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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Sheila, Hi!

I have a sizeable stash...if you can't find what you're looking for in your pile, give me the color and dye lot and maybe I can help you out....


:lol I dont have clue what color or name of it is no label.Thank you so much anyways.:hug

really sure might have another little ball of it in my mess:lol

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Thank you for the prayers for my neighbor. We had a nice time last night at dinner. I made stuffed hamburgers (basically two patties squeezed together around grated cheese and bacon bits and the burger has been seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder, dried onion and worchestershire sauce and mixed in the meat...) and they were grilled on their hoo ha hoo ha gas grill...de...lish! I thought he was to leave today for chemo, but he leaves tomorrow and he himself will not be back home for about 100 days out at the least...we live on an island as you know and have to take ferry to get off island and he has to be close to the hospital when he's on outpatient status until his immune system is "back to normal" or better.


Going to be wood chipping my Tree of Life afghan today (doing a row at a time...) every little bit helps.


Hope you all have a good day.

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Good Morning House :clap


Just a quick drop in this a.m., I need to get my beans planted and am waiting for a phone call from the vets. Addie is doing much better with the meds the vet prescribed but we are now out of pills, do we refill and continue or see if she still needs them. That is the question.


Shay, Nice to see you back. I still haven't started my Tree of Life. LeAnna, glad that you are able to work on yours today. I guess because it is for me, it is easy to put it on the back burner. Maybe I should decide to gift it to someone and that way it will get done. :devil


Joanne, I love the tote bag in your avatar. Do you know what pattern was used?


Cheeria, sounds like you are having another busy day, as usual. Moveitist :rofl I am just the opposite. I have sititist.


Sheila, what a kind and caring neighbor you are. So many of the trees that grow around here are the kind with pod thingys. Some are really beautiful but they sure can get messy. I am sure your neighbor appreciates the help.


Sherri, I love your knitted squares. Your work is so beautiful. I checked out that book on Amazon. It has really good reviews. The only kinda negative one was from an English style knitter. She says the book is for Continental style knitters. Did you find this to be the case or would it work for both styles? Which style are you?


Julie, what a great yarn haul, the colors look so beautiful. What is the name of the varigated color in your rr? I don't recognize it. I agree with you about the stress and the problems of no insurance for early retirees. I took early retirement at 62 so had my ss income and intended to go on husbands health insurance when my COBRA ran out, sadly, a few months later DH took early retirement due to health reasons. He was able to get VA care, but it left me without health care for 18 months until I could get on medicare.:eek That was a scary time for me and I ended up with no doctor visits or meds for that period of time. Let me tell you, it took a toll on my body and I paid the price for it. So for all of you youngsters, don't risk your health, be sure you have health care coverage.:soap (Stepping off of soapbox now).


I got 11 rows done on my rr for the ripple gang. Will try to post a pic later.


Hope you all have a good pre-weekend day.

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Good Morning House :clap


Just a quick drop in this a.m., I need to get my beans planted and am waiting for a phone call from the vets. Addie is doing much better with the meds the vet prescribed but we are now out of pills, do we refill and continue or see if she still needs them. That is the question.


Shay, Nice to see you back. I still haven't started my Tree of Life. LeAnna, glad that you are able to work on yours today. I guess because it is for me, it is easy to put it on the back burner. Maybe I should decide to gift it to someone and that way it will get done. :devil


Joanne, I love the tote bag in your avatar. Do you know what pattern was used?


Cheeria, sounds like you are having another busy day, as usual. Moveitist :rofl I am just the opposite. I have sititist.


Sheila, what a kind and caring neighbor you are. So many of the trees that grow around here are the kind with pod thingys. Some are really beautiful but they sure can get messy. I am sure your neighbor appreciates the help.


Sherri, I love your knitted squares. Your work is so beautiful. I checked out that book on Amazon. It has really good reviews. The only kinda negative one was from an English style knitter. She says the book is for Continental style knitters. Did you find this to be the case or would it work for both styles? Which style are you?


