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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Let's toss in a little TWIST to this one --

When you REPLY with your answers, you have to comment on ONE item the previous poster mentioned -- any one you want ,but comment or ask them a question .



1- What is your MIDDLE name ? Were you named AFTER anyone ? No middle name and not named after anyone...my name would've been Travis if I was a boy :lol


2-If you were 18 again, what OTHER career would you have chosen if you could change it ? None, I love my job :)


3-Name something HISTORICAL you would like to see in our country that you havent gotten to see yet . Mount Rushmore


4-What is one pet you would NEVER want to have ? I don't really like animals and currently have turtles to add life to the apartment and are fairly low maintenance :eek


5-What styles of clothes were "IN" when you were a TEEN,and whose posters hung on YOUR bedroom wall ? MC Hammer pants, rolled/cuffed jeans (acid wash), big/huge hair :rofl


6-Name something you wish you had the COURAGE to do,but probably won't be able to do . I'm usually up for anything, but it would have to be something as simple as moving far away from my family, not that I want to, but I'd never be able to be too far away from them


7-What Hollywood star would you like to have lunch with ? I'm not very starstruck, but I'd have to go with....Billy Joel


8-Name your favorite candy bar . Kit Kat and Snickers


9-What ONE thing really TICKS you off ? being taken for granted!!!


10- What one question would you have for ANY FAMOUS PERSON who is no longer alive ? I'll have to think about this one, but have company so am trying to go quickly :think

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Thanks Marisa-

That's interesting that lots of you would like to see Mt Rushmore- I think it'd be neat too . Never been further west than Indiana though .


I HAVE to ask if you had the MC Hammer and big hair look going on ?

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That is really cool that you have such a talent ! I think it'd be great to play the piano ,but I'm too old now to learn . You know the old dog saying .


I use my VOICE to make music,but it sounds like a cross between a cat who is cornered by a dog, and a buzz saw .

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JoAnne- neat how you got your name !


Also ,I forgot the Beatles-- how could I do that ? Played Hey Jude til I wore out the record !


Whats your favorite Beatles song ? I think mine now is Yesterday ...and Imagine ...

My favorites are Norwegian Wood and When I'm 64~ but really, like all Beatles songs- Imagine is a good one too. My daughter actually made me a playlist and I have it on my ipod-

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I'm really enjoying the answers to this quiz, Julie. Thanks for dreaming it up.


I've got all 21 blocks together and only have one seam to do to have them all connected. Then I'll connect these 21 to the previous 28. Then the borders go on. At that point I can iron it and take a picture. :woo

Wow Linda, you are on a roll! And I love reading everyone's answers and getting to know everyone better! This is fun- thanks Julie~

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Marisa- You are the first person I've known that doesn't have a middle name!!! I'm not alone anymore on this one!! I feel so much better!!!! LOL


Enjoy your company


Well, the Yankees are losing so I think I'm going to go to bed and get some sleep.


See you all in the AM

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Nite everyone !


Glad you guys enjoy the questions. I'm just a yakker -it's easy for me to come up with questions .

We'll do this every once in awhile just to add a little extra YAKKING to the group .


See you all in the morning - I'm tired too !

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Thanks Marisa-

That's interesting that lots of you would like to see Mt Rushmore- I think it'd be neat too . Never been further west than Indiana though .


I HAVE to ask if you had the MC Hammer and big hair look going on ?



No Hammer pants for me :lol But, I did the fold and roll to the jeans :rofl I guess I did have the big hair though; however, mine was more moderate for the simple fact that my hair has always been thick and heavy, which I'm not complaining about, but it does what it wants and can't be pressured into anything else :eek


I've been to Phoenix to visit my bro. Been to Seattle many years ago as well, but that's the extent of my western US adventures.

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Magellan, if you knew the outcome would you still circumnavigate the globe?


Tabby- I've never been to NY. What would you recommend that I see. Where should I stay and what restaurant should Hugh Laurie and I patron?


I would like to be helpful, but I just live in my town and never go anywhere else. The most interesting thing in New York that I have visited is the Bronx Zoo. Yeah, I am not very adventurous. I have no idea about the place or restaurant because I never go anywhere. :lol


thank you Sherri and Cheeria...


Nah, don't think Gordon is hunky...and honestly I think that's mainly because of his attitude...but Simon, if he was nicer, I think I could find him hunky...


Oh and I would like to have lunch with the guys on Top Gear...especially the short one, Richard I think his name is...oh,wait, wait, wait...also want to have lunch with David Tennant, ex Doctor on Doctor Who...


Oh and one more thing, Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love had a daughter, not a son...but that was a good question...very sad that he felt he had to "leave" this earth and leave behind his daughter to her mother...


