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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Howdy ya'll.


I just went to the local yarn shop and picked up some yarn for the monkey cocoon. I also picked up a light up hook....should be interesting to try.


Everyone's work looks awesome. :clapTam that bag just proves that duct tape can be used for anything. :yes;)


I have switched around the house, made macaroni salad, and we're baking a ham......I am beat. When the kiddos come home we are going fishing and having a picnic. It is hot out today so it should be interesting to see how long we last.....find a shady tree I guess.




Mary~He is beautiful.....simply precious. :manyheart


Julie~Cam has grown a lot. I am lucky because Jaden is a shorty so I can still hold him, BUT he only lets me when he is tired or sick too. I am already hitting empty nest syndrome.....it stinks because now he is just another one of THEM.....maybe another baby sometime down the line.....am I nuts?!?! :eek


Judy~I haven't read in awhile, but I did recently buy a book call Betrayed....it is a true story that is written by an Iraqi woman telling her story about how she was forced back to Iraq by her parents and lived in fear of being murdered because of their rules. I really should pick it up. I haven't heard of the books you named, but will look them up sometime.


Okay, I am off to be productive....maybe get the monkey started. :hook

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Hey guys

I am facing a dilemma and dont know what to do about it . It might sound stupid to even ask you, but I am kinda 50/50 on this .


You all know about my health crap,so we wont go into all that, other than to say the last test was inconclusive and will need redone to rule one thing out .


I have my family reunion coming up VERY soon.In fact, if we go as scheduled at the hotel, we would be leaving one week from Monday .


I have never missed one of these and it is the most fun I have all year .


The dilemma comes in here :


The Lung guy said Absolutely Not when I questioned him about it (last visit) .

My Dr said to see how I feel when we are due to leave and if I feel ok, then I can go, but she will let me borrow a nebulizer-type machine so I can give myself breathing treatments if needed .


This place is about 2 1/2 hours from home .20 minutes from a hospital IF you drive like Dale Earnhart .The roads down there are very curvy, no one is in a hurry and lots of farmers with tractors on the roads .


There is one Dr in town that I know of, but no clue of his hours, etc .


They have an ambulance service like Mayberry RFD .


I REALLY wanna go ,but also am REALLY scared to go . When I have these breathing things hitting , I need help and I mean quick .


Sam is well trained in emergency care ,and leads their ER team at work . He used to be a paramedic but let his license lapse .


I think one of my cousins who will be there (hotel ) is also trained well in cpr,first aid,etc .

At reunion, I have 2 cousins who are nurses .One who would save me, the other ( married into the family ),who would STEP OVER ME if it was CHOW TIME .


So what would YOU do,if you REALLY want to go to something, but you are REALLY scared ?


If I just had a sore toe or something, it wouldnt be a big deal . Breathing is kinda important though .


The longer I THINK, the more mixed up I get .


Sam says we need to stay home this year, it is too much of a risk of something happening .


I'm not the gambling type, that is why this is such a big decision .:think


Would welcome your comments/suggestions. :yes

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Hey Julie-O.


This is my opinion on the situation....Sam is right....it is too risky. I know you enjoy it and really look forward to it, but what if something happens then you can never go again. So I think you should get YOU fixed and better and then you can better enjoy next year. If it was just Sam saying too risky then I may say ahhh he's being to protective, BUT the lung specialist that specializes in breathing problems is saying no then I say NO. I know it is stinks and is disappointing, but you have to take care of you or there will be no you.


Just my two cents.....but remember that two cents is because I love ya and care. :hug:manyheart:hug

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Great find on the yarn and light up hook -let me know how you like it. I have never tried one before .


So did you pull the monkey pattern out of your behind, or find one, or are you inventing it yourself ?


A NEW BABY !??!!??!!??!!

That would both be EXCITING ,but also What Were You Thinking ?


( No offense intended ).... lots of people do that, they have one set of kids, then on down the road, they have another one or 2 .


I know 2 girls I went to school with who did that. They had kids around the time we did, then when those kids were in high school they had another !




The one told me she was embarrassed when her youngest went to kindergarden the first day, and the teacher commented that it was nice of her GRANDMA to bring her to school her first day !!!!


THAT would put you into a fighting mood wouldnt it ?


Anyhow, totally up to you .


I went through a spell about 9 or 10 years ago where I wanted to sign up for foster parenting .... Sam was TOTALLY against it .

He was done raising kids and did not want to take on any more . Our years since our kids have grown up have been REALLY difficult .MANY problems with them,so the thought of having foster kids here during all that gives me the hives .

