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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Big Hug Julie, big hugs...I about freaked when I heard my dad on the phone when he was in hospital...and then when he got on oxygen, oh my word...he sounds so much better and my sister in law told me that he finally had color back in his face (he had been looking really pale for the last couple of months...)

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Good Morning House, :cheer (yay I made it in)


Thanks for all the lovely compliments on my RR's. I do enjoy making them so count me in on the Ripple-A-Long. I have yarn for 3 more, nothing fancy, I am using the self-striping boucle yarn so that is pretty easy.


Marisa, Judy, Sherri, don't remember who else asked, the border on the RR's is single crochet. I carried 3 colors and changed color every stitch working over the other 2 yarns. It really is easy but it is time consuming. I think with 24 points at the end, there were over 1200 stitches, it took hours and hours, but I do like the way it kind of ties everything together. It works well with 2 colors also.:yes


Cindy, hope you have a good time camping. I always enjoyed it when I was younger. Sadly, now, if I were to try and sleep in a sleeping bag, well, the sleeping part would be o.k., but I don't think I would be able to get upright again :D


Julie, hope you breathing eases up and that your appt tomorrow goes well. I am keeping good thoughts for you.:hug I am also very jealous of your yarn haul. Good Job! My DH is very good about me buying yarn as well. It usually is for gifts so he doesn't care. I buy yarn/patterns, he buys computer stuff.


Tam, so sorry about your neck problems. I know that women do worry about their curves but who knew we had to worry about keeping a curve in our neck. It nevery occurred to me. I hope your are feeling better soon.


Sheila, sounds like you have been getting the heat. It has been warm up here too, but we always have a breeze/wind going so that helps a little.


Sherri, good luck with your knitting today. My knitting is mostly scarves, I have one in progress, just can't seem to get back to it. I don't know how I would do with knitting an afghan. I am very tempted with a sampler type of knitted afghan. I have a couple of books for that. It seems like just doing a square at a time would not seem quite as daunting a task as thinking about a whole, big afghan. I am anxious to see your results.


Tab, I would love to see a pic of your chopstick hook, that sounds interesting. I feel stupid asking this question but who is/what does DOA stand for? I have tried to figure it out but just can't come up with it.:think


Mary, good to see/hear from you. Bet Luke is really growing quickly. :manyheart I feel bad too when I can't get in here and post every day. I have to tell myself it is o.k. Everyone here is so great I think they all understand when we can't make it in as often as we would like. But sometimes I feel like a drive by poster, don't mean to, it just happens that way.


Judy, thanks for asking about my nephew. He is 20 yrs old, just finished 2nd year of college and has wanted to play baseball his entire life. He was recruited pretty heavily this year. He lives in Calif but is currently playing on a summer league in NH. He is a RH pitcher and swings a pretty good bat. Had 12 HR's last season. Now being as how I don't follow baseball that much, this may make more sense to you than me,:think he is not usually a starting pitcher, he is the go to guy when they are in trouble, handles pressure well. We are so excited for him and hope he makes a good deal.:clap


Well my g-gs is getting potty trained. Wore his first pair of big boy underwear yesterday. My g-dil said it lasted about 10 minutes and then he came running in yelling, Mommie, Mommie, I just peed my pants. (Like that was a good thing...he was so proud). :rofl And so, the training begins.


Well, I'm off to do some stuff around the house (long neglected) then hope to hook for awhile. Hope everyone has a great day. :hook

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Marisa, Judy, Sherri, don't remember who else asked, the border on the RR's is single crochet. I carried 3 colors and changed color every stitch working over the other 2 yarns. It really is easy but it is time consuming. I think with 24 points at the end, there were over 1200 stitches, it took hours and hours, but I do like the way it kind of ties everything together. It works well with 2 colors also.:yes


Thanks, that's good to know. It is a very striking border effect.


Sherri, good luck with your knitting today. My knitting is mostly scarves, I have one in progress, just can't seem to get back to it. I don't know how I would do with knitting an afghan. I am very tempted with a sampler type of knitted afghan. I have a couple of books for that. It seems like just doing a square at a time would not seem quite as daunting a task as thinking about a whole, big afghan. I am anxious to see your results.


The Learn to Knit is a sampler one. It's not so bad, but the ripple is all in one and while it's okay to work on now...when I first started working on it my skills were lacking and the phone would ring every single time I was knitting on it. Lots of dropped stitches. I did teach myself how to rip back and get it all put back on the needles though. Now I tend to get sleepy when I work on it. :yes


Well, I'm off to do some stuff around the house (long neglected) then hope to hook for awhile. Hope everyone has a great day. :hook


You too.

