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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Jules. Hi!

I'm sure Cam won't care about the weather, but I hope it's okay for the Birthday party.

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Jules, it sounds like the woman who called you about the test was well informed - it's good you had your questions answered. Thinking of you and paryers being said:hug:manyheart

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LeAnna...how are you doing??:hug:manyheart


Tab, thoughts and prayers...


CU gals later! Have a good morning, everybody.

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Thanks Jude --

I think I'll be ok today. The lady last night was real nice and answered all my questions about today,so I think it'll be ok ,as long as they get the needle in -- they weren't able to do that before when I had it done on my head ,so not too confident they will this time.

I came out of there looking like a war veteran--they stuck me 6 times, and couldnt get it in ,then they used that wrappable -sticky type stuff that looks like ace bandages. I have no clue what it is- they didnt use that when I worked ,but I had both arms and hands wrapped with that .

Anyhow, I guess today will be ok. They might tell me I can't TALK during the test.


THAT will be hard to do .. I always talk a lot, but when I get nervous, my talking ratchets up about 17 levels .... so THAT could be the hardest part.

No Talking .


Anyhow, I'll be ok today ---and am trying not to think What Next .


I'm just thinking about today . Thanks for asking ,and for the special thoughts -- it really does help to know someone out there is thinking of you while you are getting these things done .

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Thanks Jude --

I think I'll be ok today. The lady last night was real nice and answered all my questions about today,so I think it'll be ok ,as long as they get the needle in -- they weren't able to do that before when I had it done on my head ,so not too confident they will this time.

Make sure you're hydrated and that they use a pedi needle if that's called for. My veins are thin and roll - it's a bear getting them, too.

I came out of there looking like a war veteran--they stuck me 6 times, and couldnt get it in ,then they used that wrappable -sticky type stuff that looks like ace bandages. I have no clue what it is- they didnt use that when I worked ,but I had both arms and hands wrapped with that . They use that all over...my vets, too - way easier than the old stuff.

Anyhow, I guess today will be ok. They might tell me I can't TALK during the test.


THAT will be hard to do .. I always talk a lot, but when I get nervous, my talking ratchets up about 17 levels .... so THAT could be the hardest part. I am JUST like you! Hubby can always tell when I'm nervous...and reminds me to be aware of that before we go somewhere where I might be nervous.

No Talking .


Anyhow, I'll be ok today ---and am trying not to think What Next .


I'm just thinking about today . Thanks for asking ,and for the special thoughts -- it really does help to know someone out there is thinking of you while you are getting these things done .

One day at a time....that's the way to do it:yes:hug:manyheart

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Here are a couple of pictures from our weekend in Shipshewana. The area has a large Amish population and this is a parking lot at a department store, and the sign next to this particular part of the lot. I thought it was kind of humorous. Most parking lots in the area have an area reserved for buggies.

Love the pictures! And horse manure is one of the best fertilizers there is.

Phil now says we're here for the duration...he walked in to the house after a short morning on the road and heard the laughing and all coming from the kitchen where I sat with some of my friends and that cinched it for him.:)

There's not much nicer than friends laughing and talking and spending time together.

I'm going to go help dd do some spring cleaning this morning. She got a sitter for the three boys, so we should be able to get a lot done. DD is 8 months pregnant, so I thought it would be nice for her to get a lot done before the new baby comes.

I was just wondering how DD was this morning. Wishing her all the best. Nice that you are helping her. Bending over to get anything is such a pain at that stage.


Julie - :hug :hug :hug Thinking and saying a prayer for you that they find a vein quick and easy and that the test goes smoothly.


Tabby - :hug :hug :hug While you and Doa wait for the results.


Morning Marisa, Joanne, and Judy. Hi, Marlene and Marisa and Mary. (I know! You were on last night and I'm on this morning. Hi! anyway!)


It's overcast again today. John's meeting his sister and folks at lunch today and then bringing his folks here. They should get here about mid-afternoon. The downstairs is done and just have to move a few things from the guest bedroom and we'll be ready. That won't take long. I did the vacuuming and spot spraying this morning.

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Good Morning.


Thank you all for the thoughts, prayers and concern. I will keep ya'll posted. :ghug



Julie~I hope everything goes well and you are not turned into a pin cushion. My thoughts are with you always. :hug:manyheart:hug

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Oh, and on the bright side of things my SIL's mother loves the peapod, so since her other daughter is also preggo she is paying me $50 to make a monkey pod. She is also supplying the pattern. I was only asking 25-30 or 40 if I had to buy the pattern, but wow it is awesome that she thought I deserved more. She said a speciality store charges 50-75 bucks for stuff like that so I guess she thinks she is still getting a deal. :cheer :cheer :cheer Oh, and my step-mom's friend emailed me and wants the hat from the peapod, but orange like a pumpkin for fall. I am on a role. :cheer :cheer :cheer


BBL.....have a great day all!!

