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Pale Yellow Crochet shoes


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Hi this is the first functional crochet item I've made since I joined this board and its a pair of shoes! Well the soles were ripped from a pair that was so bad the top came off before I even got to wear them (I bought them because they were cheap though) So, no big loss, here are some pictures


Before glue: (Just putting things in place)




You can see the yellow top I crocheted, the strap I crocheted and the old shoe top and the shoe sole and stuff theres two pieces... not sure what they're called exactly.



after glue:






The shoes did not feel very secure so I changed it around a bit, bought ribbon to tie (more comfy than string) and glued black fabric to the top part of the sole and crocheted a cover around the side. In the last picture you can still see the layers in the soles.


Final top view




Final side view




Action shot




My dad didn't think it would last when I wore it out for a short grocery shopping walk, but it did! And I walked to the nearby shop and bought my groceries and back without problems. BUT... the left side felt strained when I was walking. Its probably due to a not good fit :( So I can't wear this too often for the health of my feet I guess.

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Those are so cute!!!! What a wonderful idea! Makes me want to go to my Value World and pick up some cheap shoes and make me a pair!!! :manyheart

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Thank you all for being so encouraging! I think that the left shoes fit was compromised because of the lacing. And yes lhasaapsolady, I do hope the next shoes will have better fit!


Although at the moment not planning another crochet one, but if I find a good shoe base I think I'll have to try! I realize that alot of my shoes are actually too long for me because I have wide feet and normally shoes are made of restricting material that pushes my feet further back in the shoes... make sense? Or I can always crochet over a stiffer material next time :D

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