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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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This is just going to be a quick note. Had a relaxing weekend at home. Did not do anything in particular, just a lot of time spent outdoors with the girls. Our weather has turned beautiful, and, all of a sudden, our daily temps are registering 10-degrees above average. Not sure where all of this warmth and sunshine was during the official summer, but I am thrilled to see it any ol' time :lol Decided we need to purchase a large tiller for the tractor, so DH spent time discussing options with semi-local dealers. I think we will be able to pick up the one we started off shopping for next week.


Judy ~ Hope BD continues to feel better, and I hope your stomach feels better permanently.


:wavingNicole, Mary, Cara and Everyone Else :manyheart


Safe travels, Erin :drive Sounds as though you will be able to squeeze quite a bit of 'quality relative time' into this first part of the week. Catch you upon your return.


Linda ~ :hug Sorry that your spirits were dampened, but I just love what Tam wrote about you -- she's absolutely right. Hope you find a lot to smile about this week.



Slowly, slowly, I am starting the Gingerbread Quilt. I have two rows joined :D As soon as it starts to look like "something," I promise to take a picture. Time for dinner on this end, so I am off. G'night :U

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Thanks, Dusti - my hubby is SDR...Cara's is BD;) I'd be robbing the cradle if he was mine:lol

We're doing god now...just have 110 lb GSD who hurt himself somehow when running in the yard,:(

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Got a letter from my mom on Saturday. Sigh! :sigh I'm in the dog house again. I haven't written or call often enough. Again! :sigh Wrote her a 3 page letter and printed off 6 pictures for her to go with it and put it all in the mail yesterday. Maybe that will make her happy for a few days. Wishful thinking, I know. :( Oh, well. :( Sorry for the rant. She's always been this way and isn't about to change just because she's now 84. She never did believe in giving anyone a compliment. And good was never good enough. Sigh! :sigh :sigh :sigh


:hug :hug :hug


What pattern and color is your baby blanket? I agree about the chores...my house is never all clean at the same time, but I'd rather be crocheting. :hook


It's RHSS in Honeydew which is what they replaced mint green with I guess. It's just a shell stitch. I have a baby quilt graphed out but I need a different color yarn :yes


We're doing god now...just have 110 lb GSD who hurt himself somehow when running in the yard,:(


Oh noes! Poor Sparkie! :(

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Cara - Cleaning..... :yuck I hope you were able to get a lot done on the baby blanket. I cannot, however, encourage cleaning. :rofl


Erin - We'll miss you! Have fun


Judy - :hug Hope you're belly is still doing better. SDR's fatty tumor removal sure doesn't sound like any fun. :no Prayers for a speedy recovery coming to both of you! Oh, no! I'm so sorry to hear about your "little" Sparkie. :( I hope he's a lot better very soon!


Tam - Goodness! Could you possibly cram any more into your day?!?! :lol


Mary - Meatball sounds precious! I bet Gracie likes having another character around. Congrats on the grandbaby to be! I'd love to make something for the little 'un a little closer to time. :hook


Linda - :hug I second everyone else's comments. You're a true joy to know! :manyheart


Dusti - Looking forward to picks of the Gingerbread quilt :clap


Sorry if I missed anyone!


Not much going on with me, but I'm not complaining at all! Chat with you all tomorrow.

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Thanks..it's gonna be a long night. I have to stay downstairs with him. Meanwhile I'm crocheting squares....baseball is on TV...and I keep getting up to give Sparkie some lovin'

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Grrr... I just managed to lose my post. I hit a wrong key and lost everything. Grrrrr.....


Thanks Cara, Dusti, and Nicole. It's not like it was anything new and different from mom. It just touched a raw nerve this time. I've started a Celtic Know Shawl for her and I'm trying to put lots of good wishes, thoughts and prayers into it. It may not help her, but maybe it will help me feel better. It's in TLC yarn in persimmon or what I'd call burnt orange. It's not a color she wears a lot, but it's one that looks really good on her and goes with pretty much everything she does wear.


John it out of town on client visits again this week and next week so Kim will have two girls weeks together. He gets back on Thursday and then we'll head to the hunting lodge on Friday for a long weekend of deer hunting.

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Thanks..it's gonna be a long night. I have to stay downstairs with him. Meanwhile I'm crocheting squares....baseball is on TV...and I keep getting up to give Sparkie some lovin'

Oh, I'm sorry Sparkie isn't well - you're a good Mom. :manyheart I hope you get some sleep tonight.


Grrr... I just managed to lose my post. I hit a wrong key and lost everything. Grrrrr.....


Thanks Cara, Dusti, and Nicole. It's not like it was anything new and different from mom. It just touched a raw nerve this time. I've started a Celtic Know Shawl for her and I'm trying to put lots of good wishes, thoughts and prayers into it. It may not help her, but maybe it will help me feel better. It's in TLC yarn in persimmon or what I'd call burnt orange. It's not a color she wears a lot, but it's one that looks really good on her and goes with pretty much everything she does wear.


