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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi Our House, I just wanted to drop in and say hi. :hug It been an extremely busy day for me, I havent read any post yet for I'm on my way out again to the women's bible study at my church. This week all I had a chance to do was knit a few rows on the baby's blanket and make two half-granny squares. I'm really looking forward to the week-end for I'm anxious to get back to my crafts. My daughter is still doing fine but today she is really feeling like herself, she felt really tired yesterday. I hope all in the house is well and happy and I'll catch you all later. :hug

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Good evening everyone. I went to work today, but started feeling sick mid afternoon. (sore throat, headache, fatigued) I read all the posts, but my head is stuffy and I don't have the energy to respond to everything I read.


Julie, your castle looks great. Glad your dd and family made it to Korea safely. It'll be quite an experience for them!


Linda, I could be wrong about this, but it sounds like you care for Kim, but John and Kim have also done something for you. I'm glad that you found each other.


Marlene, nice to hear from you.


I won't have any pictures this week, since I really haven't accomplished much besides frogging those UFO's!

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Cheeria, JoAnne, Linda...everyone...HI!



Hi Jude



Sounds like you'll have a beautiful yard when done ! Gonna show us some photos when it's complete ?





I have a DEATHLY fear of airplanes ,so that's the part I have trouble with .

I miss seeing them ,but am used to them living far off,and visits being far between .


It's just the AIRPLANE part . I have no clue why I am petrified of airplanes. Never been on one, and never will . I'd rather wear a rattlesnake necklace than ride an airplane .

Jules, I took BEFORE pics, too, so you'll get them....next few days will be rainy: perfect for the new bushes and gass seed...

About planes: I take Xanax:D

Ok, gang --

Here's all I have for my photo this week .

( My 16-saltine block is the one not connected at the top right .)

It looks GREAT!!! Love all the colors, too.


Off to book club in an hour (my neighborhood girls), so I'll sign off now.


Have a great night, everyone:hug:manyheart

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Hi House-mates


Cindy- Oh, hope you feel better! A few days of rest, relaxation and crochet should cure you!


Cheeria- glad to hear that DD is feeling ok- and that you get some "me" time this weekend-


Judy- can't wait to see the before/after pics- I should have done that when we had some work done last summer around the pool- Oh well. Have fun at your book club!


Julie- Love how your quilt'ghan is coming out! Beautiful! And I didn't even notice the honky doorway until you mentioned it!!


I'm going to work some more on my large granny tonight and then I'll take pics tomorrow- probably won't be posted till I come from work.


Not looking forward to a rainy weekend- I want rain when I'm cooped up inside at work during the week, not on the weekend!!!


Have a good night everyone!!!

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You've, made lots of progress this week, Julie. You're on the down side of that ghan.


You're right, Cindy. It's definitely been a win-win situation for all concerned.


I've finished the border on the flannelghan. Finally! Now to hide all those tails.

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Hi everyone. Still working on 63 square sampler. Added another row...thats 4/9. I have 12 more squares to make. One of these days.................

Didn't think there was any need to post pic since not a lot more than last week done.


Y'all have a great weekend.

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Good morning and Happy Friday!!!


I only did 1 row last night on the large granny and then got very tired! It's still kind of dark here so I'll take a pic after work-


Linda- WTG on finishing the flannel'ghan-:clap can't wait to see the pictures!!


1wani- You are making good progress- 4/9 with 12 squares left- you can do this! Hope you have a good weekend too.


Cindy- Hope you are feeling a little better today!:hug


To everyone in the House- TGIF!!!! Can't wait to come home after work and see some photos- Hint, Hint...:lol

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Good morning everyone. Still not feeling 100%, but a little better than last evening At least I don't have a headache today. And the sun is shining at the moment, although it isn't supposed to be as nice as it has been.


I am sewing friendship squares together again today. It would be nice to get this finished.

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Your yard sounds pretty Jude ! Can't wait to see the before/after photos ~


Have fun at your book group . What book were you guys reading ?


Thanks for the comments on the castle !

I'll download the pics later this AM...

Book club...a female bonding time:D...and I am now NOT the oldest woman there. A new neighbor who moved in over the wonter has joined us. I chose not to read the book this month, but we're a bunch of friends, so that never stops anyone from coming to visit once a month:lol The book picked was Leaving Tangier....and when I read the blurb on Amazon decided not to get the book. Glad I didn't - no one cared for it. NExt month's pick is a classic: Huckleberry Finn. THAT I'll read - never read it at all....

I've finished the border on the flannelghan. Finally! Now to hide all those tails.


Hi everyone. Still working on 63 square sampler. Added another row...thats 4/9. I have 12 more squares to make. One of these days.................

Didn't think there was any need to post pic since not a lot more than last week done.


Y'all have a great weekend.

I had to put mine aside. Once I get this baby ghan done it'll resurface:lol The story of my life: too many WIPS:hook

Hope you have a good weekend, too:hug

Good morning everyone. Still not feeling 100%, but a little better than last evening At least I don't have a headache today. And the sun is shining at the moment, although it isn't supposed to be as nice as it has been.


I am sewing friendship squares together again today. It would be nice to get this finished.

Take it easy, Cindy. :hug:hug

ANd have you tried the carrot approach LeAnna uses? Do some work on the squares and then read or do something you enjoy.

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Morning Cindy and Jude !



Cindy- glad you are feeling a little better today .Maybe if you can take off a couple days and rest ,you'll soon be back to normal .

Good luck with the joining squares. I am beginning to know what you mean at this point .

Takes LOTS of patience .




Jude -will be looking for photos when you get time.

Your book group sounds fun . Must be nice to live in that friendly of a neighborhood. We don't live in a town like that-- not very friendly people here .A very "CLIQUEY" town, if there is such a word .

Everyone stays in their own yard and does their own thing .


Huck Finn is a great book . I read it many years ago as a kid, and have read it a couple times since. I love Mark Twain --- he was a real character .

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Wow, Jude !!!

Very pretty . Love the round rock-garden (?) out back,and the new little bushes look very nicely spaced,and your whole yard just looks very orderly now .


They definitely DID seem to be hard workers -- yard work is a LOT of work.

I used to love doing it, but the older I get, the less I enjoy it .


I like HAVING a pretty yard, but don't have the steam to do it .


It looks VERY pretty . I'm sure you guys will spend lots of time out there enjoying the new view now .



Your crochet projects are so pretty too ! Good job, nice photos !

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Thanks, Jules...yup, we love our yard and spend lots of time back there. Soon the big oak trees will be all leafed out and give us lots of shade, in addition to the huge awning that we can use over the patio just by pushing a button.


How are you doing today??


I'll be getting my one little project finished and then get back to more baby ghan...



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Hi ladies!

Cindy glad your feeling better.

Julie your castle ghan is looking great! Cam is going to love it for sure.

Julie I was scared of planes to and hubby and I were flying to Vegas to get married. The prior 6 months to it 3 planes had crashed and that sure didn't help my anxiety at all. I told him one more plane crash and I'm not flying. We flew and all went well and I have gone 2 times since. Now I love it. It reminds me of roller coasters. I like riding them but they do scare me. Does your computer have a webcam? If you have one and they have one you could do skype and visit that way and it's free. Were going to get one for my computer so we can see the grandkids when were in Texas.

Judy your landscaping looks great!

I'm thinking I need to get Maya a shirt to wear under her dress. Her dress has cap sleeves and she will have leggins to wear under it but it's suppose to only be in the 50's. She'll have her sweater to wear but I worry about her getting cold.

I need to get busy around here. I hope everyone has a nice day!

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