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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Today was an exciting one for us. We have been glued to the computer listening to the MLB draft for the last 2 days. Happy to say our nephew was drafted by the Toronto Blue Jays. Awesome news!!! I'm a huge baseball fan, just like Judy- and relief pitchers who work well under pressure are much needed!!! Let us know his name when he starts playing Major league ball and I'll watch for him!!


Afghans are both gorgeous


I finished the shrug that DD was making herself last night.That was so nice of you to finish it for her!!! Hope she has a great time in NYC!

I did about half the camping packing last night and then it started to pour, so I will have to finish this morning. We aren't going to leave until close to lunch time, so I have plenty of time.Have fun camping


I'm ok, breathing ,on a scale of 1-10, 10 being worst, I'll have to give it a 7 this morning . Kinda heavy-feeling in my chest .It is raining here ,not real hard, but enough to make everything soppy ..Tomorrow is my 2 hour appointment with the Immunologist . Hope I like him ! But most of all, I hope he figures this stuff out . Positive thoughts that he figures out this pretty important breathing stuff!!:hug


Hey gang-

Got an email from Joanne -- she wasn't able to get into here this morning for some reason,but she wanted me to post a good morning and happy hump day to you all,and said she'd try again later on to get in .

Thanks Julie! You have no idea how sad I was that I couldn't get on this morning- It is my quiet time to have my coffee and "visit" my friends!



I'll be knitting and knitting and knitting...today. But first up is coffee, breakfast, and penpal letter writing. I have a card to post and the mailman will be here around lunch time. Hope you had nice productive knitting day!


after we get the nerve to release and the pain gone... he will start to work on gettig as much of my curve back as he can. :whewHope that he can get you back to your "old curvy self" :lol


Gotta love getting old! :UWE DO? :lol




Update: Doa went for his US this a.m. and I will keep you all updated on any results as we get them. His pain meds. make him loopy but take no pain away. We know it is a cyst or atleast that is what they tell us, but they do not know why it hurts so bad....trying to find if it is attched to nerves, spine or if he has any spine damage, etc. Prayers and hugs that all works out and that he can find relief from his pain :hug


Thank you again for all the caring thoughts and concern. :ghug Somedays I just get tired of all of this stuff......I think this means we are getting old. :eek But not as old as me (or Judy or Diane:lol:lol)

Joanne~Your card #2 went out this a.m.Yippee-- more fun mail!!!!


Oh, and I received my chopstick hook that I won on a fellow villers blog contest. It is very cool looking. :yes:clapI got one too!!! Today was really my lucky day- got the tote from Turtlvr and the neat chopstick hook too! Mmmm probably should have played the lottery today!:lol


Well, Phil is in a mood...a good one...:yes

He does the vacuuming and looked at the floor in the entry hall today...and we were in Home Depot before you could blink. We picked out a new floor and the installer is coming to measure tomorrow.:DHow fun is that?!!! A new kitchen set, a new living room set, a new floor!!!! I'm so happy for you-and after 36 years, I think it's time to splurge!!!:yes


He has other WIM, too:D:D:D Wonder what that could be?:think


I'm going to try and get a photo of it in use soon. I've wanted a shawl for a while. I get chilly very easily and am forever hunting for blankets to put over my shoulders :manyheart:manyheart I can't wait to see a pic- LINDA_ how sweet of you!!!!


Hi House, I spent the day straignten up my house and running a few errands for my home. The aides who take care of my husband at times aren't to mindful when they use bleach to clean some of my husband's things so thy spashed bleach on my new bathroom carpet, that's why it is important for me to be here when they are cleaning up my husband. Some are definitely better than others!! I'm so glad about that, maybe my Life will get back to normal.I'm happy for you!:hug


when I try to make a RR I end up frogging it, I can't seem to get the hang of it. Me too! But one of these days I'll get it!!!


That'd be great if you join us on the ripple gang. I think I'll be joining too!!! It sounds like lots of us have one started,but not finished,so it is a good group project. We can help each other to stay on task .


Maybe I can think of something to do to make it a little more fun,and more of a contest to see who can complete the most rows during the weekWho you, come up with something to make it fun? Everything you come up with keeps the House jumping and is so much fun!!!!.