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Woo Hoo!



Oh and I pulled out a bunch of musical dvds...so starting with the oldest and working to the latest, I started off with Oklahoma and now The King and I is playing then Sound of Music, then West Side Story, then Woodstock, Jesus Christ Superstar, then I'll Be There (with Craig Ferguson and Charlotte Church and then I think the last one is Johnny Depp's Sweeney Todd...I'm my own TCM channel today...


I love those old musicals. One of my fav's is 7 brides for 7 bros. Loved Jane Powell and Howard Keel was so handsome. :manyheart (Bless your beautiful hide). Sounds like you will have a wonderful day.

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Oh, Sherri, you are very brave to rip your knitting back.:nworthy My sister does that too. Doesn't even think twice about it, just lets it rip. I, on the other hand, am so paranoid about it, I unknit, one stitch at a time.

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I love those old musicals. One of my fav's is 7 brides for 7 bros. Loved Jane Powell and Howard Keel was so handsome. :manyheart (Bless your beautiful hide). Sounds like you will have a wonderful day.


I don't have 7 Brides but need to add that to my collection some day...I did see 7 Brides at the Music Circus in Sacramento about 20 years ago with Peter Reckell (Bo from Days of Our Lives...) You should have seen the place...the minute his boot hit the stage the audience went nuts (the audience was 3/4ths women who were BIG FANS of his...) I love 7 Brides...


Yeah, having a good day...I've been doing a row, then doing something else, then doing a row and so on...


Gonna go do another row and then fold a load of laundry...

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I hope your dad continues to feel and sound better each day . I am not used to having any breathing type issues. I have rarely ever had a cold. Maybe once 10 years ago. I just don't GET anything that effects my breathing so it's especially bothersome .

Anyhow, I'm hoping this guy tomorrow will be able to bark up the right tree and as soon as he hears all my symptoms, he'll know what we are dealing with .



Diane - great to have you on board with the ripples -- those others are honestly stunning .

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Variegated squares :

Here are my totals so far ,and I'll give everyone until tomorrow morning to check in with their amounts . If I haven't yet listed you ,or you guys can think of someone who made squares ,and you don't see them on the list yet, let me know so I don't leave someone out of the drawing .

Thanks !


Diane -2














If you can think of someone else who made some, let me know so I can try to contact them before morning .


Thanks -:)

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It sounds like if you guys keep going, you'll soon have a whole new-looking house !


We usually TRY to do one thing a year to our house to keep it fixed up,but we have had so many Dr bills the past couple years, the poor house is getting ignored.


Maybe NEXT year ...

We've gone years without doing anything except needed repairs, so this is such fun!


It's been raining off and on and Serenghetti could care less, she still wants to be outside.

Once they get a taste of going out you can't keep them in.

Oh and I pulled out a bunch of musical dvds...so starting with the oldest and working to the latest, I started off with Oklahoma and now The King and I is playing then Sound of Music, then West Side Story, then Woodstock, Jesus Christ Superstar, then I'll Be There (with Craig Ferguson and Charlotte Church and then I think the last one is Johnny Depp's Sweeney Todd...I'm my own TCM channel today...

It sounds like a super relaxing day!


Diane, thanks for the info on how you made that border! And baseball ALWAYS need pitchers who can throw hard and have nerves of steel - all you had to do was watch how the Yankees decimated the Orioles bullpen last night:lol

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I don't have 7 Brides but need to add that to my collection some day...I did see 7 Brides at the Music Circus in Sacramento about 20 years ago with Peter Reckell (Bo from Days of Our Lives...) You should have seen the place...the minute his boot hit the stage the audience went nuts (the audience was 3/4ths women who were BIG FANS of his...) I love 7 Brides...

Oh...I watched that years ago and would drool over Bo......:devil

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Linda ~ I got the most amazing gift from you today and I admit it made me cry my eyes out (good tears) my daughter's are calling the shawl 'Mommy's hug' <3


Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm mailing out your 2nd card tomorrow, and I included something fun and cute with it. I hope it will make you smile


Diane ~ Your afghan's are AMAZING!! Just breathtaking! <3


Tam ~ I'm praying for your neck. I have back problems from degenerative disk disease and let me tell you, one little thing being out of place can give you SOOOO many problems. I bet when your neck is better you'll be amazed at how good you feel!


Julie ~ I made ONE Variegated square


Ok ladies I currently have no net from the hours of 4 am to about 4 pm. LOL so when I get on I'm trying to play catch up. if I forgot to comment to you please please don't be offended. :lol

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Hi Everyone!!