Julie, what a great yarn haul, the colors look so beautiful. What is the name of the varigated color in your rr? I don't recognize it. I agree with you about the stress and the problems of no insurance for early retirees. I took early retirement at 62 so had my ss income and intended to go on husbands health insurance when my COBRA ran out, sadly, a few months later DH took early retirement due to health reasons. He was able to get VA care, but it left me without health care for 18 months until I could get on medicare.:eek That was a scary time for me and I ended up with no doctor visits or meds for that period of time. Let me tell you, it took a toll on my body and I paid the price for it. So for all of you youngsters, don't risk your health, be sure you have health care coverage.:soap (Stepping off of soapbox now).


I got 11 rows done on my rr for the ripple gang. Will try to post a pic later.


Hope you all have a good pre-weekend day.


Thanks. :) You can knit either continental or English. I use English but have friends who are doing continental with this one. I think it's a very well done book. There's only been a couple of instances where I was :shrug, but genereally a search on you tube straightened me out. All the diagrams are in grayscale and it might look a bit boring, but it helps to see color value in picking out your yarn. I've learned lots! I could only do basic knit and purl when I started.

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Sherri -

Wonderful photos, and beautiful work on the knitting !


Cheeria- as for my ripple colors, I am going to have to stick with the browns (for my Ex-DIL's friend ) .. That could be part of the reason I'm having a hard time sticking with this or wanting to do it .. the colors are so blah....boring .


Your colors sound pretty though !


Hidey Ho Tam, my old friend ....


Linda- don't you just hate it when vacation is winding down ? Sam has been likee that all week, he took off a long weekend last week, so this week he has really had a difficult time adjusting to going back to work. He has worked for the same company for 34 years and he is REALLY starting to get burnt out on it . He can actually retire from there now, but we'd have no insurance so he can't do that ,plus we arent yet old enough to get SS,so we'd have to sell the house and find a lower cost place to move .


We'll see what happens I guess . Anyhow, squeeze out those last few days of time with your family .


It sounds like you are itching to get home and make you a new quilt,so it'll be something to look forward to . I know it'll be beautiful .



Thanks, Julie. :)

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Good Afternoon, House mates!

Fisnishe with squish appointment, we went to the food store and I took Sparkie for a walk...now it's ME time (Cheeria, we all need that ME time...makes us happier (i.e.Nicer) wives, mothers and friends:D)



Wonderful colors of yarn! And I adore the bright baby ghan:c9 The stitching kit will be a great change of pace for you, too.

And I see all of us are of the same opinion, to try what the new doctor suggests...the other stuff hasn't seemed to help too much. You'll get there, Jules.:hug


Beautiful knitting, Sherri!! And the coasters are gorgeous! My first big piece of crocheting was a pineapple doily that turned out about 16 inches across or so....like you, thread?? what was I thinking?:lol



You're welcome! I got your card yesterday (not sure if I told you yet). It's sso cute...and I love the "bumper sticker" message! It reminds me of the jokes I was making with the mammogram tech as we positioned my parts this morning:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

AC Moore is Holmdel has a very nice yarn section and is my usual place to start when looking for a particular color, etc...it's almost as good as the one in Manalapan on route 9.:devil

I also have that ripple pattern...somewhere:think I'll probably pull out random brights from stash and use them for a ripple, since those colors make me the happiest to work on:D

And I have your V squares almost ready to mail!


Leanna, I'm so sorry for what your neighbor is going through - they'll be in my thoughts and prayers:hug


Lissa, good luck with the job interview on Monday - and congrats to R - she obvioulsy loves karate.:)


Diane, so many doctors take the easy way out and overmedicate! So glad you got weaned off all that stuff:hug:manyheart


SHAY! It's so good to see you back here! And I hope you continue to feel better:hug:manyheart


Linda, it has to be hard as your time with Joy and Ayden starts to wind down...but it sounds like you've had an unbelievably wonderful time, which will give you wonderful memories and many things to talk about till next time.:hug:hug


Thanks, Judy. I know I was thinking I didn't want to make granny squares, I wanted to make coasters and doilies and tablecloths. :lol

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Judy -

Did you mention starting a ripple too ? I must be mixed up. I thought you said you probably wouldnt be making one right now. I'm glad if you are, though ,the more,the merrier !


Sheila- sorry your mom's friend is having a rough time. It's good of you to help her .


LeAnna- what is a whohawhoha grill ? I'm a hillbilly. Our grills are fires with an old refrigerator shelf laying over top of it in our town .




Diane-wow, you are speedy on them ripples ! Great job .


