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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Julie I do get set back but I refused to get down about it. Where will that get me. Today when I started to feel up tight I went and spent money. That put a glow on my face, for I love to shop. Not only did I went to the Lys but I went to Best Buy (I didn't tell the group) and broght myself a new CD and a new MP3 player for I like toys. It's things like that that tell me there's fun to have no matter what type of life you have to lead. I also care about you. :hug

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Here is my fully assembled, repaired and bordered Friendship ghan

The dark blocks are a sort of leaf green - matches the leaves in the palm tree square


WOW! Beautiful. :clap:manyheart




1- Name a favorite toy you had as a kid. barbie


2 -Pets ? How many,and names . 6 bunny-MaryJane, parakeet-sprite, gecko-piper, bearded dragon-saskye, beta fish-Jaden changes its name daily & a degue-snow


3- TV show you would NEVER want to miss . Dr. Phil


4-All time favorite book . I have a few....


5-Name a song you know ALL the words to . I dunno....I don't really sing....I know a lot of Ozzy songs.


6 -What is your favorite flower ? Liliacs


7-Favorite PIE . pumpkin, lemon meringue, & banana cream (I know it is more than one BUT I love pie!!)


8-Name you would never hear someone name their baby nowadays . Bertha


9-What game did you love playing as a kid ,that today's kids have probably never heard of or played ? I dunno because they reinvented a lot of my childhood games like sorry, trouble, clue....


10 - Name a time when your words came back to bite you . I told Hubby one day when he was going fishing and I was mad that I hope he falls off a cliff and he did....:eek He was hurt but no seroius injury just lost half of his new fishing pole :devil

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1- Name a favorite toy you had as a kid.

I have my teddy bear my dad bought me on my 1st birthday. He looks in worse shape than I do, but I still have him .


2 -Pets ? How many,and names .

No pets . Had 2 goldfish named Orrville and Wilbur . They thought they could FLY . Jumped out of the net when I was moving them into another bowl to change their water .

Burial at sea to follow .

Moral of the story : Never name a FISH after a PILOT .

(Should have named them Moby and Dick .)

3- TV show you would NEVER want to miss .

Biggest Loser ( or any ongoing reality show)-- hate missing any show like that when you have to keep watching each week to keep updated on who did what .

4-All time favorite book .

Prince of Tides

5-Name a song you know ALL the words to .

Jingle Bells

6 -What is your favorite flower ?

Pink Rose

7-Favorite PIE .

Peanut Butter

8-Name you would never hear someone name their baby nowadays .


9-What game did you love playing as a kid ,that today's kids have probably never heard of or played ?

Chinese Jump rope

10 - Name a time when your words came back to bite you .

Some of you have heard this story I'm sure, but i'll tell it again,because it taught me a lesson .

Many years ago ,Sam decides to make popcorn while I'm at the grocery .It was long before microwaves, etc,so he just made it in a pan .When it was done, he carried the PAN into the living room .

What he planned on DOING with a HOT PAN when he got in there, I have no clue. Maybe sit it on his lap ?

Anyhow, his little finger touched the side of the pan,and he dropped it .

Right on my couch .

MELTED the couch cushion and left a big old melted hole .

When I get home from the store ,he comes running out to meet me, which was a little ODD. He never does that .I knew something was up,especially when I stepped in and smelled this HOT SMOKY MELTED TYPE smell .

He proceeds to tell me what he had done, then flipped the couch cushion over to show me the huge burnt spot on it .

Well, I was angry and let him have it with both barrels . Mainly because I wondered who in the heck would carry a hot pan into the living room,and where would you PUT it once you got it in there ?

SO ..... we flipped the cushion melted side down,and life goes on .

A few days later, I am putting up Christmas decorations . I decided to put a string of the big lights inside our living room window, so put them up, and plugged them in to see how they were looking as I taped them up .

Pretty soon, I smell the same HOT MELTED SMELL of a few days before .

I look down ,and on the VERY SAME CUSHION that Sam had burnt the BIG hole in ,here were all these smaller burnt holes where EVERY LIGHT BULB WAS LAYING .





Anyhow, he never yelled, he laughed .

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1- Name a favorite toy you had as a kid. Talking Stacey, Talking Barbie's British friend (and I still have her and she still talks...10 years ago, I spent money to have her fixed so she would talk again...)


