! I'll add you to the first post.

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Hey All


I've been gone since last Wednesday and didn't really check in much. I have 15 squares done on my Breast Cancer ribbon afghan and I bought some yarn for the Daffodil Days afghan I'll be starting next. Nothing to post, didn't take any pictures. Just wanted to check in.


Barbara Jean, how are you feeling?




Hi Joyce! I'm still having good days and not so good days. Sunday was dreadful! I'm believing the worst is past! Going to make myself get out of the house today and enjoy the sunshine. I've got to get over this!

Congrats on your progress on the Breast Cancer afghan. I need to post you Daffodil afghan too. :yes

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I think I've caught up on all the updates to the first post. If anybody sees an error or something I missed please feel free to PM me. :yes

I've also put the CAL button in the first post if you would like to use it in your blog or sig.



My progress - I've been working mostly on the baby afghan. It's going slowly because the shiny thread in the yarn gets snagged on my hook. :D But it's pretty.

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BarbaraJean: I am glad you are feeling better - sorry you had such a miserable weekend. Being sick stinks!!!


I am moving along - I only get about an hour a day (if that much) to work on my afghan. I have 3 1/2 rows joined and so I'm half way through the joining process. I was hoping to have it finished by tonight, since I'm going out of town tomorrow and won't be back until Sunday evening. Oh well...

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Well, I've gotten further on my Harmony afghan for hubby. Posting here really helped. :hug to everyone for the encouragement. There are 54 repeats of the varigated row. I've made it to 36. :clap


I'll post pics when I get the camera back from hubby. Once the center is done it gets a nice border of cross stitches. Hopefullythat won't take long. I want to start a ripple for a friend and made a promise to my self not to start it until I finish this one.

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I've put my Dazzleaire afghan aside for just a little bit. Last night I started the afghan to go with the layette set I'm making for my co-worker. The pattern for the layette is in the book called Crochet for Today by Oxmoor House. So far I have 3 rows done. I'll post a photo as soon as the pattern is more visible.

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Good Evening To You


I haven't been on here in a while, I've been trying to get the spring cleaning done, clothes washing done, & get my muscles to stop aching!!!


This morning, I finished attaching the granny squares I've made. So far it is 22 so I'll make some more, then attach them, & try my hand at attaching the strips, but I'm a long ways from being done:yes

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I have 1 more doily to finish up and then I'm going to try my hardest pattern yet. I want to make a Budweiser ghan for my Dad. He's in really bad shape - he 's had 8 back surgeries but the car wreck he was in in Oct. nearly has him in a wheelchair. He worked for Budweiser for 20 years and has his rec room decorated by Bud.


So - cross your fingers, wish me luck and I'll let you know when I'm getting started. Going from a blob of color in my heartghan to this kind of detailed graph is downright scary!

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I have 1 more doily to finish up and then I'm going to try my hardest pattern yet. I want to make a Budweiser ghan for my Dad. He's in really bad shape - he 's had 8 back surgeries but the car wreck he was in in Oct. nearly has him in a wheelchair. He worked for Budweiser for 20 years and has his rec room decorated by Bud.


So - cross your fingers, wish me luck and I'll let you know when I'm getting started. Going from a blob of color in my heartghan to this kind of detailed graph is downright scary!


Goodluck! You are super talented, I know you can do it:cheer:cheer:hook:clap

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Well, I'm slowly making progress on my Breast Cancer ghan. I have 5.5 more squares to make before I join.


RoseRed, I can't WAIT to see your Budweiser afghan



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Yay! :yay I finished all my squares! Now I have tons of ends to weave. I'm not going to join them till I finish weaving. And I haven't decided what kind of border to do. Here is a sneak peak of what it is going to look like, with 10/35 squares laid out:



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BarbaraJean - put me down for the Budweiser ghan. It's going to be white with a HUGE red bowtie and Budweiser written in cursive across it.


I just added my 3rd color and went to Walmart and totally blew my stashbusting score. As soon as there's something to take a pic of I'll post it.

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All right you all! Would you like to take me here? I thought I'd try the 200 granny square thread, but did not get a response. I'm the one who is doing a granny square afghan for a silent auction.


All 221 pieces:2eek :ohdear Yipes!

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Good Evening To You


I haven't been on here in a while, I've been trying to get the spring cleaning done, clothes washing done, & get my muscles to stop aching!!!


This morning, I finished attaching the granny squares I've made. So far it is 22 so I'll make some more, then attach them, & try my hand at attaching the strips, but I'm a long ways from being done


Don't you just hate it when housework keeps you from your crocheting! ;)


Miracle of miracles, I finished two squares yesterday!! I'm not totally back in the CAL, but I thought I would let you know that my lonely afghan was loved on again.


Hey, it may not sound like a lot but you're still 2 squares closer to completion.




Yay! :yay I finished all my squares! Now I have tons of ends to weave. I'm not going to join them till I finish weaving. And I haven't decided what kind of border to do. Here is a sneak peak of what it is going to look like, with 10/35 squares laid out:




Julie, I love that!! Are there 3 different shades of red? You haven't posted pics before of this, have you?


BarbaraJean - put me down for the Budweiser ghan. It's going to be white with a HUGE red bowtie and Budweiser written in cursive across it.


I just added my 3rd color and went to Walmart and totally blew my stashbusting score. As soon as there's something to take a pic of I'll post it.


I'll get it added. :) Best wishes to your dad in his recovery.


All right you all! Would you like to take me here? I thought I'd try the 200 granny square thread, but did not get a response. I'm the one who is doing a granny square afghan for a silent auction.


All 221 pieces:2eek :ohdear Yipes!


Wow! That's a pile of squares! I hope that's a guest bed that you aren't going to have to use any time soon! :lol I'll add your name and project to the first post. Welcome!

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Don't you just hate it when housework keeps you from your crocheting! ;)




Hey, it may not sound like a lot but you're still 2 squares closer to completion.






Julie, I love that!! Are there 3 different shades of red? You haven't posted pics before of this, have you?




I'll get it added. :) Best wishes to your dad in his recovery.




Wow! That's a pile of squares! I hope that's a guest bed that you aren't going to have to use any time soon! :lol I'll add your name and project to the first post. Welcome!



No, I am doing this for a Women's silent auction in October.

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You had mentioned something about using it on a guest bed? However, no problem. I think it will be used on someone's guest bed:haha :laughroll


Oh! In your picture I thought the squares were laid out on a bed. That's a LOT of squares! You've been busy!

Do you want me to add the "hubby afghan" too? Several of us have more than one project going for the CAL.

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