John it out of town on client visits again this week and next week so Kim will have two girls weeks together. He gets back on Thursday and then we'll head to the hunting lodge on Friday for a long weekend of deer hunting.

The shawl color and pattern sound lovely. :manyheart I'm making these two baby round ripples now and keep thinking "How did Linda make all of those beautiful ones for Christmas presents?" :lol


Hi Dusti! I'm glad you're finally having some summer weather. :yes


Cara ~ I really like the Honeydew color! I ordered TLC Cotton Plus to use for your Jasie's pattern and can't wait to start it. :hook


DH left town this a.m. but will be back Wed. night. When he is here, he keeps Gracie in his office for an hour or two, so I can have some crochet time.:lol Otherwise, I've been planning my crochet schedule around her naps. She likes yarn almost as much as Zoe does.

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Mary - Meatball sounds precious! I bet Gracie likes having another character around. Congrats on the grandbaby to be! I'd love to make something for the little 'un a little closer to time. :hook

Not much going on with me, but I'm not complaining at all! Chat with you all tomorrow.


Hi Nicole! Thank you...that is so sweet of you. :manyheart


Yes, Meatball is sooo cute. He is very calm with a "whatever" attitude...and there are 3 other puppies in the class, too.


Have a good evening. :)

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The shawl color and pattern sound lovely. :manyheart I'm making these two baby round ripples now and keep thinking "How did Linda make all of those beautiful ones for Christmas presents?" :lol


DH left town this a.m. but will be back Wed. night. When he is here, he keeps Gracie in his office for an hour or two, so I can have some crochet time.:lol Otherwise, I've been planning my crochet schedule around her naps. She likes yarn almost as much as Zoe does.

How did I make all those RRs for Christmas? One at a time! :lol :lol :lol


That's funny about Gracie and the yarn. Trouble doesn't chase or play with the yarn that much. She just loves to lay on it. Even when I'm working on it! :lol :lol :lol

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Oh, I'm sorry Sparkie isn't well - you're a good Mom. :manyheart I hope you get some sleep tonight.


DH left town this a.m. but will be back Wed. night. When he is here, he keeps Gracie in his office for an hour or two, so I can have some crochet time.:lol Otherwise, I've been planning my crochet schedule around her naps. She likes yarn almost as much as Zoe does.

Well, Sparkie showed some improvement late last night and when he woke up this morning he walked from the living room into the kitchen without a yelp! Since he always overreacts to injury and he's not lifting a leg (I did noticed a limp with his back leg this AM) I'm hoping it's just a strain. Gotta rest him for a few days - not easy with him. He already wanted to be first out the door this morning.

I'm a zombie this morning - went from floor to chair to sofa trying to find a semi comfortable spot...but he needed company. Hubby came down to join us for a while too - but with his head still sore the floor wasn't working....


Gracie sounds like an imp....enjoy! I have a feeling she's always going to be a puppy.

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Poor Judy! :hug :hug :hug Hope that Sparkie gets to feeling better very soon. Hubby, too. Hope you can get some rest soon.


It rained here earlier this morning. I had let Trouble out and got her back inside just before it started coming down hard. It looks and feels like it could do it again before long.


I'm just over half way through the back of the shawl. I've had trouble with one row for some reason. I made a mistake that I didn't catch until 3 rows later and had to rip it all out to fix it, and then made another mistake in almost the same spot and had to rip out two rows again. I've finally gotten through that row correctly, so hopefully that will be the last of those problems. The other problem, or potential problem will be finding more yarn if I run out. I only have two skeins of this color and it seems to be taking more than the last one I made. I'm hoping that is just an illusion. Especially since I got this on sale and I'm not sure it's a discontinued color or not. I guess we'll find out in the next day or two. :P

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Good morning ladies :flower


Judy - Oh you poor thing :hug You need to pick up an inflatable air mattress or a roll away cot for just such an occasion :yes Hope you can sleep upstairs tonight :hug


Linda - Oh dear. I think we can all sympathize with the running out of yarn :( What kind and color is it? Maybe someone has some stashed :D


I'm on the border of the baby ghan! :dance Of course, it took me until 3:30 this morning with BD hovering to work out the math :lol It's times like that I wanna hang out in math classes and the first kid that asks "what will we ever use this for?" gets a smack in the back of the head and practical examples :lol


I finished one side of the border. So, on today's agenda is the other three sides. Then I figure out what I wanna do next :D I think Wendy's been a bad influence on me though. I think after the baby ghan I'm going to end up with multiple WIPs :lol

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Hi...I'm still here...gritty eyes and all. I think that this afternoon I'll be camped out in the living room with hubby so the TV can put me to sleep...


Sparkie is getting there...slowly. But he's not in as much pain as last night, judging by the way he's been able to move. TG.

