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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Love all your work! Congrats on the Jimbo hook again! I love the case you made for it! Especially love the little baseball on there!


The potholder is adorable! And WTG on the 4X4XFriday!!!


Night all!

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Thank you ladies!

I really appreciate your compliments!!!

Julie...... I'm making a small lap'ghan / quilt'ghan that looks like a spool of thread.







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Good Evening House,


I haven't been on since yesterday morning so the day was not as bad as I anticipated :clap and after work my girl friend and I went to Boscov's (running a promotion so we have to go 3x/wk for a month and this is the 2nd week).


I have some pics to share today :cheer


I made Maryann put it on so I could get a pic of the hat that is too big, but still cute......


I also finished the first golf club cover :yay It's pretty basic and I decided that I would use stripes near the top to label the 1,3,5 clubs so this one will be for the driver. I started it at the beginning of the week and ended up taking it out and starting over on wednesday since I pulled it too tight (it was a good idea at the time :think ) After I finish this set, I will make a 2nd set for my aunt.....I can't make them for my uncle and not my aunt!!! :eek


I got to start the 2nd cover today, and by start I mean I got the first 2 rounds done :lol Not much, but every little round counts :wink


I hope everyone had a wonderful day and will get to enjoy the weekend!



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I also got caught up with the posts and loved seeing everyone's pics for photo friday :clap


Tam - everything was great and I'm excited to see what the finished quilt'ghan will be like. :yes


Sheila - Love the baby dress, absolutely adorable! :yay


Tralee - The booties are cute, I really liked the color of that blue yarn you used. :cheer


Cindy - Glad you were feeling better today and hopefully tomorrow, you'll be as good as new! :hug


Judy - Your landscaping is great, I love the work they did. Baby'ghan is going to be really cute! Washcloths are great as well and the book club sounds fun. I haven't sat down with a good book in a while now. :(


Julie - Your blanket was awesome, I absolutely love it! :yes


Joanne - Congrats on your win :devil and your large granny ghan is great! :clap


Linda - You do not have an easy job, but it is very rewarding :yes I hope you continue to help Kim make progress. :hug

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Good morning House Mates and Happy Saturday!!!


Marisa- I love your golf club covers- and yes, you are right- you can't make a set for your uncle without making a set for your aunt!!:yes. The hat is really cute too. Thanks for the kudos on the :devil win! It was a great game and the series is now tied. On to Philly on Sunday!


I started the border of the large granny last night- almost done with the 2nd row of simple SC. Should be done today. Make that it WILL be done today!


What's everyone's plans for the weekend? I am going to go ask DH how he'd feel about taking a trip to Hobby Lobby in PA. Wish me luck!

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Morning folks

Tam- It'll be neat to see your lapghan completed. Did you make the design yourself or find it online someplace ?



Marisa- thanks for the pictures-- the hat looks nice -- even though it won't fit your little head, I'm sure you'll find someone who will appreciate and use it .


The golf club covers are looking good.And yep, your aunt will want some too --maybe a matching set in another color so they know whose is whose ?



Joanne -- hope you are successful talking your hubby into the PA trip .


As for me, it'll be a regular Saturday --Sam will be gone today,and hopefully Cam will be up. He always calls as soon as he wakes up on Saturday,so I usually wait for him to call to see what his schedule is . I know he has soccer at noon ,so I'm guessing he'll want to come here afterwards .

I got him a new game and a new movie, so hopefully that will keep him entertained this week .


Hope you all have a great weekend !!!

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:clap We're going to Hobby Lobby!:clap I printed off two 40% off coupons, one for me, and one for DH. Can't wait to see what a Hobby Lobby is like and pet all the yarn!


Finished another row of SC on the granny and started the shell border


Julie- hope that Cam enjoys his new movie and game! And hope that you get to see him today!!!


I'll be back later to let you all know how the trip went!!

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Good morning, House mates! It rained last night - one less day to have to water the new plants:D

Thanks, Tam and Marisa...I love small projects...and graphs;)


I have some pics to share today :cheer


I made Maryann put it on so I could get a pic of the hat that is too big, but still cute......


I also finished the first golf club cover :yay It's pretty basic and I decided that I would use stripes near the top to label the 1,3,5 clubs so this one will be for the driver. I started it at the beginning of the week and ended up taking it out and starting over on wednesday since I pulled it too tight (it was a good idea at the time :think ) After I finish this set, I will make a 2nd set for my aunt.....I can't make them for my uncle and not my aunt!!! :eek


I hope everyone had a wonderful day and will get to enjoy the weekend!

Very nice work - love the colors, too!:cheer

Well.......... I did it............ 4x4xFriday.

This is the first set of saltines in the Spool of Thread Quilt'ghan I'm making.



and here is a very special hook case for my ever so special Jimbo "HomeRun" hook.