2 -Pets ? How many,and names . 2, cats, Serenghetti and BB the King


3- TV show you would NEVER want to miss . Right now, Big Bang Theory


4-All time favorite book . An Old Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott and This Perfect Day by Ira Levin


5-Name a song you know ALL the words to . Think About Your Troubles by Harry Nilsson from the movie The Point (from where the song Me and My Arrow comes from...)


6 -What is your favorite flower ? Gardenia and sterling roses


7-Favorite PIE . Banana Creme or Pecan


8-Name you would never hear someone name their baby nowadays . Ethel


9-What game did you love playing as a kid ,that today's kids have probably never heard of or played ? Freeze tag...I don't know, for all I know, the kids now a days might know of it.


10 - Name a time when your words came back to bite you . Well...hmmmmm....2 things come to mind, when I was growing up in the 70's, we still had tv shows where if there was a married woman and most especially if she had children, she had no choice, she had to stay home, she couldn't hold a job, nor could she even so much as sell eggs to help the family out (on tv shows...) as the husband would consistently get his feelers hurt that HE wasn't providing enough for his wife and family...and even with shows like Bewitched, Darrin couldn't just let Samantha be who she was because to do so would hurt HIS ego...forget about hers...and that bothered me, even as a child. So I figured I would work, even after I got married. Well...after I went to Germany and right before I got married to Hub-E, I was in the position to stop working and become the Eccentric Haus Frau...who knew I would like it so much. But there is a difference...I had a choice and if I were to win the lottery, it wouldn't hurt Hub-E's ego...


The other situation was going to Germany and loving it so much that I was like, "I don't ever want to go home to America..." Well, that honeymoon lasted 5 years out and then the remaining time of 4 years we were going crazy trying to come back...be careful what you wish for.


Oh wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...I forgot about this: Last year while I was talking to Hub-E on the webcam, we were both surfing the web and checking news headlines and had just read about Farrah Fawcett dying and then an hour later saw a headline about Michael Jackson being rushed to hospital and Hub-E and I were talking about Farrah and when I saw the headline about Michael, I quipped, "Now that's someone I wish would just die..." Horrible, horrible thing to say about anyone, period...and really what I meant was that I was so sick and beyond tired of hearing anything about him again, ever...well, another hour past that came the headline that Michael WAS dead...oh.my.word...I try harder now to watch what I say...

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Tab- thanks - I appreciate it a lot ... Just a rough couple of days but I'll pull myself out of it and come out with my dukes up .

LOVED your story about Doa going fishing !!!!!



Cheeria-- good for you ! You have the right spirit . I tend to fall apart and automatically think the worst ... I'm just a terrible worry wort I guess. YOU could teach me a lot .




LeAnna- wow, the talking BARBIE ? I dont remember that ,but you are probably much younger than me .

I HAD Barbies-- with the bubble- headed hairdo ?


And I like your pie choices-- yum, they both sound good !

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Tab- thanks - I appreciate it a lot ... Just a rough couple of days but I'll pull myself out of it and come out with my dukes up .

LOVED your story about Doa going fishing !!!!!



Cheeria-- good for you ! You have the right spirit . I tend to fall apart and automatically think the worst ... I'm just a terrible worry wort I guess. YOU could teach me a lot .




LeAnna- wow, the talking BARBIE ? I dont remember that ,but you are probably much younger than me .

I HAD Barbies-- with the bubble- headed hairdo ?


And I like your pie choices-- yum, they both sound good !




This is what she looks like...and my very first Barbie was a burnette Bubble cut...in the red one piece bathing suit.

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1- Name a favorite toy you had as a kid. I always loved my legos and my sit-n-spin :)


2 -Pets ? How many,and names .I'm not big on animals, but have 2 turtles to add some life around here....I generally just address them as turtles.....but, their names are trixie and snapper :lol


3- TV show you would NEVER want to miss . Well, thanks to the DVR, who needs to miss any :think Currently I love house and sometimes the DVR will miss it if I have more than 2 shows scheduled at that time (monday is a busy night for tv) and I'll find the missed episode online. Growing up, I loved 7th Heaven....my dad always had a tape ready for me in case I wasn't home :)


4-All time favorite book . I love to read, but don't think I have an all time favorite. I enjoy reading Shakespeare and can reread Harry Potter over and over again and again :yes


5-Name a song you know ALL the words to . Build Me Up Buttercup :)