*and for whoever asked what the color is in the baby ripple I'm making , I have no clue. It was one of those kits that my cousin had ( all still sealed in plastic in a box) ,that was supposed to make a REALLY ugly stuffed animal. I was trying to think of something else to use the yarn ,so I am making the baby ripple. It should have anough in it to be used for that .

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Goodmorning all!

Love seeing everyones photos so far of what they are working on or have done. still without a cord but one day:lol

not that I have anything share except half done squares then working on square last night and ran out of yarn with only 10 dc to go.hope I have little bit of the same color in a stash.

spent 3or more hours sawing branches off one of my mothers friend tree so the city would get off of her. some kind of mexican willow looking tree with pea pods thingys.So we all got a little sunburned but the kids had fun dragging the branches around the house to the back.

She is going through rough confused time right now her DH in nursing home they are trying to take her house and she is 84 and trying to take it all in and so forth.So suffering in the heat to help her out wasnt that bad.

Hope everyone has a good day today.

Good for you for helping her out.


We'll be leaving for mom's place before too long. I spent some more time this morning playing with Joy's scrap-booking stuff and made two more cards. It's something I could probably get hooked on if I played around with it long enough, especially for making cards for special occasions and special people. You'll probably be seeing at least one of them up close and personal, Lissa. :D :D :D Guys are here trimming the tree in Joy's back yard. It's looking better already. It had lots of dead limb in it.


When we picked up Ayden at daycare all of his teachers were telling us how well-behaved and polite and obedient he is. Made me feel so good. Joy is doing such a good job of parenting him. I'm very proud of the woman she has become.


Probably won't have a chance to check in again until we get back, so hope everyone has a good afternoon, evening and morning.

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Have a good visit with your mom ,and I'm glad your girl is doing so well with your grandson. It's important, isn't it ,so you know your grandkids are well taken care of .


I know how I am with Cam,and I'm always a nervous wreck that he will get hurt or something. Steph is a wonderful mom . I thank her all the time for taking such good care of him .


Forgot to say,a couple of my cousins at reunion just got into scapbooking not long ago,and they brought them to reunion to show some people. They are really pretty !


I just do the old lady thing with my photos and put them in a box of photos .I should think of a better way to keep them,but I never have tried .

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Judy -

Did you mention starting a ripple too ? I must be mixed up. I thought you said you probably wouldnt be making one right now. I'm glad if you are, though ,the more,the merrier !


Sheila- sorry your mom's friend is having a rough time. It's good of you to help her .


LeAnna- what is a whohawhoha grill ? I'm a hillbilly. Our grills are fires with an old refrigerator shelf laying over top of it in our town .



Diane-wow, you are speedy on them ripples ! Great job .


*and for whoever asked what the color is in the baby ripple I'm making , I have no clue. It was one of those kits that my cousin had ( all still sealed in plastic in a box) ,that was supposed to make a REALLY ugly stuffed animal. I was trying to think of something else to use the yarn ,so I am making the baby ripple. It should have anough in it to be used for that .


Those big ol' fancy gas grills, that's what I call a Hoo ha, Hoo ha grill...we don't have one...yet, but eventually we will...

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Cindy (Gardner) I got your Red, White and Blue card today...I love it and am glad you make cards too. I do rubberstamping, but my stuff is still packed away...but it won't be for long...


Thank you so much...

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Diane~Love the color in your RR. :cheer


Julie~I am glad the new doc is going in a different direction because the old one was leading nowhere fast. Good luck and keep me posted.


Cheeria~My square will go out on the 19th, hope that is okay.


I really am lost on all of the other posts. :lol


Did I ever tell ya guys that my 4th block of classes ended and my grades were both over 99%? :cheer I have officially finished my first "school" year (8 motnhs). :cheer :cheer


I have been trying to keep busy crocheting....I have gotten 4 more motifs done. My RR is on hold until the 19th also because I am broke. :( I wouldn't even have the pennies to put in a cup. :lol


So, how the heck is everyone? I bet you all said in your posts that i cannot seem to keep up on. :blush


Oh, Judy....I meant to tell you that the doggy ghan was so cute. Awesome job! :clap