This is a Chicken potholder & dishcloth set I made...


Very nice:cheer:clap....where did you find the pattern for the quiltghan??


Well, need to start my day - will check in later:hug:manyheart

Have a great day...the sun is shining here


ANd Joanne...havefun at HL...and sent you a PM...

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Good morning. My sore throat has turned into nagging cough. The sore throat is gone though. It seems like every time I get anything that resembles a respiratory tract infection, I cough for weeks afterwards. Despite that I slept pretty well last night, and hopefully I will accomplish a few things today. All I did yesterday was sit around.


I'm a bit behind here...let's see how much I can remember.


Julie, your castle is coming along nicely. I didn't notice the funky door at all.Hope you have fun with Cam today.


Judy, great pictures of your yard, and nice work on your projects.


Sheila, nice baby dress.


Tralee, those booties are adorable.


Joanne, that big granny ghan is lovely. Those colors are so great together. It amazed me sometimes how such a simple pattern can be so effective if you choose the right colors. A big granny was the first crochet project I ever did. And have lots of fun at Hobby Lobby!


Linda, that flannelghan is gorgeous. (and huge!!!) Glad you had a nice day to yourself yesterday.


Tam, your work is great. I like the colors you are using for your "spool of thread" quilt ghan.

And as for that chicken potholder...well he is just adorable.


Marisa, cute hat and nice work on the golf club cover. Those will probably go fast, now that you have figured out the best way to do the first one. And you're right, you'll have to make your Aunt a set too!


Not sure what I'm going to do today.. laundry and some housework for sure, since I didn't do a thing yesterday. We were invited to dinner at a friends house so at least that isn't on my to-do list for today.

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Hidey-Ho Miss Jude ~~~



Hey Cindy- I'm glad your cold or flu is starting to go away. I hope the nagging cough won't last long -- it wears you out when you cough a lot .


Hopefully this weekend you can chill out and rest up some .





good for you ,and good idea getting a coupon for your hubby to use too .

I hope you enjoy the store --give us a report when you get back .


We actually have one of them about 20 minutes or so from here. I havent been there in quite a long time though .


It's in a big town and the traffic is murder ,especially from Thursday to Monday morning -- WOW .

I'm just not used to driving with all the lanes and cars zooming every which direction. It spoils you living in our town -- I could honestly drive the town blindfolded and be able to get around . ( not that I'd ever TRY it, but I could do it )


In fact Monday is my lung guy --downtown Akron ,across from Akron Childrens Hospital .

I am PETRIFIED of all the lanes of traffic and how to get there . Sam is taking the day off to drive me up. I told him he didnt have to, that I'd find my way there if I leave really early . I never have a problem stopping to ASK people how to get places. I sometimes don't get an answer, depending on what neighborhood I end up in , but I'm not scared to ask .

My appointment isn't til 10:30 ,so I'd have plenty of time to drive around looking for it ,since I'm always up REALLY early .

BUT, he said he doesnt mind taking me and wants to go with me anyhow ,so it'll work out ok I guess . I just hate for him to waste a vacation day to drive me to a Dr .


But,anyhow .. I'm on one of my rambling days ... sorry folks, no one here to TALK to right now, so I'll ramble to you .


Well, guess I'd better get it in gear . Cam should be showing up in a couple hours, so I need to get the boring junk like laundry done before he gets here .

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Good Afternoon House Mates,


It is just after noon here and I've been to Wal Mart, Sams, and then hit up the market for what I did not find at either of those places. Just had some lunch while reading posts, have some eggs boiling and am getting ready to prep for dinner later so all the chopping is done :D


Oh, and I need to throw in a load of laundry to wash up my uniforms for work next week. Hopefully, I will have time to sit and crochet before actually making dinner.


Thanks for all the compliments :yay When my uncle asked for the covers, he told me his bag was black and burgandy so today I called my mom and told her to check out my aunt's bag the next time she's over to let me know what colors her bag is. So, they will have matching sets in respective colors!!! :clap I can't wait to see her face because she won't be expecting them :devil




Joanne...you will love Hobby Lobby! I just hit it up last weeked for the first time and loved it, although I did expect more yarn, but it didn't even matter :lol I will be anxious to see how you liked it.

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Good Evening House,


I haven't been on since yesterday morning so the day was not as bad as I anticipated :clap and after work my girl friend and I went to Boscov's (running a promotion so we have to go 3x/wk for a month and this is the 2nd week).


I have some pics to share today :cheer


I made Maryann put it on so I could get a pic of the hat that is too big, but still cute......


I also finished the first golf club cover :yay It's pretty basic and I decided that I would use stripes near the top to label the 1,3,5 clubs so this one will be for the driver. I started it at the beginning of the week and ended up taking it out and starting over on wednesday since I pulled it too tight (it was a good idea at the time :think ) After I finish this set, I will make a 2nd set for my aunt.....I can't make them for my uncle and not my aunt!!! :eek


I got to start the 2nd cover today, and by start I mean I got the first 2 rounds done :lol Not much, but every little round counts :wink


I hope everyone had a wonderful day and will get to enjoy the weekend!

