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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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I really have to tell you guys about my shopping experiences today....


First off, Alex is an amazing shopper with me. He handles it so well, or sleeps. For the first time today I decided to eat out for lunch with just me and him and he was a doll...plus Fridays was soooooo yummy and I got a soup/sandwich so it wasn't too unhealthy either. I have to go on my soap box about the way people drive in this city, omg, seriously. I got cut off so many times it wasn't even a joke. I laugh and look at people who do that to me when I meet up with them at the next red light. THEN there was walmart...oh my goodness...

First as I was walking in a strange guy was just sitting there on the ground swaying from side to side talking some gibberish to himself, the pop bottle return was filled with loud teenagers. They were out of the yarn I needed, I knew I should have got it elsewhere, but at least I know everyone carries RHSS. They were out of the baby gate we wanted, which okay, thats fine too but I wasn't about to spend 15 bucks more for the one they had. While in the baby department I almost threw up because of what a woman was wearing. They were taking up the WHOLE isle with TWO carts, and 3 screaming girls. The man looked like he could have been the ladys dad, but then it was almost like they were together. She was wearing skin skin skin light bright orange low cut spandex capris, that were dirty anyhow, and a skimpy floral tank top with no bra and her stomach was allllllll out there. She had the post pregnancy belly poooooch just laying around there. She wasn't a big girl either so it looked just ew. Then she was on the phone with a bank or something hollering about money. Apparently someone took her money?? Maybe the babies daddy tied to the account? Dunno, but she was like screaming on the phone then got off the phone and was out right bawling about $300, all she had in her bank or something. I was honestly trying not to pay attention because thats just sad but she was so loud and I needed baby things. So then the lines were long as all get up and I had less than 10 items and went through that express line, cashier was nice at least. I was mad because they only had like 6 lanes open, were soooo busy and had so many employees around doing basically nothing, like the gal in the craft department who was talking to her friend and every other word outta their mouths was "like" "and" "like" and then the lady in the shoes who was texting someone. They need more cashiers. Joanns depresses me like that too, never enough people. As I was walking to my car, soooo thankful that was the last stop for the day, I saw a group of guys and one woman smoking cigars and drinking outta brown bags, just hanging around the car like it was a party zone or something. For peats sakes I want to call the cops on that one.

Oh dear. WalMart is bad. :ohdear I hate when anyone of any size that has flab hanging out their pants does it & I am a fat chick.
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Except that goof had me frogging it two times because I thought I was off :lol By the time I get this finished, I'll be a pro and the second will hopefully go much easier.

It gets easier and easier the more you do it.


Erin, what a shopping horror scene! Some days I wonder where people's brains are or if they have any. And don't get me started on what people ought NOT to where out in public. It can get pretty gruesome.


Kim's doctor appointment went very well. I like this new doc a lot. And so did Kim. She usually just sits there and glowers at new doctors, but not this one. She was interacting with him almost right from the get-go. He's putting her on 2 new nebulizer meds for her asthma. One's a steroid and the other is a long-acting bronchodilator. It means she only has to have 2 nebulizer treatments a day instead of 3. WooHoo! We see him again in a month so he can see how she's responding. She was wheezing today, but no sign of bronchitis. WooHoo! He was running late because of a hospital emergency and we still got in within 20 minutes of our appointment time. And he started out by apologizing for the delay. Nice!

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Hi Ladies! I'm playing catch up again, so forgive me if I miss anyone. :blush


Morning all. Well, I spoke with DBF last night and I guess it's back to the drawing board. The one house that we both really liked (I just wasn't thrilled with the location) went under contract the other day. He found this out when he took his parents by it. And the second house, the one with the pool, he checked the tax appraisers site and the realtor had the tax information wrong (not sure if she read it wrong or it was listed/printed wrong). Instead of $300/year, which I thought was strange, it's $3,000 a year! So yeah, back to the drawing board.

I know you'll find something that's right for you guys. In 38 years, we've owned 8 homes and moved 14 times...so I've had way too much experience. :lol


K so I now can share the ripple I made for my niece. My sis got around to sending me the pics! Omg shes so stinkin' cute too.







Your ripple turned out great and the kids are sooo cute!


