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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Sounds great Lissa !


We also just started a summer penpals thing, where we have a penpal in the group and we have a different themed card we have to send them each week this summer .

This is week one of it .

If I had one more person who needed a partner and you were interested in that, I could connect you with a penpal ...


If anyone comes in and wants to sign up soon, we can sign you on for that too if you have an interest in it .


As of now , we don't have any people waiting for a partner, but maybe someone will read this and decide to sign up .


Let me know if you are interested ,and maybe we'll get another one who would like to take part .:)


That sounds great! If someone else is interested I'd love a pen friend :manyheart


This is the best forum ever. You guys have made me feel so much at home. I love it

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Thanks, Lissa --

We do have a group to be proud of. Everyone is friendly ,helpful and always there for you .

I YAK constantly ,which might drive you crazy, but if you get tired of it, turn off the computer and ignore me !:lol


THEN when you get brave enough to listen to me more, you can click it back on . :D


I'll put the word out to see if anyone else would like to sign up to be your partner -- we'll fix you up with somebody ,I'll bet .


I can always take on 2 if no one else wants to play .

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Hi All Y'all in the House *waving*


It was grocery shopping day which means that I won't cook a single thing because now I'm too tired. :lol Yea! I found a cake themed card (harder than it looks with it being Father's Day and all). America...that one should be fun.


:Wecome Lissa


I'm off to find some :mug or I'll be nodding off. Have a great day!

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Hey folks

If any of you missed the boat on the pen pals ,and might wish you would've signed up, Lissa needs one ,so give a shout out ! :emptymail


It's week one, so you still have plenty of time to sign on and send out your first card ! :yes

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Hidey Ho there Sherri !

I wondered where you've been this morning . Now we know ! Did you buy any CAKE at the store ?


I'm with you, I dont like cooking on grocery day,so I usually pick something up on the way home ,or we order out.


Doesnt make much sense when we have a truckload of food in the house, but anything to get out of cooking is a good reason in my book .


Glad you found your card ,and yep, I figured most cards with cakes will be birthday themed, but it's ok as long as it has cake on it .

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Happy Wednesday, everyone. :) I promise to give Luke hugs from all who requested it! ;)


Cindy, Congratulations! For once, I can really say "I know how you feel." :lol Can't wait to see little Aaron. :c9


Linda ~ Your quilt is stunning! :applause Beautiful work, as always. :yes


Lissa ~ Welcome! Your DD is absolutely adorable. :manyheart


Hi Tam ~ So sorry to hear about Michael, and hope he gets better very soon. :hug I hope you weren't near the tornadoes...the pics on the news were incredible.


Sheila ~ We're supposed to be 102* today...are you ready for winter already? I am! :lol I hope you find a job very soon.


Julie ~ Yay for going to the Reunion this weekend. :cheer I know you'll have a wonderful time. :yes


Hi to the rest of the House ladies, too. :waving

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Hi there Miss Mary -

Wow -- 102 ????


I'm glad we're up here. I don't do that hot weather very well . Time to get a cold coke and sit under the shade tree or in the house with a fan on .


Stay cool ,and add an extra hug to Luke for me . That little babe is gonna have the SKIN worn off him with everyone hugging on him all the time !


Nothing wrong with spoiling him though ...


Was he the first grandchild in your son in law's family too ?

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Linda....... Thank you so much for your love and prayers!! :hug


Lissa....... Thank you dear! Michael has Nephrotic Syndrome. He takes high doses of prednizone when he goes into a relapse. It breaks my heart!!!


Marlene........ thank you sweetie! I really appreciate it!






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teakaycee - That's terrible! I'm so so sorry :( my friend's son has Children's Nephrotic Syndrome. I'll say some prayers for your DH


Skysmom- Thank you for the welcome! Try and stay cool today! We're holding out at 85 but they are calling for severe storms that and I QUOTE 'may produce large hail, strong winds, and deadly sky to ground lightening'


JulieKay - I love chatting! I don't mind at all! :lol


SheffnJerri - as long as you don't drink instant I love you LOL

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Mary.......... bless your heart... thank you for your love.

Our little town was safe from any major storm..... but we did have some serious looking skies and a great rain.


Lissa......... thank you! I may have confused you with who Michael is. He's my 11yr old. He's my little super hero.


I have 6 children and 7 grandbabies!