*DOH* Sorry, I knew that...just use to writing son with 4 boys. Thanks for the correction. ;)



How close do you live to NYC ? Is it a long drive from your part of the state ?


and what part of the CSI would you like to do ,they have the blood splatter guy, the fingerprint guy, the photo guy, etc .


Don't think I'd be able to see an autopsy, but I could do the crime scene part . I like reading those books !


I live about 3 hours away from the Bronx....don't know about the actual city...maybe 4 hours.


I want to be the person that arrives on scene to discover everything like the people on Law & Order. Checking fingernails, placement, and other weird out of the ordinary stuff.


Why not an autopsy? The person is dead...not like they are gonna jump up and bite ya. :lol I think it'de be easier than being a surgeon because there is no chance of killing the person. ;)

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Good Night, I am beat. See ya'll in the morning. :manyheart



Marisa~You must be close to my age because my sister is 2 1/2 yrs. older than me and that was the style when she was a teen. I remember her hair...the bigger the better....like Bon Jovi use to wear his. :lol

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Julie - I don't remember the color I used, but it was Bernat satin....I think it was the aztec ombre :think


LeAnna - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Sorry it's pretty much over now

So, by the time you get this messages......Happy Day After Your Birthday!!! ;)


Judy - Good luck on the border...you should be finished with it by now :clap


Joanne - my parents didn't give any of us middle names.....I quite like it too :yes Nobody ever believes me :eek:(


Good night ladies :c9

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Good Night, I am beat. See ya'll in the morning. :manyheart



Marisa~You must be close to my age because my sister is 2 1/2 yrs. older than me and that was the style when she was a teen. I remember her hair...the bigger the better....like Bon Jovi use to wear his. :lol



LOL....Bon Jovi was my first concert :P


I'm 31 :D

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Julie - I don't remember the color I used, but it was Bernat satin....I think it was the aztec ombre :think


LeAnna - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Sorry it's pretty much over now

So, by the time you get this messages......Happy Day After Your Birthday!!! ;)


Judy - Good luck on the border...you should be finished with it by now :clap


Joanne - my parents didn't give any of us middle names.....I quite like it too :yes Nobody ever believes me :eek:(


Good night ladies :c9


Thank you, it's still my birthday and I had a very nice day. Dinner was good and the movie (Iron Man 2) was great...loved it.

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Hello Ladies,:clap


Seems like I am always a day late and $ short.


Happy Belated Birthday to LeAnna, Hope your day was all that you wanted it to be. :yay


Since my first set of questions went over so well, I thought we'd try it again !


Let's toss in a little TWIST to this one --

When you REPLY with your answers, you have to comment on ONE item the previous poster mentioned -- any one you want ,but comment or ask them a question .



1- What is your MIDDLE name ? Were you named AFTER anyone ?Mom named me after her favorite song..."My Diane". She use to sing it to me all the time. Middle name is Frances, after an aunt.


2-If you were 18 again, what OTHER career would you have chosen if you could change it ? Some kind of research. I am pretty good at recreating a flow of events. Guess that's why I love genealogy. Have one line on father's side back to 1560.


3-Name something HISTORICAL you would like to see in our country that you havent gotten to see yet . Everything in DC.


4-What is one pet you would NEVER want to have ? Rat/mice.


5-What styles of clothes were "IN" when you were a TEEN,and whose posters hung on YOUR bedroom wall ? Sweaters/skirts with matching angora socks, bunny shoes, pony tails or poodle cut to match your poodle skirt. (Think-Grease) only I wasn't like Sandy, I would have been one of the PInk Ladies. James Dean was on the wall.


6-Name something you wish you had the COURAGE to do,but probably won't be able to do . Courage is not usually the problem, it is physical inability now.


7-What Hollywood star would you like to have lunch with ? John Travolta :manyheart


8-Name your favorite candy bar . Cup-O-Gold, U-No bar


9-What ONE thing really TICKS you off ? Lies. I don't mind little white lies, like "Your hair looks nice, " etc. But in most cases, I don't understand the need to lie. Tell me the truth, even if its bad. There is more than one way to handle something. Lie to me and you are taking away my choice.


10- What one question would you have for ANY FAMOUS PERSON who is no longer alive ? I'm not sure who to really ask but I want to know the whole story on who killed JFK.

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Me again,

Sheila~Thank you so much for the friendship square. :hug It was such a nice surprise in the mail.


Linda~looking forward to seeing pics of the quilt. Sounds like you are really moving along.


Julie~The yarn looks yummy. Bet it feels nice too. It always surprises me how much I am influenced by the way something feels. I have bought books before because they felt nice in the hand. I know...I'm strange.