Hello ladies :flower


I didn't get too much done on my doll yesterday :no Just the second leg and one arm crocheted. I swear I feel worse with the meds they gave me :lol I slept entirely too late today but I had a rough night. But it's all good now. Just have to get my act together. Sick or not we always seem to still have chores don't we? :lol


Then I'm hoping to spend the whole day on the doll...or maybe start the GB boy :hook

I hope you're feeling lots better. :hug


Linda, that's wonderful news about Kim and the doctor's visit. :)


We're having some thunder and we need rain desperately, so maybe Gracie and I will do a rain dance. :lol


Oh! My yarn arrived today! :cheer Now to find some time to crochet...the baby IC is all joined and just needs the border. :hook Of course, the Penguin still needs the border, too. :yes

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Linda ~ I was just stopping in here to check how Kim's appointment went this afternoon. So glad it sounded so smooth. Doesn't it help when you (and Kim) like the doctor?!? Prayers being said that the new meds do the trick and help keep her comfortable. As I read about your menu-planning challenges, I got exhausted. Wow -- what a lot of details to keep straight. You are such a creative cook, that I do not doubt you will be able to continue whipping up delicious meals, but, yikes, good luck keeping the "rules" straight for each plate.


Cara ~ I am very anxious to see the gingerbread pattern to which you have been referring. Mum's name is 'Ginger,' and our family business is called 'Gingerbread Country.' If the pattern is even half-as-cute as I am imagining, I know I will be making saltines fast 'n' furiously to gift an afghan to my parents. No pressure to get yours done, of course :lol I will just be looking forward to seeing your work (as always :manyheart). I sure hope you start feeling better one of these days. It is a real bummer that the meds are not acting as an instant fix. Will the pain in your back really be addressed once the pneumonia is cleared up? Funny how the body works, sometimes :yes Hang in there and do not over-do it.


Erin ~ Sounds as though you need a relaxing soak in a warm tub after your shopping trip. Sometimes, people just make me shake my head in wonder. Glad you survived, and it is wonderful to hear Baby Alex is such a good shopper; sure makes you more willing to attempt trips into the stores on your own. Hope you are eventually able to find the yarn, baby gate and other items you were not able to buy today.


All is going well on this end :yay Remember the friend I was visiting in Chicago last month? Well, she is expecting, yet is really reluctant to buy maternity clothing. Her DH and I managed to convince her to buy a few basics, while I was visiting and enthusiastic to wander through maternity stores with her. Over and over again, she mentioned simply wearing the 2 or 3 skirts we bought until they are threadbare, because they were so comfortable. Great game plan, but Chicago is going to get mighty chilly in the near future. We have completely different senses of "style," but I think I hit on a winning plan. I have been searching for and trying out crocheted leg warmer patterns. She is not one to wear stockings or fashion leggings, so I went back to our elementary school-days and recalled all of the leg warmers Mum knit for me. I am excited about this project, and I found the most fun yarn for one of my patterns. It took awhile to get the guage and my "take" on the pattern right, but in Red Heart Fiesta Black (with taupe and gold threads in it) I think I have a start on a fun little gift for her. When I get the pair done, I will have to share a picture, but it is a fun, quick project -- ought to be finished by this weekend. I am off to work on the second one, now. Talk to you, later.

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Mary ~ I knew I would forget to comment on some of the posts I was reading as I tried to catch up. Your yarn order sounds like so much fun. Glad it reached you, already. Do you have plans for all of the skeins, or do you get to dip into your pattern collection and make something completely new? Enjoy :crocheting

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Linda - That's great that Kim's appointment went so well! :clap


Mary - Oh I hope we get rain too :hyper


Dusti - I'll just post the chart here. It's Cherri Lacey's pattern. She's come up with some very cute stuff :yes I think I might do the eyes the same way I did for the penguin instead of a whole block. Other than that I think it's perfect :yes


Here ya go....


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Hi Dusti! The leg warmers are a wonderful idea. :) Yes, it's really exciting to get yarn in the mail...it's the first time I've ordered yarn online. My new favorite yarn is TLC Cotton Plus - it's an acrylic/cotton blend and I plan on making Cara's "Jasie's blanket" with it. I just noticed 3 skeins (of 8) are a different dye lot, so I made a swatch alternating rows with both lots and neither DH or I can see any difference. :cheer Gee, that was a long sentence...hope it makes sense. :lol I also got yarn in DD and her DH's college colors (U. of Texas and TCU) to make small round ripples or perhaps Beth's Little Star pattern.