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Cara, if you want a math work out join me in making a grahp ghan...and adding your own touches:lol

I couldn't see the point of math in school either!

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Linda - Oh dear. I think we can all sympathize with the running out of yarn :( What kind and color is it? Maybe someone has some stashed :D


I'm on the border of the baby ghan! :dance Of course, it took me until 3:30 this morning with BD hovering to work out the math :lol It's times like that I wanna hang out in math classes and the first kid that asks "what will we ever use this for?" gets a smack in the back of the head and practical examples :lol


I finished one side of the border. So, on today's agenda is the other three sides. Then I figure out what I wanna do next :D I think Wendy's been a bad influence on me though. I think after the baby ghan I'm going to end up with multiple WIPs :lol

If I run out, I'll put up an SOS, Cara. I love the smack in the back of the head idea. Ditto for figuring out the needed yardages for a quilt. It's not hard for me, but Rosie just shakes her head and says, "How do you do that?" :blush

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Cara, if you want a math work out join me in making a grahp ghan...and adding your own touches:lol

I couldn't see the point of math in school either!



If I run out, I'll put up an SOS, Cara. I love the smack in the back of the head idea. Ditto for figuring out the needed yardages for a quilt. It's not hard for me, but Rosie just shakes her head and says, "How do you do that?" :blush


Oh I liked math. I was even on the math team for two years. I was/am very good at speed math. Yes, that's right, I'm a complete geek :lol Now geeks are cool though :D But at 3:00 in the morning it can be a bit challenging :lol

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Hi Ladies. :)


Hi...I'm still here...gritty eyes and all. I think that this afternoon I'll be camped out in the living room with hubby so the TV can put me to sleep...


Sparkie is getting there...slowly. But he's not in as much pain as last night, judging by the way he's been able to move. TG.

I'm so glad Sparkie is better and I hope his Mom was able to rest today!


I'm just over half way through the back of the shawl. I've had trouble with one row for some reason. I made a mistake that I didn't catch until 3 rows later and had to rip it all out to fix it, and then made another mistake in almost the same spot and had to rip out two rows again. I've finally gotten through that row correctly, so hopefully that will be the last of those problems. The other problem, or potential problem will be finding more yarn if I run out. I only have two skeins of this color and it seems to be taking more than the last one I made. I'm hoping that is just an illusion. Especially since I got this on sale and I'm not sure it's a discontinued color or not. I guess we'll find out in the next day or two. :P

Sorry about the frogging, but I'm glad you got it figured out. :hook


Good morning ladies :flower


Judy - Oh you poor thing :hug You need to pick up an inflatable air mattress or a roll away cot for just such an occasion :yes Hope you can sleep upstairs tonight :hug


Linda - Oh dear. I think we can all sympathize with the running out of yarn :( What kind and color is it? Maybe someone has some stashed :D


I'm on the border of the baby ghan! :dance Of course, it took me until 3:30 this morning with BD hovering to work out the math :lol It's times like that I wanna hang out in math classes and the first kid that asks "what will we ever use this for?" gets a smack in the back of the head and practical examples :lol


I finished one side of the border. So, on today's agenda is the other three sides. Then I figure out what I wanna do next :D I think Wendy's been a bad influence on me though. I think after the baby ghan I'm going to end up with multiple WIPs :lol

Yay for being so close to the finish line! Wendy is such an enabler. ;):lol


Oh I liked math. I was even on the math team for two years. I was/am very good at speed math. Yes, that's right, I'm a complete geek :lol Now geeks are cool though :D But at 3:00 in the morning it can be a bit challenging :lol

Math was not my best subject in school...and I don't know why we had to take two years of Algebra - haven't used it since then. :lol


It was a beautiful day with light winds and in the low 70s! More rain is in the forecast for the next two days, but we had a nice break today. Have a good evening, all. :manyheart

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Howdy Mary! :hi Sounds like y'all got the weather today that we had yesterday. It was about 83 today which still isn't bad all things being relative. But that 72 yesterday was heaven :c9


And, I can't believe I did it, but I forgot to put the photo of the baby blanket in here earlier. If it's not a quilt sometimes I forget :blush I'm calling it "Hailey" after our new little niece :manyheart And I'm trying to decide whether to put the pattern on the site or if I'm going to submit it for possible publication :think It'll probably end up on the site :lol


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That's beautiful, Cara.


We've had rain off and on all day long. Not very hard rain, but steady. I'm down to just 3 rows left to crochet on the back panel of the shawl. It's moving right along.

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Good morning all! Cara, that's beautiful and Hailey will love it!


Mary, have you tried a water bottle? Ciera and the cats don't like getting squirted so when they're doing something they shouldn't be out comes the water bottle.


I'm still working away at the PS and the first filet piece. The center star of the PS is done and I've started on the cream fills between the star arms. I should take a picture for you ladies, maybe later today :D

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