But when I see some tv show where kids are needing families to adopt them, it breaks my heart ,especially the older kids who no one wants to adopt .


Hard choice to make .


I know another baby would be nice and fun ,etc,but when you count how many years left til you are DONE ,then you are free to do anything you want ......


Hmmmmmmmmm.......up to you !


Either way,I'd back you and honor your decision .

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Tab-thanks for the input. Just taking a general type survey. I have thought about it til my head is sore . Can't decide, but if we are going, I need to get busy and get things gathered up to pack,buy to take down, etc .


It'll be really discouraging if we don't go. I know everyone else down there will be having fun.


I'll be home watching re-runs of Cops .


Thank you for your opinion ..It'll help me decide if I get other people's input .

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Julie~Yeah...I think about how many years left until they leave and I can run around the house nekkid. Just Kidding :rofl i'de need a whole lot of duct tape for that. I don't think it'de be such a hard choice for me if I had a girl in the mix, but I feel like I am missing something sometimes BUT I also want to have time for me....I have been doing this since the young age of 16. :eek I dunno.


Yeah, I know it will be horrible if you are sitting home knowing everyone is having fun. Maybe you can figure stuff out....make some calls.....find a doctor there.....make an emergency plan, etc. You'll figure it all out. :yes

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Yep, I know what you mean if you wanted a girl but you might not get a girl if you were to try again .

And yes, you have had lots of years of raising kids from an early age ,so you may be glad to have the free time once they are grown .

You will still be young enough to do just about anything you want ,even walk around nekkd if that's what you wanna do . :eek

I've had grown kids for years and I don't walk around nekkid ,but if that's what floats your boat, then go for it . :yes


Maybe you could try foster care, or work in a daycare ,or babysit for someone who has a girl . (Is your brother having a boy or girl ? I can't remember what or if you said .


How about the Big Brother/Sister type program,or volunteering at school ?


There are lots of places you can interact with kids who would really like you because you are so funny ,plus it may give you what you are missing .


Just some ideas if you dont wanna sign on for another 18 year stint .

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Mary, what a cute longhorn fan!


Julie those are great pics of Cam. I vote no. The remote location away from the docs who know what is going on with you, the fact that all family gatherings while fun are a bit stressful, and how would Sam and Cam deal with it if something awful happened to you while you were out there? We hardly know each other, but I cried when you took a hiatus from C'ville awhile back and I'm just a virtual interent friend. (true) I can only imagine how your family would feel is something bad happened to you. Stay home, take care of yourself, and during the Reunion go ahead and plan next year's events. Make it a good one, after all you will be celebrating your good health by then. :hug


Since it is photo Friday and I'm too lazy to take photos of the miniscule amount of progress on projects for this week, I'll just say visit my blog and you can see what I have finished since February. I only got around to posting there this morning. The first three posts are the latest.



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Julie, I tend to agree with Tabby on this one and say don't go. HOWEVER, I know how much the family reunions mean to you, too. IF you decide to go then there are some things I'd do and take with you.


1) Find out where all the emergency medical resources are and their hours and do it before you go. It should be available on line.

2) Get that nebulizer, the meds to go in it, and know how to use it before you go. Kim uses a nebulizer 2-3 times a day and it really isn't a big deal.

3) Check into the posibility of taking some injectable epinephrine with you to take on the way to the hospital if needed. (I used to carry it all the time for my son and I and used it on more than one occasion.)

4) Be sure you have all the information on your current meds, all your doctors names and phone numbers, and a summary of you medical history written down to take with you so that in case of problems the doctors there will know all that stuff and how to contact your doctors.

5) Be sure to take all your regular and emergency meds with you.

6) If you go, be willing to go back to the hotel and rest if you start to get tired. DON'T wait to rest until you are exhausted. You are much more likely to have problems if you get over tired.

7) Be willing to cut the visit short if need be.


Love you. Good luck with the decision. :hug :hug :hug

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Happy Photo Friday Ladies,


It has been a busy house again.


Judy~The Jackson ghan is spectacular. Glad you didn't quit when you first wanted to, this is a work of art!


Cindy~The pink baby afghan is beautiful. I love patterns that switch up stitches like that.


Linda~The quilt for your mom is lovely. Is the pattern Irish Chain? Tell Rosie she did a great job on her pink quilt.


Cheeria~Love the commercial for the Potty Dance. Your grandbaby made me laugh.