Marisa, the hat and golf club cover turned out very nice. Your aunt is going to be so surprised by her set.


Good afternoon House. I ended up going to bed early last night and slept way late. I guess I was more tired than I though. Anyway, I feel rested now. I don't know if I'm going to tackle the list that John left for me of things to do or crochet first. Maybe alternating back and forth is the way to go.


Hope you enjoy your trip to Hobby Lobby, Joanne. It's one of my favorite stores.


More later.

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Jules, that's sweet of Sam to drive you to your appointment...I don't do very congested traffic well, either. It's what you're used to, mostly.


Gotta go...Off to Carraba's for an early dinner:D


Cindy, Linda and everyone - I hope you do at least ONE fun thing for yourselves today:hug:manyheart

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Judy, so far today has been nothing but fun. Dh "had" to go to Lowes, and he asked me to ride along with him. We went out for lunch and to a few garage and estate sales. I didn't buy much, just a few Disney videos for the grandsons. (50 cents each, how could I not buy them!) We still have two VCRs, so the boys can watch them on our old tv. (which isn't good for anything else.)

And tonight we are going to dinner at the home of friends. Ruth is know for her cooking skills, so we are looking forward to that. Ruth is also a knitter, so we can craft together afterwards.


I started a baby blanket this morning. I want to make at least one baby item each month for the local pregnancy resource center and I didn't make anything for April yet. I'm doing a smaller version of Dot Matthews basket weave baby blanket. I just hope I have enough yarn. I can't get anymore, since it was yarn I received as an RAOK and it's yarn I've never heard of before. I'm only making it 30 inches square and I'll add a wide border in white to get to up to size.

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Hi everyone!


Hobby Lobby was great!:manyheart I, like Marissa expected more yarn- but they did have a decent enough selection- plus they have their own I love this Yarn and I love this cotton! :clap They had more varied things than Michael's or ACMoore which are the stores I'm used to. DH was very patient as I was checking all the yarn. He gets the gold star today!


He was funny- he went around the yarn section and pulled off every free pattern that said crochet on it! :lol They had a ton of those free sheets!


I ended up buying more yarn than I probably need,but rationalized that we took the ride, and who knows when I'll get back, so better stock up:devil. I really liked working with the I Love this Cotton that my co-worker had gotten for me, so bought quite a few skeins of that (I'm thinking about 10?) and also bought about 9 skeins of the I love this Yarn.


We went out for early dinner on the way home so no cooking again tonight for me!!!


Judy- I love Carabba's- hope you enjoyed your early dinner!


Julie- Hope you had a nice day with Cam- I'm used to driving in traffic- I do it every day on the way home from work! :lol. Of course, because I do it, doesn't mean I like it!!


I've been driving up to Boston area about 3-4X/year for the past 5 years since DD moved up there- and to this day I still have my directions on the seat next to me!


Good luck with the Dr appt on Monday- and I think it's nice that Sam is going to take a day off to take you!:yes


Cindy- enjoy your dinner with friends- that's always nice! And it sounds like you are having a fun day. Hope the cough doesn't last too long!


Linda- you probably needed the sleep- Heck, you were up to 2:15 AM or so the other night finishing up the beautiful flannel'ghan!!:lol Hope John didn't leave you too many things to do! This is your "me" time weekend! :yes


Tammy- How did Patrick's game go last night? (it was Patrick's game, wasn't it:think) How are the bleachers coming along?


Sheila, Tralee , LeAnna and anyone else I may have missed- hope you are having a nice Saturday


Off to finish the border large granny and tie up any loose ends!!

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Joanne, I'm glad you had fun exploring HL! I've never been to one. Have fun with your new yarn. I've been gifted ILTY and adore it....


And our dinner was really good...and too much food, of course, so I get out of cooking tomorrow because of all the leftovers we brought home.:D

Another trip to Delicious Orchards is on schedule for us tomorrow morning, too.:D


Have a great night everyone:hug:manyheart

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Just a quick drop in to say good night. dinner at our friends was delicious. Of course now I will have to reciprocate, and cooking isn't really one of my top skills. Hopefully the company will make up for it!


The 12 year old daughter of our friends was busy knitting a tablecloth for her grandmother when we got there. Wow, can that girl knit! She informed me that she is busy learning to crochet, and when she has the tablecloth finished, she hopes to be able to crochet a border around it.


Joanne, sounds like you had a great time at HL. I am lucky enough to have two of them within 20 minutes. I like HL, but the Michaels around here have a lot more yarn. The stores are within a block of each other at both locations, so I often hit both of them when I go yarn shopping.

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