My older three are grown and have the families... my younger ones... Patrick Michael and David are still school ages and at home.







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Judy how did the turn out?
the ...???:think


Does the door look good?


Currently I'm working on 2 blankets. One Rainbow one that I'm donating to a Pride Festival this weekend for an auction. My finger was swollen yesterday from :hook so I rested it and today put a bandaid on it. I guess I hold my hook strangely.


judianne- I'd love if R gets to black belt before she's tired of it. Even if then she quit I'd totally keep the belts! LOL

We kept his belts...mounted them in a shadowbox, too!

I'm sorry for your sister's losses. It's amazing (not in a good way either) at how many people have lost children. My husband grandma in 54 lost a little boy at 3 weeks old. To make matters worse for them after the graveside services they went back a month later to see his grave and there was no marker at all, the cemetery said they had moved his body and lost it!! Up until her death in 2008 she's tell us about her Michael Ray. It was a relief to me that she never forgot him

You never forget a loss...whether it's a child you lose or a parent....:manyheart

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I ran out to do a couple of errands and now it's hook time:hook


Jules, have fun packing for the reunion!



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Mary.......... bless your heart... thank you for your love.

Our little town was safe from any major storm..... but we did have some serious looking skies and a great rain.


Lissa......... thank you! I may have confused you with who Michael is. He's my 11yr old. He's my little super hero.


I have 6 children and 7 grandbabies!

My older three are grown and have the families... my younger ones... Patrick Michael and David are still school ages and at home.








LOL!! Actually it was a typo from me sorry!! I'm talking to a friend via email about her husband! And somehow that part converged over here. :eek Sorry!! My friend's husband is going in for a stress test on his heart tomorrow ........ now I wonder if I told her I was going to pray for her son. LOL I need to check that.


Anyway I am praying for Michael :lol

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Hidey Ho there Sherri !

I wondered where you've been this morning . Now we know ! Did you buy any CAKE at the store ?


I'm with you, I dont like cooking on grocery day,so I usually pick something up on the way home ,or we order out.


Doesnt make much sense when we have a truckload of food in the house, but anything to get out of cooking is a good reason in my book .


Glad you found your card ,and yep, I figured most cards with cakes will be birthday themed, but it's ok as long as it has cake on it .


I did buy cake, sorta. I have some carrots that need to be used so I bought stuff to make carrot cake. :D

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teakaycee - That's terrible! I'm so so sorry :( my friend's son has Children's Nephrotic Syndrome. I'll say some prayers for your DH


Skysmom- Thank you for the welcome! Try and stay cool today! We're holding out at 85 but they are calling for severe storms that and I QUOTE 'may produce large hail, strong winds, and deadly sky to ground lightening'


JulieKay - I love chatting! I don't mind at all! :lol


SheffnJerri - as long as you don't drink instant I love you LOL


Instant, for shame! No it's the real deal or none at all. :P

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LOL!! Actually it was a typo from me sorry!! I'm talking to a friend via email about her husband! And somehow that part converged over here. :eek Sorry!! My friend's husband is going in for a stress test on his heart tomorrow ........ now I wonder if I told her I was going to pray for her son. LOL I need to check that.


Anyway I am praying for Michael :lol

:lol Omgoodness........ too cute!

Hope all is well with your friends hubby!

Thank you for your prayers for Michael!






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Good afternoon, everyone. It's turned cloudy and the gods are playing 9 pins. Lots of thunder going on and the power just went out momentarily. We were going to do Kim's nails this afternoon, but she'd had it with being out, so we'll do hair and nails tomorrow. The doctor visit went very well. Dr. Cole was super nice and she'll be having two dark spots off the 3rd of August. One on her nose and one on her eyelid.


Lissa - Kim is the lady I am companion and care giver for. Her husband is John and I talk about them lots. This way you'll know who I'm talking about. Purrbox (Joy) is my daughter and she's in here too.


Marlene & Mary - Thanks for the praise of my quilt. I'm really, really glad that it's done. And I've already got another one planned. :D It will be either another double Irish chain or maybe a triple Irish chain.

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Oh deer...I had a visitor on this rather warm day.

That is just beautiful!

We have lots of deer play in our yard... but we live in the middle of no where on old farm land ... surounded by farms and woods.






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:lol Omgoodness........ too cute!

Hope all is well with your friends hubby!

