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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Linda, it seems like the time up to your departure has passed really fast. It probably doesn't seem like it to you though. Have fun!


My youngest dd is leaving next Wednesday to visit New York City and Maine with a bunch of her friends. She is really excited and says the time is just crawling by.

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Hi All. :waving


Cake card is in the mail. :)


I'm trying to pare down everything. Yarn stash, Fabric stash, Bodyfat stash so if you don't see me a lot know I'm busy doing something. Today I'll probably be back out in the yard mowing. I already weeded the front flower bed.


I missed a rabbit photo-op this morning.


Have a great day. :manyheart

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Good mid-morning, House mates!


Dr appoint went perfectly...routine test. Just need to schedule my squish appointment. For some reason we both forgot about it last time around.:lol


Linda, how's the packing coming along?:)


Cheeria, today you meet the new grandbaby!!:cheer


Jules, you must be trying hard to stay calm - it's time for the reunion!!


Lissa, it's hard to have a dog when you have little ones...but it's training, too, as well as temperment. Certain dogs are just high energy and you can't change that.


Judy- Nice win by the Yanks- They were doing so well I took my chances and switched over to the hockey game-right after hearing about how the umpire blew the perfect game for the pitcher in Detroit. It really made me :angry

I felt sooooo badly for the pitcher!! I know it's a judgment call and not reviewable according to the rules, but....!!!!!

Judy, I was asking how you door turned out and left out the "door".


As you saw, I remarked it was passable. I drew the line at sanding the darn thing twice! Hair spray gunk....:P

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Hey guys

another quick check in. Just got home from an extended store run.Decided to buy a couple things and ended up turning into more and more stuff. Geeminy Cricket --oh well, I rarely spend much on us in the way of clothes, shoes etc. Neither one of us really cares much about that stuff,so we wear the same stuff til it is literally worn out. Sam would NEVER buy clothes for himself, he'd just walk around til his clothes looked like caveman stuff -- all raggedy on the bottoms .

So we each got some new duds, shoes, socks, boring stuff to me .


Hello to all who have checked in since this morning . Have to unload the car and get some laundry finished up .Tomorrow morning is when we'll be leaving .. Boy, is that air bad out today . Hot and wet, so it's like breathing in butter . Horrid .


Okm off I go -- lots to do and I've been goofing off all morning .

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Dear Marisa --

I got your CAKE card today. Thank you so much !! It was really pretty ,the cake looked good enough to EAT the card .... and it was nice hearing from you in my mailbox !


Hope yours has arrived by now or shortly . I mailed it Monday ( although mail pickup wouldnt have been til Tuesday with the holiday ) .


Thanks again !

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The time has gone quite quickly, actually. I'm in the midst of coloring my hair and Kim's having her morning breathing treatment. We get our hair cut at 1:00 and 1:30. Then on to nails. We'll fit lunch in somewhere in there too.


Hope you have lots of fun at the reunion, Julie. Take it easy and don't overdo while you're there.

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Hi Everyone! I survived the storm but was so sleepy I went back to bed. I just woke up and it's 11:20 AM. OOOPS. My husband is home from work today so he's been taking care of the kids


R has Tae Kwon Do today at 3. So she's really excited. Darcy has to go to the vet tomorrow too. So I think in this stressful time with lots of stuff going on I'm going to crochet. It's a great stress reliever

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I have read through all of the posts, but cannot catch up. Too much. :yes I will have time to crochet for the next couple days or a week. UGHH! I didn't mention it before because I remember someone telling me not to overdo it :blush but I played baseball last thursday in flip flops and well I think I may have sprained my ankle. Had to have xrays taken today and she also wants an US tomorrow just to rule out a DVT. So things just keep getting better here. Phooey. I hate being stuck in this house while they all play but my ankle/foot swells everytime I walk.


Oh, and thanks for the thoughts on my nausea....I think it was me taking my BC on an empty tummy. *DOH* Makes sense. I guess the crocheting was just a kawinkydink. :yes


Anywhoo, I will be resting and crocheting. :hook BBL.




Julie~I sure do hope you have fun!! :cheer:manyheart

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:sun.......... Good Morning kids........ :mug

How is everyone today?

I'm getting some projects finished up to mail out!

Mailing out my penpal a card today too! :U

Off to get some lunch going soon.......... back to the no salt recipes around here ....... poor little Michael!






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Tab, I think I was the one who told youy to take it easy - me or Jules, at any rate...we're your elders!


Lissa, crocheting IS a great stress reliever....but from experience I might suggest you go up a hook size if you're under more stress than usual;)

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Lissa, crocheting IS a great stress reliever....but from experience I might suggest you go up a hook size if you're under more stress than usual;)


Thanks hun! I will definitely keep that under consideration. I've only been crocheting for about 6 months or so.