Marlene~So sorry about the loss of your friend.:hug


Marisa~Good start on your sock. I usually slip a contrasting yarn loop/marker on my starting needle, just in case I get interrupted and forget where I was at.


Tam~Luv the coaster and I am also a fan of Spiced Cider


Linda~The supersized sc Ripple is fabulous. I really like the way you did that double granny.


Mary~Little Luke is adorable. He has those cheeks you just want to squeeze.


Julie~Cam looks like such a sweetheart, I can see why you still want to hold him on your lap. Now as far as your decision.....as much as you want to go, I think you need to follow your doctors advice. I missed alot of family stuff last year because of health issues and it grieved me to have to stay home. But I had a good talk with me and I asked myself "When did you get you medical degree?" When I had no answer I knew I had to stay home. I was so much better this year, I had a wonderful time with Mom, sis, bro, grandsons, great-grandson and a buschel of neices and nephews. It was even sweeter because I had missed the previous year. I just don't think you should push the envelope.


Well, are any of you Grey's Anatomy fans? I tell you, I was on the edge of my seat for 2 solid hours! I could hardly breath. All I can say is WOW! I think I went thru an entire box of Kleenex.


Hope everyone has a great weekend. I will be checking in sporadically. NASCAR all stars is Saturday night.


Oh, here are my photos for today.



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Afternoon House Mates, at last I have a few things to show on Photo Friday, they aren't completed but it is time for me to share and I have a moment while grandbaby is napping to do so.


downsize[1] (4)


downsize[1] (3)


This second picture is a weave band that I'm weaving on an inkle loom. The colors of the band is red and goldfish orange. I'm new at this and I'm learning to weave these colorful bands through various web sites, books and the Raverly group that I belong to.


As you can see the baby knitted blanket is still on the needle and this week I just started on the shawl.

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Tabby ~ Yay for new yarn and a new hook. :hook Were you able to find a pattern for the monkey or did you design one?


Diane ~ Another absolutely beautiful afghan! :clap I just noticed your totals in your signature...you're amazing. :yes


Julie ~ Awww, Cam was an adorable baby and he is a really cute 8 year old. :) Bless your heart for having to make the reunion decision. I vote for your staying home, but Linda's advice is so thorough if you do decide to go. :manyheart


Judy ~ Your Book Club sounds really nice. I need to get back to reading more...I completed about half the classes for a Masters in Library Science many years ago and have always loved books!


Thank you all for the sweet words about Luke. :manyheart He is such a joy and we are so lucky to have him so close.


The sun came out for about 30 minutes and I quickly took pictures of my ripple...the colors are so much prettier in person. :yarn I'm really liking the random colors and after looking at pictures of what people did with this pattern, I liked them all!



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I must say it feel good to be able to contribute something to photo Friday for it have been a while since I had something to show. As you can see through my posts my crafts is in various areas for I like to have my hands in a variety of different arts.


Tabitha - very nice Willow statue, they look very much in love. It remind me of one of Michael Jackson's song " Remember the Time." I also have a Willow figurine which is called "Angel of the Spirit" for I collect Angels. :hug


Linda - tell Rosie I like her pink quilt. Your Mom's quilt is fantistic. I love the colors and the pattern. I know she will love it. :manyheart


Judy - WOW your King Size Jackson Ghan is awesome. I could never do a big project such as that. I get bored easy and it will become one of those waiting to be finish projects. :lol:lol


Diane - Very nice afghan, I like your choice of colors. I'm also a Grey Anatomy Fan and like you I was sitting on the edge of my seat. Not only was I seating at the edge of my seat but I was screaming as each person got shot. Dr. Weber was awesome and extremely cool under the intense situastion he was in. I'm hoping that Grey Anatomy will be back in the fall, at least we know who will not be part of the show. :hug


Julie - Please listen to your husband and don't put your life at risk, life is to precious. :hug


Mary - what an adorable baby.

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Afternoon House Mates, at last I have a few things to show on Photo Friday, they aren't completed but it is time for me to share and I have a moment while grandbaby is napping to do so.


downsize[1] (4)


downsize[1] (3)


This second picture is a weave band that I'm weaving on an inkle loom. The colors of the band is red and goldfish orange. I'm new at this and I'm learning to weave these colorful bands through various web sites, books and the Raverly group that I belong to.


As you can see the baby knitted blanket is still on the needle and this week I just started on the shawl.


Nice projects. I like the band alot!