It was another busy day in here :DYes it was- while we were slaving away at work, the ladies are having fun! :lol:tiredI feel your pain!


Work went fairly quickly today and I knitted a couple rounds of my sock during lunch break. :yay

Joanne - congrats on your new tote!!!!!!! :cheerThanks, I LOVE IT! Oooo, hockey tonight, almost forgot until just now when I typed your name :yes Thanks for the reminder :lol No problem- GO BLACKHAWKS :lol:lol:lol

Joy and Linda - I hope you continue to enjoy your time together :ghug THE SAME FROM ME JOY AND LINDA!!!


LeAnna - I love those old muscials too :D ME TOO!


Mary - Luke will be running circles around y'all before you know it :lolThat's for sure!


So glad I figured out the multi quoting or it would have been a long night! :lol


Time to turn the hockey on- Yanks are losing 2-0 and this night could be the night the Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup

:cheerGo Blackhawks!:cheer

Have a great evening all!!!:hug

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Julie 2 squares for me

Here are the two squares I made if this all works for me. This is the first time I have posted pics.


I clicked on the paperclip above, then on the browse button and found my picture from my computer, clk on the upload (next to browse), then closed the popup window then hit the submit button. But the pics didn't follow. Any help?

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Joanne -

To reply to mutiples, when reading posts, click on the dohickey in the R hand corner that has the " + ---- then when you are ready, click on reply,and they will all be in there .


Thank you for that Julie! I had no idea myself! You just made my life much much much! Easier!! :hug:yay

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I clicked on the paperclip above, then on the browse button and found my picture from my computer, clk on the upload (next to browse), then closed the popup window then hit the submit button. But the pics didn't follow. Any help?

I'm going to attach the pic of the Chopstick hook I got from Moomoo today and see if I can't help and see what you may have missed. Clicked on the paperclip, browse button, click on upload button and wait until it says DONE on the bottom Then close the pop up window and click submit reply. The only thing you didn't mention was whether you waited for it to say Done- sometimes it takes a few minutes- it will say waiting for crochetville, sending to crochetville, then it will say done. Hope that helps!


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Joanne- glad you got the multi quote to work !




Lissa- I'm glad to be of service - if you have any questions, holler and we'll try to help if we can .




Marlene- got your squares ! And the only thing that might have happened,was when you do the BROWSE, then find the photo you want, click on it .

You have to wait awhile -- it'll show at the bottom to say something like Downloading now ... You have to wait until you see it at the bottom, it'll show that it has loaded, then close that box, and press post ...


Hope this helps you. I'm not the best explainer about this kind of stuff .

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Wow, Joanne -so cool !!! How much longer is it than a regular sized hook ? Are they easy to work with ?

It's about 8 1/2 inches long and looks to be about a "K". There is chinese writing on it so that may say the size, but sadly, I can't read Chinese! ( I can only eat Chinese:lol)


I've never worked with one, but I'll probably try it out tomorrow night. I am finishing up another 12 inch sq for the granny ghan I'm making - as I watch hockey- so I'm actually watching more hockey and posting than I am :crocheting!

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Today was an exciting one for us. We have been glued to the computer listening to the MLB draft for the last 2 days. Happy to say our nephew was drafted by the Toronto Blue Jays. I don't watch or follow much baseball, but I am a big fan of my nephew. Now they get down to the $ talk. Hope he makes a good deal.


I know it's not Friday but I'm not sure how regularly I will be able to be in the house so I will post pics now.


Here is afghan #15

What exciting news about your nephew, Diane. And another gorgeous afghan!

Back again,


For afghan #16, I tried Annie's Attic 6-12-24 point star afghan. Frogged it 3 times, just would not lay flat. Then went to the 6-12-24 afghan pattern here at the 'ville, Aggie May's pattern. Had much better luck. So here is #16. It is similar in color to #15, just swapped lavender and white, and they are both RR's, but they are different.


Getting late, so I'm going to bed. Will try to check in tomorrow a.m.


Nite all.


Hey folks ,


I would like to know if we could get a Ripple -along started in here ?