BBL.....gotta go entertain Jaden for a bit. :manyheart

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:lol I dont have clue what color or name of it is no label.Thank you so much anyways.:hug

really sure might have another little ball of it in my mess:lol

Anytime...all you have to do is shout...:hook


Thank you for the prayers for my neighbor. We had a nice time last night at dinner. I made stuffed hamburgers (basically two patties squeezed together around grated cheese and bacon bits and the burger has been seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder, dried onion and worchestershire sauce and mixed in the meat...) and they were grilled on their hoo ha hoo ha gas grill...de...lish! I thought he was to leave today for chemo, but he leaves tomorrow and he himself will not be back home for about 100 days out at the least...we live on an island as you know and have to take ferry to get off island and he has to be close to the hospital when he's on outpatient status until his immune system is "back to normal" or better.

It sounds like you had a wonderful time...I'm so happy to see you have nice neighbors that you get along with just as we do with ours.

Just a quick drop in this a.m., I need to get my beans planted and am waiting for a phone call from the vets. Addie is doing much better with the meds the vet prescribed but we are now out of pills, do we refill and continue or see if she still needs them. That is the question.




Sherri, I love your knitted squares. Your work is so beautiful. I checked out that book on Amazon. It has really good reviews. The only kinda negative one was from an English style knitter. She says the book is for Continental style knitters. Did you find this to be the case or would it work for both styles? Which style are you?

I'm not Sherri,:lolbut I taught myself to knit with Youtube and found the English method to be easier for me to do than the Continental...and I've made the first 2 squares in the same book Sherri has.:D


Is Addie sick?? Poor pup...


The color on that RR is gorgeous!! Looks like a boucle yarn...???

Judy -

Did you mention starting a ripple too ? I must be mixed up. I thought you said you probably wouldnt be making one right now. I'm glad if you are, though ,the more,the merrier !

You're not confused...I didn't think I would make one, but changed my mind:devil...just won't do the penny thing, since my crocheting time is haphazard it'll be hard for me to do that.

Once I finish the edging on my current RR I'll be finishing a saltine ghan and since I always need another project to alternate with, I may use that pattern Cheeria and you are using. That'll be a bright colored one:D


When we picked up Ayden at daycare all of his teachers were telling us how well-behaved and polite and obedient he is. Made me feel so good. Joy is doing such a good job of parenting him. I'm very proud of the woman she has become.

Linda, that's all we can hope for, that our kids turn into good adults...and the bonus of having a wonderful grandson...priceless!:c9


Did I ever tell ya guys that my 4th block of classes ended and my grades were both over 99%? :cheer I have officially finished my first "school" year (8 motnhs). :cheer :cheer WTG, Tabby!:yay


Oh, Judy....I meant to tell you that the doggy ghan was so cute. Awesome job! :clap


When do you hear about Doa's tests??

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Well, Phil had to run out for work...odd hours, but you have to do interviews when people are available...but that means I have time to sit with a cuppa and finish my RR...and look for the plain ripple pattern. I think I put that in my charity crochet folder.



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Hi everyone. Nice and busy at work today. Not a lot of patients, but mine were really sick, so the time flew by, which is how I like it.

Dh and I are going to go visit the grandsons again tonight. DD evidently is stir crazy. She had a C section 10 days ago and is bored already. (and she has 4 little boys to keep her entertained!) She just called to tell us not to come too early, since they are going out to dinner. I'm wondering if she's overdoing it a bit.


Ok guys,here's what I have for my photos this week :


One is the baby rr I am making with my cousin's yarn .

One is the tub of RH colors I got while at reunion.

One is a stamped cross stitch kit I got at reunion.

And one is my dishcloth cotton I got there .


That's going to be a great round ripple, and the yarn looks so nice all together like that. Kind of reminds me of the way Lucy of Attic24 photographs her yarn.

I like that round ripp

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Morning All. :)


My life this week has consisted of treadmill, knitting, eating and sleeping. Yesterday I threw in some grass mowing in the afternoon. For those of you just starting out and are slow knitters, keep at it. You will get faster. This is what I've been doing since my last photo of knitted squares. Can't remember if that was last week or the week before. Two and a half more to go, and look! There's a ripple right on top. :lol And to give my hands a break I normally make some quilt blocks, but this week I've been resting my feet so I'm crocheting some strawberry coasters.


Your squares always look so nice. You're almost there!!!