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Good morning everyone!

Mary that is a cute pic of Luke & Gracie.


Cindy that's really nice of you to help dd with her spring cleaning. When I went for my reading glasses the doctor said I didn't need bifocals. How wrong he was now when I crochet and want to watch tv I always have to move them or remove them. Next time I will get the progressive lens as I don't mind wearing glasses everyday.

It's been years since we have been to Shipsawanee (ms). We have amish all around us. We have hired them to build are garage and put the addition on are house.


Linda good that you can have a place for your yarn and material that it doesn't have to be in a tote.

Me time is valuable.


Judy it's nice to have the group of neighbor ladies you have. I had that with friends back home and miss it alot. Here there are many seasonal people. One neighbor and I are good friends, but she is seasonal. The others just want to say hi and that's it. Kind of sad!


JoAnne that was a nice gift to starbucks. Enjoy your coffee.


Julie the last operation I had they had to get an iv nurse to put my iv in and she put a hot towel on my hand. She told me to tell them to use the smallest needle they have. I'll be thinking of you. :hug


I have some laundry going. Have some other work to get done. Made chili for supper so it is left overs tonight. My daughter is off tomorrow and friday so she is coming up tonight to spend the time with Maya.

I'll check back later. Hope everyone has a nice day!

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Thanks you guys,for all thinking of me today . I *think* I'll do ok today ... I'm not normally afraid of needles or IV's,blood draws and such ,but these ladies who were there before were LOUSY at getting the IV needle in. It starts hurting when they do that DIGGING stuff when they try over and over and cant get it .


Anyhow, I'll be fine today .I'll just chew them out and tell them to get the lab girl in there to do it if they have trouble today .She is the only one who gets it first try .


I'll fill you all in when I get home .


Tab- that is great news that you have 2 orders for the baby items ! you do such nice work, it's no wonder . That'd be great if you could get more orders and have a little business on the side .


Still thinking of Doa-- hope things go ok .

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Oh, and on the bright side of things my SIL's mother loves the peapod, so since her other daughter is also preggo she is paying me $50 to make a monkey pod. She is also supplying the pattern. I was only asking 25-30 or 40 if I had to buy the pattern, but wow it is awesome that she thought I deserved more. She said a speciality store charges 50-75 bucks for stuff like that so I guess she thinks she is still getting a deal. :cheer :cheer :cheer Oh, and my step-mom's friend emailed me and wants the hat from the peapod, but orange like a pumpkin for fall. I am on a role. :cheer :cheer :cheer


BBL.....have a great day all!!

That's way cool, Tabby.


Morning Marlene.


Thought you might like to have a look at my space downstairs and how I've been organizing the material and yarn. The first picture is as you are going downstairs and the second is from the other side of the room. There's a 3/4 bath there too.


I now have four shelves of material on this bookcase. Pretty much emptied three tubs of material and made it much easier to see what I've got. The top shelf of the second bookcase is all baby weight yarn. I've actually got two bookshelves of yarn. :lol




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Looks very well organized ! Now youwill know just what you have and what you might need if you think up a new project !


You are more organized than me. I always THINK I am, but usually am not --


Sam is the more organized person in our house. He keeps his stuff neatly put exactly where it goes ..mine kinda gets SCATTERED all over the place .

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Afternoon everyone, kind of rainy and dreary looking here in central New Jersey. Grandbaby happy and quietly playing with toys today so maybe I can start searching for a pattern to crochet or knit. I miss starting something new. I also want to crochet some half granny squares for my afghan.


Julie - praying that everything will go fine for you today at your appt.


Linda - love the space you have to organize your crafting supplies. I wish I had some space that was mines other than my bedroom.


Have a great day mates. :hug

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Linda, you have a great space! Good job!:cheer

Oh, and on the bright side of things my SIL's mother loves the peapod, so since her other daughter is also preggo she is paying me $50 to make a monkey pod. She is also supplying the pattern. I was only asking 25-30 or 40 if I had to buy the pattern, but wow it is awesome that she thought I deserved more. She said a speciality store charges 50-75 bucks for stuff like that so I guess she thinks she is still getting a deal. :cheer :cheer :cheer Oh, and my step-mom's friend emailed me and wants the hat from the peapod, but orange like a pumpkin for fall. I am on a role. :cheer :cheer :cheer


BBL.....have a great day all!!