Marissa-(I hope it's you) Love the lapghan AND the border. Nice job.


Monday was DH's birthday. I was so happy he wanted Chinese Food :takeout for dinner, I didn't have to cook. :cheer I felt like I was getting the present. :yes


The weather has been warming up and my seeds are starting to sprout. I go out and check every couple of hours just looking for a glimmer of green. I get so excited to see the progress. :garden


I finished the afghan for my nephew. Will post pics on Friday. It is red/black/grey. Pattern is called Navajo. Now have started a RR called patchwork star. It is a little different, from Annie's Attic. It is an 8 point start that goes to 16. Done in FPTC and FPDC. Colors are RHSS winter white, aruba sea, and teal. This is for a niece.


My furbaby, Addie has become quite the actress. She acts like she can't walk and wants to be picked up or held. If I ask her if she wants to go outside, she has a miracle cure and starts dancing on her hind legs.:dog I think I should nominate her for a Cleo Award (animal Oscar).


Getting late, time for bed. Hope everyone has a happy Thursday with lots of :crocheting and :knit

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Good morning everyone!!!


Got a good night's sleep which is what I needed- now I feel like with a little bit of coffee I can take on the day!!!


Marisa- At least your parents didn't give any of you a middle name- I'm the only one that didn't get one!:lol:lol But it is kind of neat when I fill out forms and just put N/A or --- where it says middle name!:lol


Diane- Can't wait to see the Navajo afgan pics- it sounds like it is lovely with the red/gray/black- very manly!


LeAnna- Glad to hear that you had a nice birthday celebration and that you enjoyed the movie.


Julie- I forgot to comment on your "retail therapy"- can't wait to hear what you decide to make with your special yarn purchase!


Judy- Did you hear Posada is going on the DL? broken bone in his right foot. What's going on with this team? Hope they can bounce back and win one tonight- my DD and her BF are going to the game!


Well, EVERYONE it's time to start getting ready for work!


Have a wonderful day!

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Morning ladies

Wow, I think I found my home away from home ! I found people just like me that YAK a lot !!!

All I have to do is ask some questions,and wham, this place takes off like a rocket !

Anyhow, thanks everyone ,and if someone comes in and hasn't yet answered ,go for it, we don't care if you are a little late .

Well, on the crochet front- I am working slowly on the ripple yet ... Remind me to never do a project like this again .

I like making things to give to people, but don't like making something to fulfill an order --makes me nervous ,want to get it done perfectly and quickly,and I can't .

I have tossed in a knitted yellow baby afghan made with ILTY in a color called Cream-- it is a beautiful shade of yellow ,very light .

I will save my special yarn for AFTER these things are completed,so it'll be my reward for getting these other things done .

I guess I'll have the whole day to kill by myself -- Sam will be at work, then to a dinner after work ,so looks like I'll just order a pizza or get subway .

Not much else on my list that I have to do today. I did some errands yesterday and made some have-to boring phone calls, so that is all done too .

Anyhow, I'll be checking in off and on .

Hope you all have a good day ~

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Good Morning, House mates!:hug


Judy- Did you hear Posada is going on the DL? broken bone in his right foot. What's going on with this team? Hope they can bounce back and win one tonight- my DD and her BF are going to the game!

Oh, no! I thought it had been checked out! That only heals by itself, right? No surgery?

I hope she enjoys the game. Maybe Jeter's bat will come alive...


Well, on the crochet front- I am working slowly on the ripple yet ... Remind me to never do a project like this again . You are reminded:D

I like making things to give to people, but don't like making something to fulfill an order --makes me nervous ,want to get it done perfectly and quickly,and I can't . Me too

I have tossed in a knitted yellow baby afghan made with ILTY in a color called Cream-- it is a beautiful shade of yellow ,very light .I have that pattern...on my WIM list now that the biggie is finished:D

I guess I'll have the whole day to kill by myself -- Sam will be at work, then to a dinner after work ,so looks like I'll just order a pizza or get subway . I used to like those days - don't get them any more, though...

I'll be going to an embroidery guild meeting this morning and taking a x st WIP with me to work on if I want to. My neighbor invited me to the meeting - need to find out if I want to join.


And the Jackson monster is FINISHED:yay:yay:yay:yay


Pic will be posted sometime today. The sun is out, so if I lay it on my bed and open the blinds, etc, it should come out good.

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For today's project --

When you post, put the name of a song that has a NAME in it .


Only ONE answer per post .