I hope you and your family are doing well. :manyheart

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Linda, that's wonderful news about Kim and the doctor's visit. :)


We're having some thunder and we need rain desperately, so maybe Gracie and I will do a rain dance. :lol


Oh! My yarn arrived today! :cheer Now to find some time to crochet...the baby IC is all joined and just needs the border. :hook Of course, the Penguin still needs the border, too. :yes

Kim really responded positively to the doctor at his office and again here at home when John was talking to her about. That is great. And far from her usual behavior with doctors.


Have fun with all the new yarn. :devil You and borders! :lol :lol :lol

Dusti - I'll just post the chart here. It's Cherri Lacey's pattern. She's come up with some very cute stuff :yes I think I might do the eyes the same way I did for the penguin instead of a whole block. Other than that I think it's perfect :yes


Here ya go....

What a great pattern! I've got too much on my plate to tackle it now. Maybe later. It's sure cute.

And like I promised last night(i felt sick sorry) heres the $6 throw



Erin, your throw is wonderful!


Your leg warmers sound like the perfect gift, Dusti. :cheer :cheer

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Morning everyone! Erin, if you thought your visit to Walmart was bad, check out the People of Walmart site. Some are funny and some are flat out what in the world were they thinking :lol


The PS is coming along nice and quick. I'm almost done with the second round of colors (I extended the middle star an extra round to make it bigger) and will probably be starting on the third round tonight. I work on that one while working since it's pretty mindless, except when I try to join an extra side :lol. I work on the filey piece when not working, so I'll have a couple of hours for that tonight.

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Morning everyone! Erin, if you thought your visit to Walmart was bad, check out the People of Walmart site. Some are funny and some are flat out what in the world were they thinking

Oh, dear!


I'm up, but that's about all that can be said for me so far. Think some strong hot tea is in order. At least the sun is out and we don't have to go anywhere today. It's been a long week. More later.

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Dusti - I'll just post the chart here. It's Cherri Lacey's pattern. She's come up with some very cute stuff :yes I think I might do the eyes the same way I did for the penguin instead of a whole block. Other than that I think it's perfect :yes


Here ya go....

:yay:yay Thank you one hundred times :hug!! I really did not expect you to share the gingerbread pattern already, but I am so excited about it. I am already planning to use the sparkly Red Heart Holiday Red and Green for the alternating edge squares. I am keeping my fingers crossed that when I get to Walmart, I can find a nice, warm brown to use for the gingerbread cookie saltines. I know I have a number of skeins of Linen here, but that is too wimpy for this project. Not sure I can pull the whole afghan together before Christmas, but I am going to give it a great attempt.



Hi Dusti! The leg warmers are a wonderful idea. :) Yes, it's really exciting to get yarn in the mail...it's the first time I've ordered yarn online. My new favorite yarn is TLC Cotton Plus - it's an acrylic/cotton blend and I plan on making Cara's "Jasie's blanket" with it. I just noticed 3 skeins (of 8) are a different dye lot, so I made a swatch alternating rows with both lots and neither DH or I can see any difference. :cheer Gee, that was a long sentence...hope it makes sense. :lol I also got yarn in DD and her DH's college colors (U. of Texas and TCU) to make small round ripples or perhaps Beth's Little Star pattern.


I hope you and your family are doing well. :manyheart

Hi, Mary :waving~ Thanks for asking after us. We are doing really well. The morning routine is working itself out, and while I have not managed to have enough time to allow me to make matching braids in either girls' hair-dos, at least they are walking out the door with matching ribbons and filled lunchboxes. I am still really happy with the classroom teachers, and the girls bound out of school at the end of the day with big grins, so I figure all is going smoothly. Temps have been very summer-like, so I have been hanging all of my laundry out on the clotheslines, washing the outsides of the windows before fall, and neatening up some of our flower beds, just so I have an excuse to be outside. We are staying home this Labor Day weekend and puttering with our own projects as time and enthusiasm allow ;)


And like I promised last night(i felt sick sorry) heres the $6 throw [ATTACH]8128[/ATTACH]

Nice, Erin! It is so rewarding to give a gift you are so pleased with, yourself. And, to know that you did not have to spend a fortune on the yarn makes it that much better. Good job!

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G' morning, Linda. Hope your coffee hits-the-spot and gets your morning off to a good start :coffee That's always my treat, too, once the little ones are out the door, I get good coffee M-m-m-m-m. Is John home for the weekend? Hope you get to rest some.:hug

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Wow, your Prairie Star sounds as though it is really flying off of your hook, Val. That's fantastic. Do you like doing the filet? I have really been itching to try my hand at it, as I received a wedding announcement from one of my friends in Japan, and I have no ideas as to what to send as a gift...Just a thought, though. I would love to see how yours is coming along.

