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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Isn't that a set of books, like a mystery-type series ? I haven't read any of them, but think I remember seeing them before .


I usually end up falling asleep when I listen to audio books-- like someone reading me a bedtime story .

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Hi, ladies. John has made a request of you. "Will you please take the turkey hex off us?" They have heard a lot of turkeys but none will come within shooting distance of them this weekend. :lol :lol :lol

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Hi Tralee-

Thanks, glad you like the new name. And I agree, a turkey dinner sounds really good right now ! I'll take some mashed potatoes and gravy with mine .




Brenda- sorry you have to work tonite -- maybe you will feel more like working on your afghan tomorrow after you've had some sleep . You've put lots of time into it this week, so sometimes you need to step back for a bit, then pick it up when you've had a break .

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Judy, for the past few years we've had a lot of wild turkeys around here. I never thought of the word pretty in connection with them though!:D
Nope, they aren't pretty - till they fly off and you can see the colors of their feathers. THAT was gorgeous.


Judy- Wow a turkey in the backyard!!! Wonder where it came from?:think I have never seen one here.

I was wondering, too - no turkey farms nearby - though there is a small place not too far away (near the Holmdel PO, if you've been near the Holmdel High School) that raises cattle and chickens...maybe it came from there - not far as the crow flies:lol

And I saw a wild turkey like that once, driving around down where our reunion is -- it's way out in the sticks, with lots of old dirt roads. I like just driving around down there -- lots of old empty houses falling down,old cemeteries in the weeds --- so I drove right upon a wild turkey -- I think I scared him SPITLESS .


I tried to take a snap of him with my camera, but he was too fast for me .


Are you guys right in a CITY or in the country ?

We're 1 minute from busy roads, etc and definitely not country - more suburbs. The only turkey I've ever seen before this was a turkey vulture - the ugliest animal I've ever seen!!

A wild turkey eh? Cool! I saw two young fawns the other day in my driveway...one looked like it wanted a snack from me, which I didn't have...


Hope you're having a good Saturday...

Awwww....they sound cute. We don't see them here ....unless they're laying by the side of the road after being killed from an encounter with a car. They're super active right around dawn and then dusk...I had a close encounter once, early in the morning.

Hi, ladies. John has made a request of you. "Will you please take the turkey hex off us?" They have heard a lot of turkeys but none will come within shooting distance of them this weekend. :lol :lol :lol


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Well, we had a full day - checked out some garden centers for ideas (Spring landscaping getting done soon). Watched golf and Baseball...cleaned part of the garage...

Now we're nursing our aching backs:lol



Jules, watching the kids play soccer at that age is too cute, isn't it? I'm glad you could be there for Cam:c9


Off for tonight - CU all in the morning.:hug:manyheart

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Hey Jude

Sounds like you guys got lots of spring work done today ! Good for you !


I'm gonna sign off tonite too, guys -- have a dishcloth and a half to complete, plus watching movies and eating ice cream with Cam .


Will check in early tomorrow .

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Good night, all. I'll be up for a while yet.


Just started the last strip on the flannelghan. The end is finally in sight. Looks like I did a pretty good job on estimating how much yarn I would need, too. Looks like there will be a little extra, but not very much. :hook


The guys got skunked again this afternoon and evening.

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Good morning House !


I hope you all had a good day yesterday, good weather ,and got to take time for a little bit of crocheting someplace along the way .


We had a nice day here ,weather beautiful . I am on a footrace today to complete the knitted dishcloths -- I have one and a half to complete .


They take my concentration, because on the picture ones, each row has a little different directions, and you have to keep track of what row you are working on .


I think i'll get them done today though .


Cam was here . I had Papaw take the 2nd shift watch . I was tired last night, so went to bed before 9 .


Just wanted to give a shout out this morning. Hope all are doing well ,and that you have a good day today . :)

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Good morning House! And now I can't get the song out of my head either- Our House is a very very very fine house.....:lol


We had an awesome day yesterday!!! We went to Newark early and hung out with my middle DD for a while- we went to this really old fabric store that has been there for ages-small, run by an older gentlemen and his son- packed with yarn an notions (no yarn tho). They had some really pretty buttons, so I bought some because I liked the colors-::lol


When her boyfriend got back from a workshop he was at we went to the Portugese restaurant and met my youngest DD and SIL. So the 6 of us had an awesome dinner together:manyheart Plus we all took leftovers home, so no cooking for me today:yay


DH and I then headed to the NJ Devils game- what a great game!!! They won 7-1 and clinched the Atlantic Division championship!! What fun!!!:devil


I need to go get a cup of coffee- Hope everyone in the House has a wonderful Sunday!!!:yes

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:sun lalalaalallalalallalllalalalal "Our House is a very very very fine house" lalalalalallaallaaa

Good Morning all...........

Another busy day ahead. This afternoon is the first baseball game of the season! :yay! Patricks is on a Traveling Tournament team. Their first game is today!

I'll be taking my crocheting with me :hook I seem to crochet really fast at ball games...LOL

you all have a great day

Hey.......... Joanne.............. have any coffee left? I totally need a refill!



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Good morning House mates:hug


We had a nice day here ,weather beautiful . I am on a footrace today to complete the knitted dishcloths -- I have one and a half to complete .


They take my concentration, because on the picture ones, each row has a little different directions, and you have to keep track of what row you are working on .


I think i'll get them done today though .


Cam was here . I had Papaw take the 2nd shift watch . I was tired last night, so went to bed before 9 .