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Tabby ~ Yay for new yarn and a new hook. :hook Were you able to find a pattern for the monkey or did you design one?


Diane ~ Another absolutely beautiful afghan! :clap I just noticed your totals in your signature...you're amazing. :yes


Julie ~ Awww, Cam was an adorable baby and he is a really cute 8 year old. :) Bless your heart for having to make the reunion decision. I vote for your staying home, but Linda's advice is so thorough if you do decide to go. :manyheart


Judy ~ Your Book Club sounds really nice. I need to get back to reading more...I completed about half the classes for a Masters in Library Science many years ago and have always loved books!


Thank you all for the sweet words about Luke. :manyheart He is such a joy and we are so lucky to have him so close.


The sun came out for about 30 minutes and I quickly took pictures of my ripple...the colors are so much prettier in person. :yarn I'm really liking the random colors and after looking at pictures of what people did with this pattern, I liked them all!


Very pretty.

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And I DO believe you have actually named off 3 books I HAVEN'T read .... so I can't comment on whether I liked them or not .


Was the Other Bolyn Girl just out in paperback like maybe a year ago ? I think I remember seeing it .

It was about a year or so ago, I think. It's a fictionalized version of Ann Bolyn's sister and Ann....I love Historical fiction, esp set in the UK, so I lloved it. The Dance of the Dissident Daughter is by Sue Monk Kidd and deals with her spiritual journey. I enjoyed that, too...


Howdy ya'll.


I just went to the local yarn shop and picked up some yarn for the monkey cocoon. I also picked up a light up hook....should be interesting to try. I have a couple..they're fun and good to use, esp in dim light or with dark yarn.

Good luck with the monkey pattern - I guess you found one?

Hey guys

I am facing a dilemma and dont know what to do about it . It might sound stupid to even ask you, but I am kinda 50/50 on this .


Would welcome your comments/suggestions. :yes

Jules, I agree with everyone else. My first instinct is to say NO, but I know what it's like to have something to look forward to. Linda brought up wonderful points for IF you do go. But my first thought is to think ahead to next year and lan for THAT, so you can get your health problems diagnosed and under control/As always, though, it boils down to what you and Sam can handle.:hug:manyheart

Julie~Yeah...I think about how many years left until they leave and I can run around the house nekkid. Just Kidding :rofl i'de need a whole lot of duct tape for that. I don't think it'de be such a hard choice for me if I had a girl in the mix, but I feel like I am missing something sometimes BUT I also want to have time for me....I have been doing this since the young age of 16. :eek I dunno.


Yeah, I know it will be horrible if you are sitting home knowing everyone is having fun. Maybe you can figure stuff out....make some calls.....find a doctor there.....make an emergency plan, etc. You'll figure it all out. :yes

Tab...having an empty nest is VERY NICE:devil...but, like Jules, it's a decision for you and Doa to make.


Since it is photo Friday and I'm too lazy to take photos of the miniscule amount of progress on projects for this week, I'll just say visit my blog and you can see what I have finished since February. I only got around to posting there this morning. The first three posts are the latest.



I looked and it's all so gorgeous!!!:clap:clap

Judy~The Jackson ghan is spectacular. Glad you didn't quit when you first wanted to, this is a work of art!



Oh, here are my photos for today.

Love it! :clapNice colors, too:yes

Afternoon House Mates, at last I have a few things to show on Photo Friday, they aren't completed but it is time for me to share and I have a moment while grandbaby is napping to do so.


downsize[1] (4)


downsize[1] (3)


This second picture is a weave band that I'm weaving on an inkle loom. The colors of the band is red and goldfish orange. I'm new at this and I'm learning to weave these colorful bands through various web sites, books and the Raverly group that I belong to.


As you can see the baby knitted blanket is still on the needle and this week I just started on the shawl.

Very nice! Love your woven work...and the baby things look so soft:c9

Judy ~ Your Book Club sounds really nice. I need to get back to reading more...I completed about half the classes for a Masters in Library Science many years ago and have always loved books!

I've loved books since I can remember. I used to spend my summers sitting in front of our open apartment window, reading, oblivious to everything around me.:D

The sun came out for about 30 minutes and I quickly took pictures of my ripple...the colors are so much prettier in person. :yarn I'm really liking the random colors and after looking at pictures of what people did with this pattern, I liked them all!

Love it!! Which pattern is that? From Attic24?

I must say it feel good to be able to contribute something to photo Friday for it have been a while since I had something to show. As you can see through my posts my crafts is in various areas for I like to have my hands in a variety of different arts.