I know Mary has started one, and there may be some others of you that have .


I'll have my bright yarns coming this week I hope,plus I have the dreaded never ending brown one to do. I had to totally restart it because it wasn't nearly wide enough,so I have a LONG ways to go on it .


I'd like to have some ripple partners,so if you have an urge to start a new project or if you have a partly done ripple laying around,maybe you'd like to join in !


Will be back in a bit-- couple things needing done today -

I'm in on this one. I have a regular one partially done and the yarn for two more RRs. The WIP has been a WIP for a very long time. I think it's been crying, it's been on hold for so long.

I'm going to attach the pic of the Chopstick hook I got from Moomoo today and see if I can't help and see what you may have missed. Clicked on the paperclip, browse button, click on upload button and wait until it says DONE on the bottom Then close the pop up window and click submit reply. The only thing you didn't mention was whether you waited for it to say Done- sometimes it takes a few minutes- it will say waiting for crochetville, sending to crochetville, then it will say done. Hope that helps!

That's a beautiful crochet hook.

Here's the shawl Linda made for me


Also here's a pic of my newest blanket going to the NICU on the 14th

I'm glad you like it, Lissa. That's a lovely blanket for the NICU.


Hi, everyone. I'm really enjoying just vegging out while Joy is working in the morning and early afternoon. Ayden started his summer daycare today. He was a little shy at first but had a good day. We also had family portraits done this afternoon. They turned out great. I am so pleased. We went out to an Italian restaurant afterwards. I had picked up a whole bunch of new books for Ayden and gave them to him when we got home. He had to look through them all before eating his ice cream dessert. They, obviously, were a big hit. The time is flying by way too fast.

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beautiful work mesilly!


Got two walls upstairs painted, curtains swapped out, pillows washed and packed away, laundry done and 6 rows done on the Tree of Life ghan...and some other things, but that's about it for now.


Oh and while upstairs, put on The Producers (the musical with Matthew Broderick and Nathan Lane) so we were still within the theme.

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Thanks for the photo of the hook. Let us know how you like working with it. They look really neat !





Lissa- no, of course we don't mind pictures. Post away ! We enjoy seeing other projects, etc,whatever you want to share .


The shawl is beautiful ~~ And did you crochet or knit the yellow babyghan ? It looks knit from the picture but I could be wrong .





Linda- that's great that you are enjoying yourself . Maybe one of these days you will retire and move closer to your grandson,do you think ,on down the road,maybe you can do that ?

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Congrats Joanne.....Blackhawks win the Cup!!!!! :cry (and yes, I was screaming when they tied at 3 :lol


Leanna - busy, busy, busy....you always get soo much done, I need to take notes from you ;)


Lissa - we love pics, post away. Your new shawl is great, Linda has such talent and your blanket is also gorgeous, i really like the pattern.


Congrat's to everyone that got the multiple posts down pat.


Good luck to Marlene getting those pics posted ;) It sounds like you did it right, so like the other ladies said make sure you give it enough time. Where it says the file is uploading, it will change to the name of your pic when it's done if that helps to let you know when it's finished ;)


I'm off to bed. I have to get up in the morning to clean my turtles before work...they're overdue and I'm going to have a busy weekend :D

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Lissa - we love pics, post away. Your new shawl is great, Linda has such talent and your blanket is also gorgeous, i really like the pattern.


Thank you Dear :manyheart



Lissa- no, of course we don't mind pictures. Post away ! We enjoy seeing other projects, etc,whatever you want to share .


The shawl is beautiful ~~ And did you crochet or knit the yellow babyghan ? It looks knit from the picture but I could be wrong .


The blanket is knit. Most of the time I only knit small projects because I have to use my left hand a lot and it's the one with nerve damage. Crochet is much easier on my hand/arm. I'm trying to finish up two of my crochet blankets now. I'm a very slow crocheter :lol

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Good morning!!


I'm so happy I had no issues signing on this morning. I've got my cup of coffee and am ready to start the day!!! :yes


Thanks Marisa for being a good sport! I'm so happy that the Blackhawks won!!! :clap And the Yankees won too so it was a good night for me.