Wow, that's awesome!!:clap:clap:clap

Thanks you guys,for all thinking of me today . I *think* I'll do ok today ... I'm not normally afraid of needles or IV's,blood draws and such ,but these ladies who were there before were LOUSY at getting the IV needle in. It starts hurting when they do that DIGGING stuff when they try over and over and cant get it . I always got even for that: I would pass out:lol Now they have to give me the reclining chair so I can elevate my feet (doctor's orders)...ususally there's no problem finding the vein if I've had water and they use the little needle.


Anyhow, I'll be fine today .I'll just chew them out and tell them to get the lab girl in there to do it if they have trouble today .She is the only one who gets it first try .

Good girl!

I'll fill you all in when I get home .


Tab- that is great news that you have 2 orders for the baby items ! you do such nice work, it's no wonder . That'd be great if you could get more orders and have a little business on the side .


Still thinking of Doa-- hope things go ok .

We'll be waiting for you!

Sam is the more organized person in our house. He keeps his stuff neatly put exactly where it goes ..mine kinda gets SCATTERED all over the place .

You're married to my hubby's clone!! And I'm you (when allowed to be:lol)

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Linda, you have a great space! Good job!:cheer

You're married to my hubby's clone!! And I'm you (when allowed to be:lol)

John sounds like your hubby and I'm more like you and Judy - when allowed to be. It's only this neat when we are expecting company. :lol :lol :lol


Good morning Cheeria.


The sun's come out. Whee! I'm going to do some working on mom's quilt this afternoon if I get a chance. The guest bedroom is now all neat and nice.

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Thanks Jude


Yea, Sam knows better than to complain to me about my stuff . I'd just pile it up even worse, just to bug him .

I'm usually the one who says -- look at this mess ! When I have yarn scattered all over the living room . He always says ,so what , nobody will see it but us ..


I guess he knows me by now and knows it's best not to say anything .


I always tell him he'd make a much better housewife than I would . He's much neater and would keep everything sparkly-clean.


I just keep it "presentable " .


Well, gotta get off now and get ready to go -- Will check in later today .

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Thank you Cheeria-

Hope you have a nice day today,and maybe the sun will come out later . It's grey here today too, but maybe it'll shape up later in the day or tomorrow .


Talk to you folks later -- gotta get a move on. They said be there early and I am ALWAYS late ... so maybe I can get a jump on it and get there on time today .


I'll probably get behind a farm tractor and STILL be late !

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Goodmorning everyone.. Good luck Julie :hug

Happy cleaning Cindy!

Hope I can get something done around here. having Hubby home all the time really throws off what you use to do when he was at work.:lol

Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Jules, you had better not be late!!

I'll be finsihing my RR while waiitng for you to check in again.:yes

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Sheila - I Totally get you...different circumstance than yours, though: hubby has been semiretired for over 10 years and only the fact that he has his home office upstairs saves us from bickering and being on top of each other too much.

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Good Morning, all. :) I'm spending the whole day at home today and am determined to crochet this afternoon. :yes


Thanks to all of you for the sweet comments about Luke and Gracie. :manyheart


Julie ~ Thinking of you as you have your test today. :hug


Judy ~ Your RR will be a great size! Can't wait to see this one. :hook


Hi Marlene ~ Sounds like a rainy spring in your area...we need some here. Perfect chili weather! :)


Cindy ~ Good luck with the new contacts. Enjoy your two days off...your DD must be really ready to have the little one. :c9


Marisa ~ Congratulations on ordering new yarn! I love getting it in the mail...it's just fun to open the package. :lol


Linda ~ Love your pictures! Your living space is wonderful. How long will John's family be there? I hope you get some "me time." :yes


Tabby ~ WTG on the orders! :clap This means more pictures for us! :)


Cheeria ~ New projects are always fun! Let us know what you decide to make. :crocheting


Hi Joanne ~ Gift cards are wonderful! Enjoy some special coffee. :yes

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Hi, Mary!

Doing the last round on the RR now. Just a sc border ....with the Homespun it doesn't seem to matter if the edge is plain.

Besides - I'm SOOOOO finished with it!:lol



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Hi, Sheila and Mary.


Well, we've had a bit of a change in plans. I got a call from John at noon from work (He was supposed to be at lunch with his sister and folks then.) and it turns out his sister had put his dad in the hospital today. He's got pneumonia in at least one lung. They were starting him on antibiotics and had had him on oxygen for a while. Now they're waiting to see what the doctor says. They definitely won't be coming today and may not be coming at all. So much for all the hectic cleaning and other nerves.


I've hemmed a pair of pants for Kim today and am getting ready to hem a pair for me now. They are new but way to long. I pinned them up 2" and they were still too long. I've got them pinned up 3" now and that's much better, although 3 1/2 might be even better. I think I'll try that before I start cutting off the excess.


I've spent part of today putting some programs back on the computer that I had taken off of it when I was so depressed. At least I still had the discs. I hadn't thrown them away so I lost was some time. :P

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