Judy - WOW your King Size Jackson Ghan is awesome. I could never do a big project such as that. I get bored easy and it will become one of those waiting to be finish projects. :lol:lol I get bored easily, too - but this thing was already getting too big to hide in the closet - and hubby liked it, so.....


BBL, gators!

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Afternoon House Mates, at last I have a few things to show on Photo Friday, they aren't completed but it is time for me to share and I have a moment while grandbaby is napping to do so.


downsize[1] (4)


downsize[1] (3)


This second picture is a weave band that I'm weaving on an inkle loom. The colors of the band is red and goldfish orange. I'm new at this and I'm learning to weave these colorful bands through various web sites, books and the Raverly group that I belong to.


As you can see the baby knitted blanket is still on the needle and this week I just started on the shawl.

Cheeria, I like all your projects and the loom is way cool.

The sun came out for about 30 minutes and I quickly took pictures of my ripple...the colors are so much prettier in person. :yarn I'm really liking the random colors and after looking at pictures of what people did with this pattern, I liked them all!

Love the colors you've put in the ripple, Mary.

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Marlene, sorry to hear about your friend. As you say, his death is bitter-sweet.


Marisa, great start to those socks.


Tam that coaster is really pretty, and WTG on the duct tape bag. It looks great.


Wow, Linda, those afghans are really something. I can't imagine making an afghan as big as that ripple! You've got a lot more patience than I have!


Mary, Luke is so precious. Love that wide-eyed look! It looks like he's grown quite a bit.


Julie, Cam sure is a handsome boy. I like that red hat he's wearing in his baby picture.


Julie, regarding your reunion dilemma. I think that you need to consider your health. breathing is very important. No matter how well trained the relatives are, they won't have the equipment that a hospital or ambulance would have. I would listen to the lung specialist. He's an expert. So I also think you should listen to Sam. (Will he be surprised if you do?)

And we could all hang out here together and have fun, if it's fun you want!


I do have to say, though, that Linda's advice was very thorough.


Diane, that is a terrific afghan. Very masculine looking, but not drab at all!


Cheeria, nice work. The shawl is going to be so pretty, and the baby blanket is moving right along. I've never seen a loom like that.


Mary, your ripple is going to be pretty. I am not good at putting colors together, but your combination looks great.

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It was a work day for me today. I had a good day, but I had an awful headache most of the day, and eventually I ended up with an upset stomach to go with it. Dh wanted to go out for dinner, and I ordered some soup. It tasted good, but I only ate a few spoonfuls. Maybe I'll loose a pound or two!


It's been years since I had a headache like this. I think I will be fine once I get some sleep.

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Happy Photo Friday Ladies,


It has been a busy house again.


Judy~The Jackson ghan is spectacular. Glad you didn't quit when you first wanted to, this is a work of art!


Cindy~The pink baby afghan is beautiful. I love patterns that switch up stitches like that.


Linda~The quilt for your mom is lovely. Is the pattern Irish Chain? Tell Rosie she did a great job on her pink quilt.


Cheeria~Love the commercial for the Potty Dance. Your grandbaby made me laugh.


Marlene~So sorry about the loss of your friend.:hug


Marisa~Good start on your sock. I usually slip a contrasting yarn loop/marker on my starting needle, just in case I get interrupted and forget where I was at.


Tam~Luv the coaster and I am also a fan of Spiced Cider


Linda~The supersized sc Ripple is fabulous. I really like the way you did that double granny.


Mary~Little Luke is adorable. He has those cheeks you just want to squeeze.


Julie~Cam looks like such a sweetheart, I can see why you still want to hold him on your lap. Now as far as your decision.....as much as you want to go, I think you need to follow your doctors advice. I missed alot of family stuff last year because of health issues and it grieved me to have to stay home. But I had a good talk with me and I asked myself "When did you get you medical degree?" When I had no answer I knew I had to stay home. I was so much better this year, I had a wonderful time with Mom, sis, bro, grandsons, great-grandson and a buschel of neices and nephews. It was even sweeter because I had missed the previous year. I just don't think you should push the envelope.


Well, are any of you Grey's Anatomy fans? I tell you, I was on the edge of my seat for 2 solid hours! I could hardly breath. All I can say is WOW! I think I went thru an entire box of Kleenex.


Hope everyone has a great weekend. I will be checking in sporadically. NASCAR all stars is Saturday night.


Oh, here are my photos for today.


Nice and bold. Well done. :applause

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