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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Have been relaxing and working on the monkey all day. The cocoon is done and the hat is half done.....another couple days maybe depending how much time I have to work on it. :cheer


Have a great night! :manyheart

You're really making fast progress on the monkey, Tabby! Way to go. :clap :clap


Cheeria & Cindy - New grandbabies on the horizon. :manyheart That will be so much fun for both of you.


Joanne - You are past the halfway point on this long stretch. Yeah! Hope work goes well for you today.


Julie - Hope things go well at the doctor's visit. May the waiting be short and hopefully you get some answers soon. :hug :hug :hug


Good morning housemates. It's sunny today. I brought up the batting for mom's quilt and have it opened up on the spare bed. Baking a cake and pinning the quilt are on my list of things to do today. And it's shower day for Kim. She has a doctor appointment tomorrow, but nothing today. Next week will be getting ready to go on vacation. Yikes! Where did this month go?

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Good morning, House mates!:D


Looks like I'm going to need another skein of ivory for my rainbow granny ghan. I'll get it, probably tomorrow. Mine is almost gone and I'm only half done :( I double and triple checked the pattern and it sure says 1. I did leave the ends long for weaving, but that shouldn't have put me back this much Oh well, such is life....I'm just glad that particular yarn is a 'no dye lot' so it shouldn't differ :whew


All in all, it was an enjoyable and productive, yet relaxing weekend :D

I hope the "No dye lot" works for you....checking by bringing a piece of the old one with me helps me a lot..lighting, etc, can make a difference. Good luck with it.

and our weekend was mostly a restful one....feels good, doesn't it?


I did more running around this afternoon. I went to an antique shop, just not the one I was planning on. Bought a bunch of paper backs, two tops, some shea butter creme, a first edition of a book my folks had when I was growing up, an oriental dragon painting, and a bag of material. Had supper at Cici's pizza. I've really recharged my batteries this weekend. Feels good.

Another one who had a good weekend! We're on a roll here!:tup


Have been relaxing and working on the monkey all day. The cocoon is done and the hat is half done.....another couple days maybe depending how much time I have to work on it. :cheer

:cheerGo, Tabby, Go!:cheer

I had a very nice week-end, Yesterday I went food shopping then I came home knit, relax, read a book and went to sleep, I love days like that.


Today was my daughters baby shower, for a second baby shower she got a lot of nice gifts. Her friends brought her almost everything she had on her baby registry. They grew up together and went to school together and were in each other weddings together and they always look out for each other. They call me Mom and they are like my daughters. So much fun being involve with them and now their little children. The food was delicious and I mean mouth watering delicious. I'm not much of a cake eater but the cake was decorated really nice and had strawberries and also banana creme filling. As for myself I'm happy for my daughter, just a week and a half to go and my new grandbaby will be here. I can't wait to see him.

WTG on contributing to the trend of taking care of ourselves this past weekend!!!!

It sounds like you're blessed with the people around you, too:c9


I ended up going up stairs around 6:15 last evening to take a "nap" and woke up at 5AM! i guess I really needed some sleep to recharge after working all these hours!! I feel rejuvenated~~ at least for now!


Hope everyone has a good Monday- kind of gray and damp here--but it is still the crack of dawn.


Judy- your buys at Delicious Orchards sound delicious!!!

It's still gray and damp, at 9:15AM:lol

You really needed that sleep! I wouldn't have been able to get out of bed if I did that...my body would be so stiff! I'm sure you'll have an easier day after that...

Good morning everyone. I am on call for work starting at 11. I don't mind going in if they need me.

It is really humid here and I slept poorly because I was too stubborn to allow dh to turn the A/C on yesterday. ("It's only May") I won't make the same mistake today. Its supposed to be like this for several days.

Me and humidity - forget it! Beside my hair curling allover the place my mood suffers...Phil does feel cold before I do, so I have to accomodate that, but otherwise I'm usually the first one to suggest putting the A/C on. We get a lot of humidity here.:P

Have a good day! I hope you have something fun planned if you're not called in to work.


The guy I work for has 4 offices in Philly and mine is the only 1 with 2 dr's in it. The dr in 1 of the offices wife is due tomorrow for their first child, so will be losing my help to cover that office. It's a very exciting time for him and I hope his wife has her baby ASAP because he is always bouncing off the walls!!! :eek He stated calling, between me and my helping dr, 2 months ago saying "it could happen any day now" :think I had to yell at him to shut him up and get him to tell me the actual due date, the way he was ranting about it you would've though she was overdue by a week :lol Such is the first child....not to mention, he's 50 and she's 40, so are a little extra stressed.


Hope eveyone has a great day today!

