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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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I put a picture of the dragon up. It's here. I also have to show you guys a picture of the pin I recently got. I think it would look great as an accessory to a bag, and I'm thinking cream. Not sure what type of bag though :lol


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Adorable babies - and ripple! Love the dragon, too - and the pin. I saw a hummingbird out of my "office" window a couple of weeks ago. Every so many years I get lucky;)

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Good luck with the search.

I'd give almost anything if our taxes were as low as 3K a year.:(


Shall I duck as I tell you that ours are just under $1000 a year? :lookout Of course NJ is more expensive and your neighborhood is probably more upscale than ours :lol

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K so I now can share the ripple I made for my niece. My sis got around to sending me the pics! Omg shes so stinkin' cute too.

Erin, the ripple is lovely and the baby is sooooo cute.

I put a picture of the dragon up. It's here. I also have to show you guys a picture of the pin I recently got. I think it would look great as an accessory to a bag, and I'm thinking cream. Not sure what type of bag though :lol

Love the dragon! IMO the hummie pin looks great against the black. I'd do dark rather than cream.

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K so I now can share the ripple I made for my niece. My sis got around to sending me the pics! Omg shes so stinkin' cute too.








Great job! And what cute kiddos!

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I put a picture of the dragon up. It's here. I also have to show you guys a picture of the pin I recently got. I think it would look great as an accessory to a bag, and I'm thinking cream. Not sure what type of bag though :lol


Oooh that's lovely! :drool

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Good morning ladies :flower


How's everyone today? :D I actually feel worse now that I went to the doctor and got meds :rofl Isn't that just the way sometimes :lol This too shall pass though :D


I didn't touch my hook all day yesterday though. Hopefully that'll change today :hook Oh and BD was a smart boy and stayed home again today. I used to hate when people came to work sick when I still worked. If you're sick...stay home. Especially if you can work remotely like he can. No need to wear yourself out :yes


Have a great day everyone :manyheart

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Shall I duck as I tell you that ours are just under $1000 a year? :lookout Of course NJ is more expensive and your neighborhood is probably more upscale than ours :lol


The house that went under contract the other day had taxes of $700 something. I like that number much better :lol

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Shall I duck as I tell you that ours are just under $1000 a year? :lookout Of course NJ is more expensive and your neighborhood is probably more upscale than ours :lol

We're actually in the more moderate area of NJ insofar as taxes go! North if us they can be 12K:P We only pay 8500...for what, I don't know:(

Weeks ago the Bureau arrested a bunch of mayors and others for accepting bribes re building contracts...

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The house that went under contract the other day had taxes of $700 something. I like that number much better :lol


Yes, low property taxes were a priority for me. Just because the mortgage is affordable doesn't mean it's affordable once you add the taxes on :P We could've afforded a much nicer neighborhood but I didn't want us to end up house poor if things took a downturn financially :yes I like our neighborhood...my sister hates it and *she's* the one who found the house for us :rofl

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We're actually in the more moderate area of NJ insofar as taxes go! North if us they can be 12K:P We only pay 8500...for what, I don't know:(

Weeks ago the Bureau arrested a bunch of mayors and others for accepting bribes re building contracts...


$8500 for property taxes?!? :faint Oh I'd die :lol My in-laws are 5400 a year in San Antonio which is obscene too. We keep trying to get them to move here instead. They can get the same house with almost 50% less property tax. But they can't live in little (comparatively speaking) Waco :lol

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$8500 for property taxes?!? :faint Oh I'd die :lol My in-laws are 5400 a year in San Antonio which is obscene too. We keep trying to get them to move here instead. They can get the same house with almost 50% less property tax. But they can't live in little (comparatively speaking) Waco :lol

We just love our back yard and neighborhood so much we can't see ever leaving. Besides, we've lived here for over 33 years now and it's hard to shake us old folk loose once we've latched onto a good thing;)

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We just love our back yard and neighborhood so much we can't see ever leaving. Besides, we've lived here for over 33 years now and it's hard to shake us old folk loose once we've latched onto a good thing;)


I hear ya :yes

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K so I now can share the ripple I made for my niece. My sis got around to sending me the pics! Omg shes so stinkin' cute too.







She is cute! Great ripple!


I put a picture of the dragon up. It's here. I also have to show you guys a picture of the pin I recently got. I think it would look great as an accessory to a bag, and I'm thinking cream. Not sure what type of bag though :lol
Cute dragon & nice ripple. The pin is pretty! A humming bird tried to get through the windsheild while driving today. I dunno what it is about them doing that.
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Hi everyone! You have been busy. :yes


Erin - Your niece and ripple are so cute!!! Thanks for sharing pictures. I received my thank you card today. You are so sweet. I love it...thank you so much. I'm not going to say what it is because I don't want to ruin the surprise for others. It's perfect though. :c9


Judy & Cara - My property taxes are right in the middle of you two. Indianapolis is a big city. I'm not in a poor neighborhood, but I'm not in a ritzy one either. There are suburbs here that go up into the $8000 range. Just being little ol' me...can't afford that!!! :no


Thanks for the well wishes for Jackson. He was getting back into trouble almost immediately. :lol


I was talking to Jana (my best friend) and she said we need to get Jackie some shoes. :rofl He's the one that ripped out his middle two claws on his right back paw.