Off to get some lunch going soon.......... back to the no salt recipes around here ....... poor little Michael!


Good luck! Poor Michael :(:hug

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You have a fun trip too,and take some photos so we know what it looks like out there. I'm always so curious about other states. Probably because I have always lived here .

I hope you have a wonderful time with your girl and your grandson ! We'll all be waiting to hear when you get back .



Cheeria- we are all waiting for your big news too ! Wow, lots going on in here this week !


HideyHo Jude- glad your Dr appt was ok,and yep, gotta get the SQUISHY thing done even if it aint no fun. Mine is Oct- easy month to remember .



Lissa- glad you got to sleep a little later this morning -- nothing wrong with that .


TAB ---- Playing BASEBALL ??? Wow, wish I still had the steam to do that.

I guess now you have to sit down and rest yourself like me .. and you're not even OLD yet like I am . Anyhow, sit still and behave now before you break something else . And yep, your pills with no food probably was the cause of nausea. I take so many, I have to eat several times a day. Could be why I'm needing BIGGER clothes .



Cindy- how's that new grand baby doing today ? I bet he's cute as a button .


Hey there Miss Tam -- how are you holding up ? Keep the chin up . You are one of the most positive thinkers I've ever met,so you are an influence I definitely need . I'm usually the exact opposite .


Well, off I go again .Stuff to do and it isn't getting done with me sitting on my rump .

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Cheeria, thank you for the cake card...and friendships are a special thing:hug:manyheart

....you should get yours tomorrow:)


I hope all is well with the newest grandbaby!:manyheart

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Tab, I think I was the one who told youy to take it easy - me or Jules, at any rate...we're your elders!


Lissa, crocheting IS a great stress reliever....but from experience I might suggest you go up a hook size if you're under more stress than usual;)



I know it was you BUT I was hoping you didn't remember. :devil



Julie~Yep, baseball and I am very competitive so when the kids no longer cared that I was a girl or their mother that feeds them I had to get tough. I was playing in my flip flops, ughh and my ankle gave out while running but I thought nothing of it until later. Oh, and I scored 4 homeruns. :yes:cheer

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Joy, I got your cake card today. It's beautiful! Yours was picked up by the mailman today. I will need to do better next week on filling you in on who I am. :) I'm a slooooooow starter. :lol


I'm so glad you like it. I'm going to have to see what kind of inspiration I can find for the next card. ;)



You have a fun trip too,and take some photos so we know what it looks like out there. I'm always so curious about other states. Probably because I have always lived here .

I hope you have a wonderful time with your girl and your grandson ! We'll all be waiting to hear when you get back.


You know... I might just let her use a computer while she's here. Then you won't have to wait! :D:lol

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Tab- you and your home runs ... busted up ankle, but you had to mention the home runs. You oughta be playing for the Cleveland Indians. They need somebody as tough as you to help them win a few .



Joy- yep, that will be fine if your mom wants to spend time on the computer when she's there -we'll look at photos anytime !

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Speaking of photos. I'm posting my Friday ones a early. Tomorrow I'm mowing again and once I'm done, I'm really done. Just like burnt toast. :P


Just so you know not all of this has been done this week. The flowers were from a couple of weeks ago, I just never posted them. I'm not in the swap for these. I just thought it would be a good way to use up my RHSS. There are more with ends still to be woven in.


I'm doing a KAL with some friends on the Lullaby baby blanket. The pattern info can be found on ravelry. Gaining new skills with this one.


And then I'm still working on the LTK squares. No photos yet, but when my hands get tired, I go sew on these Faux Bowtie blocks. I'm going to turn them into a shower curtain.




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I have read through all of the posts, but cannot catch up. Too much. :yes I will have time to crochet for the next couple days or a week. UGHH! I didn't mention it before because I remember someone telling me not to overdo it :blush but I played baseball last thursday in flip flops and well I think I may have sprained my ankle. Had to have xrays taken today and she also wants an US tomorrow just to rule out a DVT. So things just keep getting better here. Phooey. I hate being stuck in this house while they all play but my ankle/foot swells everytime I walk.


Anywhoo, I will be resting and crocheting. :hook BBL.

Tabby!!!! Keep the foot up and keep ice on it.


Kim and I are home after both of us getting haircuts, having lunch at Captain D's, and Kim getting her nails done. We're both about shot now. Time for some supper and a little relaxing.

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Sherri ~ Those are amazing!! I love seeing what everyone else is doing. I need to take photos of my stuff for tomorrow LOLZ


R did great!! She got a blue stripe today. Blue is for Teamwork. They did some really neat teamwork exercises.


After class she came with me to the store and we found a really sweet card with a cake on it for my pen friend <3 Mailing it out tomorrow

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