I am so excited- I received one of Turtlvr's Totes today in the mail!!! Here is my post about it and the pichere


Dinner is almost ready, and DH is hungry so I'll be back after we eat!

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Lissa -

Thanks ,got your note about the square -- got you on the list !


Take care with that back --- and that is wonderful that Linda sent you a shawl !


She is a real sweetheart .






wow, the tote is really nice and it looks very sturdy and well made,like it'll llast you for years ! Great gift to get ,especially with the matching doodads that came with it !

You are very lucky, and it'll come in handy to bring some project with you wherever you go !

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Hi House, I spent the day straignten up my house and running a few errands for my home. The aides who take care of my husband at times aren't to mindful when they use bleach to clean some of my husband's things so thy spashed bleach on my new bathroom carpet, that's why it is important for me to be here when they are cleaning up my husband. Once he's in his wheel chair he's fine and can get around. My daughter did real good without me today and was able to get some rest last night, I'm so glad about that, maybe my Life will get back to normal.


Julie - I have 4 V- squares, I will very much like to join in crocheting my ripple for I have one that has been a WIP for a few months and I would really like to see it finish I have to take it out to see what yarn I need.

Marlene - that's so nice that you will be having 3 new babies in the family. They will grow up together.


Lissa - your little girl is so cute. :cheer:cheer for a new stripe


Marlene - my secret to getting my grandbaby to sleep is singing a silly song I made up for him. When he hear the song he closes his eyes and relaxes in my arms and go to sleep. :lol:lol The silly song I made up don't have any real words just silly baby sounds that I sing to him with a soft, quiet and calm voice and it just work. :lol:lol


Tab- I like the pattern your V square made. Do you know the name of the varigrated yarn you use. I know we are finish making V squares as a group but I will probably continue to make some more and then join them together for a ghan gift to someone at x-mas time.


Diane - That's exciting news about your nephew being drafted into the Toronto Blue Jays. I love the colors of your RR for some reason when I try to make a RR I end up frogging it, I can't seem to get the hang of it.


Judy - It is so nice that you are redoing your house, when it is all done I know it will be pretty.


Sherri - I'm also scared about ripping out my knitting, I never know where I'm at in the pattern if I do rip the stitches out so I'm super careful when I knit.


To the rest of the House I hope you all had as fun, happy and worry free day. :hug:hug This is the best group ever. :manyheart

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Hi Cheeria

Thanks for your squares total-- got them added to my list .


I hope soon that everything will settle down for you and things will get back to normal.


That'd be great if you join us on the ripple gang. It sounds like lots of us have one started,but not finished,so it is a good group project. We can help each other to stay on task .


Maybe I can think of something to do to make it a little more fun,and more of a contest to see who can complete the most rows during the week .


We'll see if I can think of something .


Anyhow, you take care and rest up -- you don't want to wear yourself out .

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We've gone years without doing anything except needed repairs, so this is such fun!

It sounds like a super relaxing day!


Diane, thanks for the info on how you made that border! And baseball ALWAYS need pitchers who can throw hard and have nerves of steel - all you had to do was watch how the Yankees decimated the Orioles bullpen last night:lol


Not a relaxing day Judi...I put in the musicals to keep my energy levels up 'cause I'm trying to get a ton of stuff done...and it's working...


Hub-E just got back from being off island...he did good...

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Tab- got your square listed, thanks !


And I hope Doa is ok soon ! If you guys are getting old then I'm ANTIQUE.

Glad to have you along with the ripple .


I'd like to see what the chopstick hook looks like -- is it really skinny ?




It isn't real skinny but it is pretty long. It is a square chopstick with chinese writing at the end, very cool. I will have to post a pic....remind me tomorrow because I do not feel like dealing with the camera stuff now. :D



Tab, I would love to see a pic of your chopstick hook, that sounds interesting. I feel stupid asking this question but who is/what does DOA stand for? I have tried to figure it out but just can't come up with it.:think



His name is Shenandoah. Think that is weird? His middle name is worse....Dismas. :lol My poor twins because I gave them both his middle name. :eek


Tab- I like the pattern your V square made. Do you know the name of the varigrated yarn you use. I know we are finish making V squares as a group but I will probably continue to make some more and then join them together for a ghan gift to someone at x-mas time.





Thank you. The color is RH Marrakesh. :yes

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I got no crocheting done today :(....I ended up being lazy laying down with the Hubby. :blush


I doubt i'll get much done tomorrow because Darius has his school DARE graduation and BBQ.....if the Hubby can tolerate it all.