I'll go first : JULIE DO YOU LOVE ME ( Bobby Sherman )

JUDY'S TURN TO CRY (not sure of the singer):D

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GREAT JOB on finishing the whopper-ghan !!! Can't wait to see it .


Enjoy your embroidery meeting . I hope you like it and make lots of friends and come home with some new stacks of projects you wanna do !


Just don't forget us here if you take on another craft ! We'd miss you too much .

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Good Morning Ladies :coffee


I hope everyone had a good day yesterday. I don't remember if I told you, but last week the construction workers broke my monitor for my computer :( So, I haven't really been able to do much at work. Got a little done by improvising with what we had, but I couldn't steal the receptionists computer to work on narratives so I printed stuff out to get a little done, just a HUGE waste of paper. I have another doc in the office and I have him see most of the regular patients. I handle all the exams and extra paperwork, and then jump in to help him when it gets hectic. Got my new monitor yesterday!! :D But, then the whole server goes down just before lunch break, so still can't access any files :( The phones went with it because our phones are with comcast as well. Come to find out after the guy came to look at it (right before closing), he didn't know why, but whoever came earlier in the day to check out a different complaint just cut our wires!!!! He was very confused as well as to why they didn't come in to tell us, esp with it being a business and recommended we file a complaint with comcast. Never a dull moment :eek


So, today I should be able to actually work!!! :) It gets boring when there's no paperwork to fill in the void :lol


OK, so my lapghan is in the wash now :) And, last night I started to work on my next octagon while watching American Idol.


Diane - yep, it was me and thanks a bunch. Addie sounds adorable. And, what is a U-No?


Julie - WTG keeping on that ripple!!!! I also do not like to work on 'orders', it seems to take all the fun out of it. I prefer to give stuff away as surprises :D Enjoy your day and relax a bit!!!!


Judy - Have fun at your meeting with the Embroidery Guild!!! Can't wait to see pics of the Jackson Ghan :D


First song that comes to mind is: COME ON EILEEN :D

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That is really cool that you have such a talent ! I think it'd be great to play the piano ,but I'm too old now to learn . You know the old dog saying .


I use my VOICE to make music,but it sounds like a cross between a cat who is cornered by a dog, and a buzz saw .

You're never too old to learn. I bet you'd be great on the piano.

I'll be going to an embroidery guild meeting this morning and taking a x st WIP with me to work on if I want to. My neighbor invited me to the meeting - need to find out if I want to join.


And the Jackson monster is FINISHED:yay:yay:yay:yay


Pic will be posted sometime today. The sun is out, so if I lay it on my bed and open the blinds, etc, it should come out good.

Hooray for finishing the Jackson monster ghan! Looking forward to the pictures. And have fun at the embroidery guild meeting.


My dad didn't have a middle name. On the army form he had to put in something, so he put in "none" and they proceeded to call him Bernard None Roys. :lol :lol :lol


Marisa - It sounds like that Comcast employee ought to be fired as incompetent.


Good morning to everyone. The sun is shining so I should be able to get a really good picture of the quilt top when it's done. I just have four more pieces of border to put on and I'm done with the piecing. This is the best one I've done yet. There are only a very few places where my points don't match up and then it's only by a little. I'm really pleased with how it's turned out. I was trying to watch Top Chef Master while sewing on it and ended up not doing a very good job of following the show and slowing down my sewing as well. I think I know which two or three chefs will be in the longest, but I don't know who will take the top spot. They are really, really good.


The song that immediately came to my mind is "They Call the Wind Mariah." I loved it as a kid and still do.

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Let's toss in a little TWIST to this one --

When you REPLY with your answers, you have to comment on ONE item the previous poster mentioned -- any one you want ,but comment or ask them a question .



1- What is your MIDDLE name ? Were you named AFTER anyone ?

Jeanne My mother said once I was named after one of my dads old girlfriends.

2-If you were 18 again, what OTHER career would you have chosen if you could change it ? A judge


3-Name something HISTORICAL you would like to see in our country that you havent gotten to see yet . Mt.Rushmore


4-What is one pet you would NEVER want to have ? snake


5-What styles of clothes were "IN" when you were a TEEN,and whose posters hung on YOUR bedroom wall ? bell bottoms, tie dyed shirts and no posters on my walls, but I did like David Cassidy.


6-Name something you wish you had the COURAGE to do,but probably won't be able to do . Be a pilot


7-What Hollywood star would you like to have lunch with ? Sally Fields and or Oprah


8-Name your favorite candy bar . Snickers


9-What ONE thing really TICKS you off ? People who do stupid things


10- What one question would you have for ANY FAMOUS PERSON who is no longer alive ? I don't know

Diane- Where were you when JFK was killed? I was in school in 3rd grade.

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