Thank you for your prayers for Michael!







LOL I did! She emailed me back and said 'My Son!?!' (she's got all girls) so I explained to her that I got two of my prayer requests mixed up :lol


Lissa - Kim is the lady I am companion and care giver for. Her husband is John and I talk about them lots. This way you'll know who I'm talking about. Purrbox (Joy) is my daughter and she's in here too.


Thank you for telling me that! <3


So I don't confuse anyone. My eldest child, F, is 6 and my little one is, R, she's 4. LOL And we have a kitty named Darcy who we call sasquatch cause she's HUUUUGE. Darcy is a Maine Coon and is 4 years old. I have 2 other cats but they aren't social like Darcy so they likely won't be mentioned much.


This is Darcy




She's my baby


My husband is Joe. Sorry for all the Letter initials but I had issues with a cyber stalker a while back and now only refer to my children my initial or elder and younger.

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Sherri -

do you guys live way out in the woods or close to or in a town ? We have deer around here but out in the country. I've never seen one in our town . We only have squirrels ,rabbits ,raccoons and possums once in awhile..oh and skunks ... The possums I could do without . YEKKY looking little dudes, aren't they ?


They have so much trouble with deer getting hit by cars ,they actually have some areas where they send hunters in to intentionally thin the herd,which I think is gross, but I'm not much of an animal expert. They say they need to do it on occasion . I have no clue why .



Linda- glad Kim's Dr appt went ok --that's good news .


And I am glad you are ready to take on another quilt. I only hope your next one won't be as much of a hurry - so you can enjoy it more ,rather than be under pressure to get it done .





Do you guys live in a village-like place ? I know you said your town was really small. Your state is one I'd love to see some day. I have a long lost cousin who lives someplace out there, but I have no idea even what town she is in .

It was one of those cases of the adults had a dispute, then her and her parents moved away and we never saw them again .

She's the only cousin on my dad's side who I ever met . We played together when we were little,and I have a couple pictures of her ,but would have no clue how to find her. Her dad ( my uncle ,died ) so there's really not an easy way to find her . I'm pretty sure she'd be long ago married,since she was close to my age .




Lissa- my gosh, that cat is beautiful. I never heard the type cat you mentioned. I was going to ask if you had a picture of her. WOW- very pretty !!!!


And I'm sorry you had trouble with an online stalker.THAT would be scarey .

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Jules, they use the term to "cull" the herd when there are too many in an area:( (the decision made by the powers that be). We have deer being hit by cars here, too...


Oh deer...I had a visitor on this rather warm day.

What a beautiful picture - smart, too, having the camera handy!

So I don't confuse anyone. My eldest child, F, is 6 and my little one is, R, she's 4. LOL And we have a kitty named Darcy who we call sasquatch cause she's HUUUUGE. Darcy is a Maine Coon and is 4 years old. I have 2 other cats but they aren't social like Darcy so they likely won't be mentioned much.


This is Darcy




She's my baby


My husband is Joe. Sorry for all the Letter initials but I had issues with a cyber stalker a while back and now only refer to my children my initial or elder and younger.

She's gorgeous!!

I adore cats...:manyheart We had one when we were first married...only dogs ever since. We tried a cat with the dogs but she escaped:(

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Sherri -

do you guys live way out in the woods or close to or in a town ? We have deer around here but out in the country. I've never seen one in our town . We only have squirrels ,rabbits ,raccoons and possums once in awhile..oh and skunks ... The possums I could do without . YEKKY looking little dudes, aren't they ?


They have so much trouble with deer getting hit by cars ,they actually have some areas where they send hunters in to intentionally thin the herd,which I think is gross, but I'm not much of an animal expert. They say they need to do it on occasion . I have no clue why.


We are in the city limits and about 6 miles in any direction to everything. Our portion of the neighborhood is probably only 10 to 12 years old. The trees behind the deer hide a creek. There are portions of the creek that run along undeveloped farm land. A few years ago, we kept a foot path open and I used to take my garden clippings back behind that first stand of trees until I happened upon an 8pt buck. I did some very quiet backwards walking that day.


I'm no hunter and couldn't begin to tell you why they need to thin the herd. :shrug

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Do I have to wait for something special to join one of these groups? Or can I just jump in?

Just jump right in! Welcome!


And I agree with the others, talking about your loss helps you cope with the grief. We're good listeners.

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