Seriously think I should buy a lottery ticket today- between receiving the lovely tote and the neat chopstick hook in the mail, to both teams that I was rooting for winning, I feel quite lucky right now!:lol


Lissa- like others have said, we love pictures :manyheart so post away


Linda- It is so good to hear that you are having such a wonderful vacation. It does the heart good that is for sure!!!


LeAnna- WOW! You sure did get a lot accomplished yesterday. Must be all those show tunes spurring you on!!


Marlene- I hope you have better luck posting your pics today. Marisa mentioned that when the pic is uploading it will change to the name of your pic. I never noticed that- all I noticed it is that it says Done when it's done (but I'm on a MAC, so maybe that makes a difference?) In any event, sometimes it takes longer than other times to upload a photo!


Julie, Judy, Tammy, Cheeria, Diane, Mary, Sheila, Cindy, Tabitha, and the rest of the House---Have a wonderful Thursday!!!:hug

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Good morning all -

Well, it's Thursday morning ,6 AM ,so up and at'em ladies !!! :D


Today was the promised day to announce the winner of all the variegated squares . I put everyone's names on the appropriate number of slips ( according to how many squares each person made ) ,and had Sam pull the winner out . I was gonna have Cam do it, but he won't be here til Saturday,so Sam got to do it . :yes


DRUM ROLL PLEASE ...............


And the winner of all the V Squares is........ CHEERIA !!!!



So Cheeria ,by my calculations, you will be receiving 32 variegated squares,along with the afghan booklet !

I'd say that will be a good start on an afghan !!!


Here is the list again of everyone that made them and their totals .














I'll pm you guys today with Cheeria's address so you can mail your squares out to her ,and thanks to everyone who participated ! :)

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Ok ladies---

Since our V-Game is officially wrapped up, it's time to do something new to keep you all entertained . :D


I found out yesterday that we have a pretty good number of people that either ARE working on ripples ,or have a partially finished one someplace ,or want to begin one .


I have pondered this , trying to figure out a way we can make it a little more fun and keep people motivated .


SO... the best idea I came up with is this :




The Ripple-Gang will officially begin today,so whether you have a current ripple in the works, or you begin yours today ,here is what I came up with :

1- If you wanna play, sign your John Hancock below .

2-If you have a ripple STARTED, please put a stitch marker or safety pin or even tie a colored piece of yarn on the row you are currently on .

3-Each Friday ,we will count the NUMBER OF ROWS we complete for the week.

You can also show a photo of your progress if you want, but you don't have to .:photo

4- Please either find an empty jar ,piggy bank,or cup and sit it next to your chair where you crochet .

5-For each row you complete ,put one penny in the cup . :2c

Please move your marker up to your current spot after counting the rows you did for that week .:remember

6-If you complete your ripple before others, you can either start another, or work on other projects until the deadline for this is up.

7-I have a super-fun idea to try when these ripples are wrapped up,so our goal is to really put some major effort into completing these ripples, so we can play the next game. The pennies you collect during this game should be enough to purchase what we will need for the next game . Sssshhhh ! It's a secret !!!!


8-I know each of us will finish at different times, depending on how big a ripple you are making ,how far completed yours might already be,etc .

The end date for the penny part of the game will be Sept 1st . THAT is when I will announce the new game . So ,we have the rest of the summer to get these ripples done .

9- You are more than welcome to keep playing if you are making small ripples for babies or you are a fast crocheter and complete one,and begin another . You can ripple all summer long,and count pennies .

10- Gather up your equipment today -- put a marker on the row you are on,get your penny jar ready ,and grab those hooks !:hook

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:yay Cheeria :cheer:clap:yay on winning the v squares with the afghan booklet


Joanne - I hope your luck continues today for the lottery ;)


Julie - You are soo creative always coming up with new games :yes I'm going to pass on the ripple game, but you've already peaked my interest for the next game in Sept (am I able to play that one if I don't do the ripple, or is the ripple part of the game?)


Linda - Sounds like Ayden really liked his books!!!! Esp if they came BEFORE the ice cream :eek:lol

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I'll give this another try with the pics. I waited and it looks like it's going to work. Thanks for all the help! It was easier than I thought it would be.



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