Older fathers:lol

Well, I'm off to the lung guy at 9 AM - G O O D Y


Another DOCTOR .


Getting mighty sick of this whole ordeal by this point,but what to do about it , I dont know . You gotta BREATHE .


Anyhow, will check in sometime later --

Thinking of you:hug:manyheart

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An ooops moment when I took the Friendship ghan from the dryer...one square was half unraveled:(


Of course it's one in the middle, so I'm in the process of carefully undoing my whipstitching so I can make another one to replace it.


It happens...esp with SS yarn....:hook



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An ooops moment when I took the Friendship ghan from the dryer...one square was half unraveled:(


Of course it's one in the middle, so I'm in the process of carefully undoing my whipstitching so I can make another one to replace it.


It happens...esp with SS yarn....:hook



Oops indeed. And you're right. SS yarn seems to do that more than any of the other yarns I use. Good luck with the repairs.

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Thanks, Linda...


I had to stop to go out for a bit and now I'm clipping the black edging...the main square is out..

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Here is my fully assembled, repaired and bordered Friendship ghan

The dark blocks are a sort of leaf green - matches the leaves in the palm tree square


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Hi House Mates :cheer:cheer Sorry I'm just jump on line now but I had a doctor's appointment early this afternoon and I was told that besides rhuematoid arthritis I also have lupus. The doctor was hoping that the lupus was caused by a drug that I was on but in a year it did not go away for I have been off the medicine that cause lupus for a year. Oh well what's next at least at the moment I'm healthy, happy and able and can nothing bring me down. He also had to give me a shot in my wrist for it was swollen and hot so today I can't knit nor crochet but tomorrow I will be better. I might try to weave on one of my small looms. I did go to the Lys for another skein of yarn for my shawl. I can't wait for next week for my grandbaby is due to be delivered for my daughter is having a planned C-section. I can't wait to see his little face and little fingers and toes. LOL


Cindy - that's great you expecting another grandbaby. Boy O Boy we are having a lot of babies in this group.


Julie - I am hoping that everthing go well for you at the Doctor. Sending you a hug. :hug


Judy- I love your pretty friendship ghan, I'm glad that you was able to fix it.


Well group I'll BBL after the soaps I have to start cleaning the house and get the laundry together for tommorrow off to the laundry I go. :manyheart

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Goodmorning everyone or afternoon.:lol hope you all have a good day!

Judy very pretty!!

Thanks! I hope your day is going well, too:hug

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Happy Photo Friday Ladies,


It has been a busy house again.


Oh, here are my photos for today.

OMGosh........... that is AWESOME!!!!

I love it! the colors and pattern are GREAT!






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Afternoon House Mates, at last I have a few things to show on Photo Friday, they aren't completed but it is time for me to share and I have a moment while grandbaby is napping to do so.


downsize[1] (4)


downsize[1] (3)


This second picture is a weave band that I'm weaving on an inkle loom. The colors of the band is red and goldfish orange. I'm new at this and I'm learning to weave these colorful bands through various web sites, books and the Raverly group that I belong to.


As you can see the baby knitted blanket is still on the needle and this week I just started on the shawl.

Wow................ great projects! the loom looks way neat!





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Tabby ~ Yay for new yarn and a new hook. :hook Were you able to find a pattern for the monkey or did you design one?


Diane ~ Another absolutely beautiful afghan! :clap I just noticed your totals in your signature...you're amazing. :yes


Julie ~ Awww, Cam was an adorable baby and he is a really cute 8 year old. :) Bless your heart for having to make the reunion decision. I vote for your staying home, but Linda's advice is so thorough if you do decide to go. :manyheart


Judy ~ Your Book Club sounds really nice. I need to get back to reading more...I completed about half the classes for a Masters in Library Science many years ago and have always loved books!


Thank you all for the sweet words about Luke. :manyheart He is such a joy and we are so lucky to have him so close.


The sun came out for about 30 minutes and I quickly took pictures of my ripple...the colors are so much prettier in person. :yarn I'm really liking the random colors and after looking at pictures of what people did with this pattern, I liked them all!

That is going to be absolutely beautiful!

I love the colors!






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Hello Housemates,

I haven't read through the last couple of pages, normally I keep up pretty well, but I've been away from the computer. I promised Julie that I would post when it happened, and it has happened. I had my baby, her name is Emily. :c9

Oh bless her heart............... she's beautiful!