Did you read up above that I finally got my hands on skeins of the Red Heart Holiday yarn? I am so excited about it!! I made all of the the present gift tags (Stuffed Santa pattern from the web site) I expect to use this Christmas, and I have quite a bit left over. Yaaay, I am going to try it in the Gingerbread Quilt-ghan Cara just shared. Won't that be pretty? What did you decide to do with your sparkly yarn? Were you making the little mouse? Have a good day!

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Dusti walmart should carry a RHSS color called Buff and or Warm Brown I think, would be perfect for that! Im using them both in my larksfoot afghan.

Thanks, Erin. I will be sure to check them out. Have a good one!

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Thanks, Erin. I will be sure to check them out. Have a good one!


No problem, good luck with o wally world!



Im off to check out Mary Maxim and their tent sale in Port Huron, pray I don't find much ;);)

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Wow, your Prairie Star sounds as though it is really flying off of your hook, Val. That's fantastic. Do you like doing the filet? I have really been itching to try my hand at it, as I received a wedding announcement from one of my friends in Japan, and I have no ideas as to what to send as a gift...Just a thought, though. I would love to see how yours is coming along.

Did you read up above that I finally got my hands on skeins of the Red Heart Holiday yarn? I am so excited about it!! I made all of the the present gift tags (Stuffed Santa pattern from the web site) I expect to use this Christmas, and I have quite a bit left over. Yaaay, I am going to try it in the Gingerbread Quilt-ghan Cara just shared. Won't that be pretty? What did you decide to do with your sparkly yarn? Were you making the little mouse? Have a good day!


I'm much slower with the filet piece because it's thread and both it and the hook are sooo much smaller. I'm on row 5 of the mesh, and I start the name on row 6. Once I get the name going some I'll post a picture. I'm still having issues with the block increases and somehow I have to shorten the last mesh in each row. It's supposed to be ch 2, skip 2 and DC in the next DC (or for mesh, ch 2, dc in the dc skipping the previous ch 2). At the end of each row I always end up skipping 1 for both the inner mesh and the border mesh. Oh well, it still looks ok :D


I haven't started the mouse yet, I'm going to do mice and snowmen as little gifts. I'm really focusing on the filet and the PS first. The mice and snowmen will be bowling projects (I usually go hang out while DBF bowls). I'm also starting to dream of maybe a RR in the homespun holiday colors. I may end up with a ton of that stuff on hand :lol

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Good morning ladies :flowers


Erin - Your ghan looks marvelous! And what a bargain :tup


Dusti - Oooh the holiday yarn for the border squares! What a fabulous idea! Think that's what I'll do for the model :yes I already have some red here :dance Thanks so much for the brilliant suggestion! :hug I love this group. It's like having our very own little think tank :manyheart


Linda - Oh yes, a nice strong cup of tea ought to improve the start of the day :hug


Val - I'm gonna have to go check out that site you linked. I have a serious love/hate relationship with the evil empire :lol


Well, BD decided he needed to go back to work today. While he was hacking and sniffling even more than he was before :( Silly man :rolleyes I won't be one bit surprised if he comes back in that door in a couple of hours :irk


We got rain last night! :dance It's cooler this morning but it was very humid last night. As long as it made it cooler I'm happy about it :lol Plus I don't have to water the plants as much today I'd imagine :D


The toy soldier is giving me fits. I spent almost all day yesterday working on his stupid hat. It was either way too big or too small. Then it dawned on me finally....got up a hook size for the hat, idiot :rofl So I'll do that today as that little gem didn't dawn on me until I was so disgusted I went to bed at 1 am :lol

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G' morning, Linda. Hope your coffee hits-the-spot and gets your morning off to a good start :coffee That's always my treat, too, once the little ones are out the door, I get good coffee M-m-m-m-m. Is John home for the weekend? Hope you get to rest some.:hug

Yup. He has a three day weekend, so I get a nice stretch of me time.

No problem, good luck with o wally world!


Im off to check out Mary Maxim and their tent sale in Port Huron, pray I don't find much ;);)

Pray you don't find much! What kind of a wish is that?!? Here's hoping you find lots of really nice stuff at sweet low prices. :devil

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