I really do not know what else to talk about, I am all gabbered out. :eek


BBL or tomorrow. :manyheart

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Lissa, enjoy the shawl from Linda! Her shawls are so gorgeous:c9

Cheeria, watch for the next card from me!


Hi Everyone!!

I am so excited- I received one of Turtlvr's Totes today in the mail!!! Here is my post about it and the pichere

That's great news!! It's pretty - and New (Jersey) York Giants colors...:D Enjoy!

Not a relaxing day Judi...I put in the musicals to keep my energy levels up 'cause I'm trying to get a ton of stuff done...and it's working...

Hmmmm....the music would rev up your engine. I put on an oldies radio station or a CD when I have lots to do, too.:yes


I got no crocheting done today :(....I ended up being lazy laying down with the Hubby. :blush


I doubt i'll get much done tomorrow because Darius has his school DARE graduation and BBQ.....if the Hubby can tolerate it all.


I really do not know what else to talk about, I am all gabbered out. :eek


BBL or tomorrow. :manyheart

That's not being lazy....when our guys don't feel well, sometimes they just want us there...


I hope tomorrow works out:hug


Off for the night. Working on a RR for charity - and it's close to being finished.:hook


CU all tomorrow:hug:manyheart

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Lissa, enjoy the shawl from Linda! Her shawls are so gorgeous:c9


I'm going to try and get a photo of it in use soon. I've wanted a shawl for a while. I get chilly very easily and am forever hunting for blankets to put over my shoulders :manyheart:manyheart

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Hello everyone :hi


It was another busy day in here :D I read through the posts and not sure how my note taking was because I'm exhausted right now :tired


Work went fairly quickly today and I knitted a couple rounds of my sock during lunch break.


Julie - I'm undecided yet about the ripple. When I ordered the yarn to finish my rainbow granny ghan I right ordered the yarn for another afghan, but it's a stained glass type one done in panels. I don't know how brave I am to have 2 BIG projects at the same time. I'm a maybe yet :think Is the immunology appt tomorrow the new one you found that you mentioned a couple weeks ago?


Judy - :yay for the new floor....now that your started, you're gonna want to keep going until you get everything done :lol


Joanne - congrats on your new tote!!!!!!! :cheer Oooo, hockey tonight, almost forgot until just now when I typed your name :yes Thanks for the reminder :lol


Tam - Sorry to hear the ball game got rained out :( Hope you got some dishcloths done and get that neck better!! :yes


Joy and Linda - I hope you continue to enjoy your time together :ghug


Lissa - It was nice of Linda to send you a shawl, I'd love to see a pic if you get a chance? :D


Sherri - I hope you got some knitting done today :knit And for the life of me I don't remember what, but I wrote 'good idea' next to your name on my notepad....problem is I forget what the idea was :think:rofl Well, anyways I though it was good when I read it :yes


LeAnna - I love those old muscials too :D


Tab - We all like to be lazy sometimes and when you get to lay around and be lazy with hubby....it's just that much better! :yes


Mary - Luke will be running circles around y'all before you know it :lol


Diane - Thanks for the border tip. That's what I was thinking, but from the pic it doesn't look bulky, nor were the other colors showing through from underneath :think Beautiful work!


And hello to Sheila and Cheeria :hi

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Why am I having such a hard time to multi quote tonight? My brain is turning to mush, I'm afraid. I checked off the posts I wanted to respond to and I can't remember what to click to get them in the post!! Oh, so frustrating!


I'm going to see if I can't figure this out!

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Hey Tab- no worries ,whenever you get the chance,post a photo of the new hook. I have never heard of them before,but they sound cool !



Jude- have a good night .




yep,tomorrow 9:15 AM. Immunologist . Will be glad when the first meeting is over - I am always nervous when going to a new Dr that I have never met before .

I hope he can figure this stuff out. I'm getting pretty doggone sick of it by now .


No worries on the ripple ,it's totally fine if you have another afghan in the works next . We don't have any real strict rules in here, anyone can work on anything.

I thought maybe we'd all get motivated to get those ripples done, especially now that I found out so many have partially done ones waiting .


I'm having a real hard time getting into this brown one. I think it's the colors ( too boring ),and the fact that it is for someone I have never met,and it is supposed to be so BIG .


Anyhow, maybe if others are working on the same thing, it'll motivate me to keep it up. I'd much rather toss it in the goodwill bin and do something with more PIZZAZZ .

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