6 -What is your favorite flower ? I love lilies....all varieties


7-Favorite PIE . Blueberry and Coconut Custard


8-Name you would never hear someone name their baby nowadays . My initial thought was also Mildred, but since Julie used that already, I'll pick Olga


9-What game did you love playing as a kid ,that today's kids have probably never heard of or played ? Red light/Green light and Kick the Can (boy oh boy, the things we thought of when we had nothing)


10 - Name a time when your words came back to bite you . Hmmm, I have to give this one some thought. I'm usually pretty good and stopping myself from saying things out loud that can jinx me ;) A couple years ago, my mom did like the guy I was dating and told my dad she wished he'd disappear...well, he got in a motorcycle accident and was in a coma for a week. All in all it came out that he was cheating so I left him laying in the hospital (not before he was able to comprehend what was going on though). But, did my mom feel bad about wishing him gone!! LOL It's the first thing that came to mind, but I will think of one of my own

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Joanne, I didn't get called into work today.


Julie, hope you get some answers soon.



1- Name a favorite toy you had as a kid. a doll that I called Annaban, she was bald because I cut off her hair


2 -Pets ? How many,and names . We always had a few nameless cats, and often a dog. I only remember a German shepherd named Timmy, and then when my grandma moved next door, she had a husky who spent lots of time at our house. His name was Tippy.


3- TV show you would NEVER want to miss . never watch tv


4-All time favorite book . can't think of a single all time favorite- I read a lot and read a lot of books over and over. I enjoy Anne of Green Gables, Agatha Christie books and lots more.

5-Name a song you know ALL the words to .the national anthem


6 -What is your favorite flower ? pansy


7-Favorite PIE . cherry


8-Name you would never hear someone name their baby nowadays . Gertrude


9-What game did you love playing as a kid ,that today's kids have probably never heard of or played ? Red Rover


10 - Name a time when your words came back to bite you .

I'm sure there have been plenty, but my memory is short!

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Well ladies....the other doc's wife went into labor this morning!!! He called me at 8:30 to tell me he had to leave :clap I hope it wasn't a false alarm and I didn't hear anything back yet. I hope all went well and will let you know how he's holding up when I talk to him again.


Julie - I wanted Bret to win since about week 3. I was siked when I saw he was on there :) He was the lead singer for Poison...say 80's rock. I really wanted it to come down to him and Sharon. Sorry you didn't get any news at the doctor's. Hang in there and we're all here for you :ghug:rofl at your popcorn and light bulbs....next time, string the popcorn ;)


Linda - How exciting....vaca next week!!!!! Quilting is a whole nother language to me, so what's batting? :lol


Judy - Glad you got your square fixed and your friendshipghan is AWESOME!!! :clap


Cheeria - Sounds like your hanging in there and doing well with everything going on. Hopefully your feeling better enough after your shot to get some looming in ;)


Diane - Sorry to hear about Addie :( But, at least you know it's not serious at this point and hopefully continues that way as the vet does their research. :cheer for the chives


LeAnna - I can't wait to see pics of the tree of life afghan, I'm sure it will be gorgeous


Joanne - :yay for getting out of work early....and it sounds like you were productive with that time :cheer The father to be was actually quite calm when he called to tell me she went into labor, I was surprised. Hopefully he stays that way. I guess I better get moving or I'll be 40 having kids :eek


Tab - I had to laugh at your cliff story :rofl


Alright, going to crawl into my PJ's, see what's on the dvr and crochet. I did run to Joann's after work to get my ivory skein....so now I'm ready to proceed :)

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1- Name a favorite toy you had as a kid. Thumbelina Baby Doll and Barbie

2 -Pets ? How many,and names . Don't have any


3- TV show you would NEVER want to miss . I like several shows - Biggest Loser, DWTS, House, Grey's Anatomy- but if I miss them its no big deal


4-All time favorite book . The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch


5-Name a song you know ALL the words to . God Bless America


6 -What is your favorite flower ? Lilies of the Valley and Lilacs


7-Favorite PIE .Key Lime Pie


8-Name you would never hear someone name their baby nowadays . Since everyone has named a girls name, I'll name a boys name- Otto


9-What game did you love playing as a kid ,that today's kids have probably never heard of or played ? Julie said the one that came to my mind- Chinese Jump Rope


10 - Name a time when your words came back to bite you .

I'm sure there have been many, but like Cindy, my memory is short! I really try to make a conscious effort to watch my words so they don't bite me in the butt!