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Erin - Your niece and ripple are so cute!!! Thanks for sharing pictures. I received my thank you card today. You are so sweet. I love it...thank you so much. I'm not going to say what it is because I don't want to ruin the surprise for others. It's perfect though. :c9


Glad you like it, and thanks again for your help. Thanks for also keeping the secret. Some of the cards needed more postage I guess so they are heading back out soon. :D

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Erin - Your niece and ripple are so cute!!! Thanks for sharing pictures. I received my thank you card today. You are so sweet. I love it...thank you so much. I'm not going to say what it is because I don't want to ruin the surprise for others. It's perfect though. :c9


Glad you like it, and thanks again for your help. Thanks for also keeping the secret. Some of the cards needed more postage I guess so they are heading back out soon. :D


kinda weird how that posted. It posted before I could say its really not too big of a secret, since everyones is slightly different :yes Hope it comes in handy sometime!

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Morning all. I'm slowly coming along with the name filey doily. I discovered that the graph I did had an oops, I tried to do a darker line every 10 squares to make counting easier. Yeah, one of those sections has 11 squars in it :lol oh well.

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Morning all. I'm slowly coming along with the name filey doily. I discovered that the graph I did had an oops, I tried to do a darker line every 10 squares to make counting easier. Yeah, one of those sections has 11 squars in it :lol oh well.

Hey, I do a yellow highlight on every fifth row and sometimes goof. If you only did 11 once with the highlight, you are way ahead of me. :lol :lol :lol


It's overcast and windy here today. We have Kim's pulmonologist appointment this afternoon at 2:30. Wonder what they're going to say? Whatever it is, I hope it doesn't complicate our lives too much.

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Hey, I do a yellow highlight on every fifth row and sometimes goof. If you only did 11 once with the highlight, you are way ahead of me. :lol :lol :lol


Except that goof had me frogging it two times because I thought I was off :lol By the time I get this finished, I'll be a pro and the second will hopefully go much easier.

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I really have to tell you guys about my shopping experiences today....


First off, Alex is an amazing shopper with me. He handles it so well, or sleeps. For the first time today I decided to eat out for lunch with just me and him and he was a doll...plus Fridays was soooooo yummy and I got a soup/sandwich so it wasn't too unhealthy either. I have to go on my soap box about the way people drive in this city, omg, seriously. I got cut off so many times it wasn't even a joke. I laugh and look at people who do that to me when I meet up with them at the next red light. THEN there was walmart...oh my goodness...

First as I was walking in a strange guy was just sitting there on the ground swaying from side to side talking some gibberish to himself, the pop bottle return was filled with loud teenagers. They were out of the yarn I needed, I knew I should have got it elsewhere, but at least I know everyone carries RHSS. They were out of the baby gate we wanted, which okay, thats fine too but I wasn't about to spend 15 bucks more for the one they had. While in the baby department I almost threw up because of what a woman was wearing. They were taking up the WHOLE isle with TWO carts, and 3 screaming girls. The man looked like he could have been the ladys dad, but then it was almost like they were together. She was wearing skin skin skin light bright orange low cut spandex capris, that were dirty anyhow, and a skimpy floral tank top with no bra and her stomach was allllllll out there. She had the post pregnancy belly poooooch just laying around there. She wasn't a big girl either so it looked just ew. Then she was on the phone with a bank or something hollering about money. Apparently someone took her money?? Maybe the babies daddy tied to the account? Dunno, but she was like screaming on the phone then got off the phone and was out right bawling about $300, all she had in her bank or something. I was honestly trying not to pay attention because thats just sad but she was so loud and I needed baby things. So then the lines were long as all get up and I had less than 10 items and went through that express line, cashier was nice at least. I was mad because they only had like 6 lanes open, were soooo busy and had so many employees around doing basically nothing, like the gal in the craft department who was talking to her friend and every other word outta their mouths was "like" "and" "like" and then the lady in the shoes who was texting someone. They need more cashiers. Joanns depresses me like that too, never enough people. As I was walking to my car, soooo thankful that was the last stop for the day, I saw a group of guys and one woman smoking cigars and drinking outta brown bags, just hanging around the car like it was a party zone or something. For peats sakes I want to call the cops on that one.

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Hello ladies :flower


I didn't get too much done on my doll yesterday :no Just the second leg and one arm crocheted. I swear I feel worse with the meds they gave me :lol I slept entirely too late today but I had a rough night. But it's all good now. Just have to get my act together. Sick or not we always seem to still have chores don't we? :lol


Then I'm hoping to spend the whole day on the doll...or maybe start the GB boy :hook

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Cara, I really hope you feel better as the day goes on:hug:manyheart


Erin...I think you need a police escort in those stores!:P

...and TY for the sweet note and very pretty little surprise! It'll be used, for sure.

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Cara, I really hope you feel better as the day goes on:hug:manyheart


Erin...I think you need a police escort in those stores!:P

...and TY for the sweet note and very pretty little surprise! It'll be used, for sure.



haha, it was just like day of the weirdos I swear. Glad you got it okay!! :D I had fun making the surprise. :manyheart

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