Congratulations sweetie!!! :hug







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Good Afternoon Ladies,


I missed this morning, had to take Addie to the vet. We are not sure if she has something wrong or if she is just a very good actress. She is having trouble walking on her hind legs. Almost as if her legs have fallen asleep. Yet, 5 mins. later she is jumping around and fine. Go figure. Vet took x-rays, doesn't see anything wrong with the knees/joints, hips, etc. Says she does have an extra lumbar vertebrae but doesn't know if that would be a contributing factor. Put her on anti-inflammatory meds for 2 weeks and will do some research. Good bye $200, flying out the window. But what can you do? Would feel terrible if something was really wrong.


OMGosh........... that is AWESOME!!!!

I love it! the colors and pattern are GREAT!







Thanks, didn't realize until I saw the photos, how bright the colors looked. As you all probably know, I am partial to southwest/indian patterns. This one was called Navajo.


Weather has cooled down and is windy. My chives have finally sprouted. :cheer


Nothing exciting so guess I will work some more on my RR. On row 26 of 56.


BBL, have a great day. Oh, DWTS finale tonight, and even though LOST is over, I am still somewhat LOST. I get most of it but it didn't answer all questions for me.:think

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Okay, FINALLY I've gotten some real crocheting done...am working on the lavendar Tree of Life afghan that will be donated to raffle off at our Relay for Life event in a couple of months. I have about 1/3 of it done...still a ways to go, but I'm feeling like I'm getting somewhere.


Hope you're all having a good day...

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Hi all,


We got out of work early today-2:00- so I stopped at the grocery store on the way home as our cupboards were pretty bare. Got home, unpacked the groceries, started a load of laundry and organized my yarn again- I also had stopped and bought 2 more clear totes and I absolutely can not buy any more yarn until I use some of this stash!!! (famous last words-:lol)


As I was organizing I pulled out my purple and green squares and am going to start joining tonight-


Julie - :hug thinking of you today~


Judy- that friendship ghan is lovely! You seem to get so much done so quickly!!


Cheeria- Sorry to hear about the lupus but glad you are feeling well and I hope the shot in your wrist helps your RA


Cindy- Did you get called into work today?


Diane- My co-worker just spent $3500 at the vet!! Her 8 mo old puppy had kidney stones and something else and had to have surgery- She's been busy now selling stuff on eBay to help with the cost! Glad to hear Addie is ok.


LeAnna- that afghan sounds like it is going to be really nice and what a great cause to donate it to-I'll hope it raises lots of $ for Relay for Life!


Marisa- How was the father to be- I wish him luck- I can't even imagine starting a family at 50! But I am ready for a grandbaby-(but none on the way yet)


Linda- Hope your day went well and that you got to do what you set out to do.


Tab, Tammy, , Mary, Cindy, Wanda, Marlene, Sheila, and everyone else- have a great evening!


Only 4 more days till a 3 day weekend!!!:clap:clap

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Diane, do you have a vet nearby who is more holistic? One near here is like that - uses chiro techniques too.

At least your furbaby isn't in pain.

Okay, FINALLY I've gotten some real crocheting done...am working on the lavendar Tree of Life afghan that will be donated to raffle off at our Relay for Life event in a couple of months. I have about 1/3 of it done...still a ways to go, but I'm feeling like I'm getting somewhere.


Hope you're all having a good day...

That's so sweet!! It'll be gorgeous when done:c9

, I also had stopped and bought 2 more clear totes and I absolutely can not buy any more yarn until I use some of this stash!!! (famous last words-:lol)My stash is a bit ridiculous, so I'm really trying to use it up before buyong any more - unless I need a specific color for a gift.


Judy- that friendship ghan is lovely! You seem to get so much done so quickly!!

I have more time lately since I've been trying to stay off the computer ...and I also haven't done much cleaning around the house:devil I requested Tropical colors - I like bright stuff.

Enjoy your evening!

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Hi ladies

Thanks for keeping the place booming today ! Been busy in here .


Jude- your afghan is so pretty. I bet you love it since the colors are all bright .


As for my Dr appointment, let's just say it's over. No news in any direction .

Will keep you informed when I get more details worked out .



Sorry I am so far behind in posts, I can't keep up at this point. Too much lounging about and having myself a pity party .

Time to snap out of it .


Cheeria- you are amazing to me ,to get the news from your Dr and it doesnt set you back at all - you just keep on going full steam ahead. I need to borrow some of your wonderful ability .


Next post-- will be a questionaire for the next day or two,since you guys all seem to like them .

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1- Name a favorite toy you had as a kid.


2 -Pets ? How many,and names .


3- TV show you would NEVER want to miss .


4-All time favorite book .


5-Name a song you know ALL the words to .


6 -What is your favorite flower ?


7-Favorite PIE .


8-Name you would never hear someone name their baby nowadays .


9-What game did you love playing as a kid ,that today's kids have probably never heard of or played ?


10 - Name a time when your words came back to bite you .

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