Julie- thanks for the questions- and hang in there:hug:hug Are you watching DWTS? The finale is always good since everyone dances so well!!!

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Good night ladies,


Headed to bed a little early to get a good night sleep. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice, so will take my bike to work and don't like to ride it when I'm tired :D


See y'all in the morning :c9

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Hi All. It's been a busy week for me and I am still trying to read through posts and remember names.


Congrats to Jennifer!

Welcome to the world, Emily. :)


:hugfor those who need them.

:cheerfor encouragement.

:remember when it's dark, turn on a light.




Another day spent not crocheting or knitting, but it was a good day. How can a day filled with Russell Crowe and chocolate cake be anything but?

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Good morning !!


I got all my squares sewn together into strips and have 2 more strips to sew together tonight and then have to add a border. So it was a productive night!!


DWTS was great! I'll have to DVR the final since I'll be watching The Biggest Loser finale.


Julie- who do you think is going to win it all? I'm rooting for Evan but I think that Nicole and Derek are going to win!


Sheri-Glad to hear you had a good day and love your little reminders! Especially the one- when it's dark turn on a light!


Marisa- Can't wait to hear if the other Dr's wife had the baby. Glad to hear you got another skein of the ivory - I can't wait to see your finished ghan!!!


To all my friends- have a wonderful day today!!!

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Morning folks


Joanne- I agree with you about who will win DWTS tonite -- I have thought all along she'd probably win.She hasn't had any BAD dances at all,been good from the start .


I like Evan and the little red-haired girl --she is such a little sweet girl I'd like to see HER win it even more than him, but I don't think they will .


I'd have to say I'm a little disappointed in their freestyle routines .They weren't quite as EYEPOPPING as before .I knew when Maks and the blonde did that bedroom thing, it'd knock them out of the contest . Not good at all .


So,we shall see tonite, but I'm with you, will be watching Biggest Loser finale .


I hope all our Housemates have a good day today ~~~


Will check in again later today .

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1- Name a favorite toy you had as a kid. Baby Tenderluv


2 -Pets ? How many,and names . 1 dog, Baxter


3- TV show you would NEVER want to miss . Lost, but since the final show has aired I will have to find something else to watch.


4-All time favorite book . The Hobbit. Great memories of reading this aloud to my sons one summer. I do a mean Gollum. :)


5-Name a song you know ALL the words to . The Christmas Song


6 -What is your favorite flower ? Do I have to pick a favorite? I love them all. Okay...Shasta Daisies


7-Favorite PIE . Again all pie is good...I'll go seasonal. Winter: Cherry, Spring:Chocolate, Summer: Lemon Ice Box, Fall: Pumpkin


8-Name you would never hear someone name their baby nowadays . Hortense


9-What game did you love playing as a kid ,that today's kids have probably never heard of or played ? Make believe (sans electronics)


10 - Name a time when your words came back to bite you .

4:01 pm :lol
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Thanks for the birthday wishes. I am actually spending my day doing...wait for it... ... ... ....



... ... ...


nothing. :D


Of couse, you know this to be an untruth. I am just not planning my day today. :P

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Good morning housemates :coffee


:bday Sherri :yay:clap:yay:clap


Enjoy your day of no plans ;)


To everyone else here.....have a wonderful day!!! It's supposed to break 80 here today and be sunny, but I just went out to check my herbs and it's drizzling :( Hopefully it clears up by 2 hours.

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Sherri -

Good answer for the last one ! I should have used that myself, or ANYTIME that a clock is ticking.

I tend to be quite the SmartMouth most of the time . (Well, ALL the time .. but I can TRY to act civilized if I strain myself .

The Dr yesterday asked me if I ever have trouble TALKING .


Give me a break .


I said go out in the waiting room and check my husband's ears . BLEEDING from me talking so much .


I may not have gotten much out of the visit yesterday,but I sure did use my SmartMouth several times.

I tend to demand top notch service from a Dr. If I don't GET it, they hear about it .


Anyhow, enjoy your day,and tell me about the cake !

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Dear Cheeria-

Even though I was in one of my major bad mood FUNKS on the weekend , it DID make me chuckle when I read how nice your girl's baby shower was, and you mentioned how good all the food was, then you said you're not a big CAKE fan,but you described it in detail anyways .

You KNEW I'd ask about it, didn't you ? :D

By the way, it sounded REALLY GOOD !!!


And the shower sounds like it was so much fun and your girl got lots of nice things !

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