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Cindy (Gardner) I got your Red, White and Blue card today...I love it and am glad you make cards too. I do rubberstamping, but my stuff is still packed away...but it won't be for long...


Thank you so much...


Glad it arrived safely. I like making cards, but I don't always make the time for it.

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Shaylen, nice to see you back again. Sounds like you are feeling a bit better.


Sheila, it was so nice of you and your family to help out your mom's friend.


Linda, I hope you enjoy spending time with your mom. It sounds like you've had a really great time with Joy and your grandson.


Tab, have you gotten any results on Doa's tests yet? Is he feeling any better?


Cheeria, it will be mid week before I can get to the post office to mail your squares. I have to work Monday and Tuesday. I could go out tomorrow but our annual "Start of Summer" festival is on this weekend, and that makes it impossible to find a place to park anywhere near the post office.

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I'm not Sherri,:lolbut I taught myself to knit with Youtube and found the English method to be easier for me to do than the Continental...and I've made the first 2 squares in the same book Sherri has.:D


Is Addie sick?? Poor pup...


The color on that RR is gorgeous!! Looks like a boucle yarn...???


Hey Judy, I've always knitted English style so thanks for letting me know from your experience that the book will be o.k. Think I wanna order it now. :D


Yup, Addie was having problems with her hind legs. She wouldn't put any weight on them so was walking around on her front legs (looked like a circus dog..just needed a tutu). She doesn't seem to be in pain and it only happens when she gets up after laying down for awhile. Almost like her legs have gone to sleep. Vet put her on pain/anti inflammatory meds for 2 weeks. After the first week she is back to her old self so the pills worked. Vet was going to do research in the meantime. Now meds are used up and we are waiting for him to let us know the next step. Was this a temp. thing or is it going to be lifelong treatment???:think


Hey you're good!! The rr is boucle yarn, the self striping kind, so easy, I don't have to think about it. :yes The color is called amethyst. (sp?)

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Hi Housemates! It's officially the weekend!!!! And DH just called and is bringing chinese food home for dinner!!!


Sherri-all of your projects are so nice! Your knitting is really good! Glad to hear that you are feeling good and getting lots accomplished! WTG on all that exercise!!


Julie- Nice stash there- love all the bright colors!!!! It makes me happy just to look at them!!! I am going to make a ripple- And i'll use the pattern that Cheeria and Judy and you are using. Hopefully this time, my RR won't come out wonky!!!


Diane- this is the link to the tote patternHERE that Turtlelvr made and sent me- it was from a book. It is so beautiful!!!


Tab- I got your Red/White/Blue card today!! Love it and it was nice learning a little more about you. Kudos to you, my friend for raising 4 boys ! And WTG on the grades!!!:clap:cheer:clap That is awesome!! Be proud of yourself- that is really quite an accomplishment!!!!


Cheeria- The only other yarn store I go to is Michaels- there is one on Rt 9 in Manalapan (on the northbound side) and one in North Brunswick on Rt 1 South by Bed Bath and Beyond and Barnes and Noble. I've been to the AC Moore in Manalapan and Holmdel, but mostly go to the one in Mid State Mall. That would be fun to meet up there one day. I'm glad you are taking some ME time!! That is so important.


Judy- Glad to hear that the squish appt is over and done with. That reminds me that I have to call and make my appt! Thanks! What happened to the Yankees last night? I switched over to the Celtics game and saw this morning that they lost!


Cindy- Nice that your day went fast- so did mine!! Have fun with the GS and as someone who had 3 c-sections- yes, it seems like your DD may be overdoing it!:lol


Sheila- that was so nice of you to help out your neighbor with the tree branches :manyheart


LeaAnna- How's the tree of life? I will keep your neighbor in my prayers that all goes well with the chemo and the bone marrow transplant!!! And so glad that you explained what the hoo haa grill (or whatever you called it ) was:lol


Linda- Hope you are having a nice time with your Mom- thanks for filling us in on your wonderful vacation.


Marisa- hope you had a good day.


Well, DH just got home with dinner, so let me sign off and I'll be back after we eat!



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Tab, how is Doa doing. Meant to say thanks for explaining it to me. I feel so stupid now but I just couldn't figure it out. I knew DH, Hub-E, but for Doa all I could come up with was Dear Old A--???? :rofl Glad I was wrong. :devil

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