Wow, Jules - you're fast with those knitted cloths...

Boys can be so tiring, so I'm not surprised you went to bed early:lol

We had an awesome day yesterday!!! We went to Newark early and hung out with my middle DD for a while- we went to this really old fabric store that has been there for ages-small, run by an older gentlemen and his son- packed with yarn an notions (no yarn tho). They had some really pretty buttons, so I bought some because I liked the colors-::lol


When her boyfriend got back from a workshop he was at we went to the Portugese restaurant and met my youngest DD and SIL. So the 6 of us had an awesome dinner together:manyheart Plus we all took leftovers home, so no cooking for me today:yay


DH and I then headed to the NJ Devils game- what a great game!!! They won 7-1 and clinched the Atlantic Division championship!! What fun!!!:devil

Sounds like you had a great day! I love buying things just because they're pretty - that's how I ended up with a small pile of fat quarters waiting for me to get the sewing bug again:lol

DS has told me of those great restaurants in Newark and it sounds like he didn't exaggerate!

I used to watch hockey (Rangers) and it was going to my first live game that turned me into a fan (we lived in St. Louis at the time). It must have been a real blast!

lalalaalallalalallalllalalalal Another busy day ahead. This afternoon is the first baseball game of the season! :yay! Patricks is on a Traveling Tournament team. Their first game is today!

I'll be taking my crocheting with me :hook I seem to crochet really fast at ball games...LOL



you all have a great day

Nervous energy?? Watch the tension on your work:lol

...and good luck to the team:cheer:clap:cheer:clap


Have a great day everyone. It's sunny here, so we'll be going out to enjoy it later this AM.

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Morning Joanne !

It sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday ! That's great ,always good to hear good news !


Morning Tam- good luck at the game today -- sounds like you guys are a good sport-minded family ,so it'll be lots of fun for you .

I know when our boys started playing baseball, I had to have them tell me all the rules - I never played baseball or watched baseball before that ,so had no clue what all the rules were .

I'm a little better at football rules though .



Morning Jude !


Are you out hunting for that turkey again ? All that turkey talk yesterday makes me hungry for a good turkey dinner. Guess I'll have to go get one sometime this week and make it for us .




***Dishcloth Update - one more to go --just finished the A .

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Good Morning, Ladies. :flower Speaking of aching backs :lol...yesterday was a marathon yard work day. I worked in the front for about 7 hours and could hardly get out of bed this morning. ;) Today is going to be desk stuff and some crochet time and then I'll work in the back yard this week.


We see turkeys quite often. We're in a regular neighborhood, but only about two blocks from ranch land. Last fall, one confused guy landed right in our back yard. He finally flew up in a tree...we were afraid he and Gracie might hurt eachother. :lol


Julie ~ Way to go on your knitted dishcloths! :cheer


Joanne ~ Your Saturday sounds like it was a wonderful day. :yes


Enjoy your day, everyone! :manyheart

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You rock Joanne.......... thanks for the coffee!!! :hug

LOL Judy............ You are so right on... LOL I will be sure to check my work often... LOL

Oh Julie......... We're all about baseball... LOL.. We know the rules! And some of the parents arent always quiet about that.... LOL Good job on those dishcloths BTW!!!



Thanks for the good luck wishes for the game everyone



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Good morning House! And now I can't get the song out of my head either- Our House is a very very very fine house.....:lol


We had an awesome day yesterday!!! We went to Newark early and hung out with my middle DD for a while- we went to this really old fabric store that has been there for ages-small, run by an older gentlemen and his son- packed with yarn an notions (no yarn tho). They had some really pretty buttons, so I bought some because I liked the colors-::lol


When her boyfriend got back from a workshop he was at we went to the Portugese restaurant and met my youngest DD and SIL. So the 6 of us had an awesome dinner together:manyheart Plus we all took leftovers home, so no cooking for me today:yay


DH and I then headed to the NJ Devils game- what a great game!!! They won 7-1 and clinched the Atlantic Division championship!! What fun!!!:devil


I need to go get a cup of coffee- Hope everyone in the House has a wonderful Sunday!!!:yes

Sounds like you had a wonderful day, Joanne.


Tam, good luck to Patrick and his team today. Hope they start their season with a solid win. :cheer:clap:cheer


Julie, you are doing great with the dishcloths. You must be making those needles fly. :cheer:clap:cheer


It's a gorgeous, sunshiny day here today. A pollen count is considered high at 150. I looked ours up yesterday. It was 5,500 here! :eek No wonder I'm having trouble! :eek My car is turning from red to yellow with all the pollen that's coming off the trees. And they are all coming out at the same time because of the very late spring. It's so pretty outside, and I don't even want to go out. :sigh Guess I'll just have to buckle down and fold clothes, and crochet.

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Hello everyone. Its a really gorgeous day here today. We went to church and then to DD's house for some leftover birthday cake. Now dh is out in the backyard heating the grill for pork chops. On Sundays we eat a big meal mid day and then we eat something like nachos, or frozen pizza in the evening.


No crafting done yet today. Not sure if any will get done. I think I'm going to go for a walk after lunch. Might as well enjoy the sunshine, since tomorrow it's back to work.

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Hi all,


WTG on the knitted dishcloths Julie!! Sounds like you are going to have them all done! I'm impressed!!!:tup


Judy- Yes, the Portugese restaurants in the Ironbound section of Newark are so good!!!! Your DH is not exaggerating! When my dad was alive, one of the things he wanted to do was go to a Devils game and then out to eat in Newark. It brought back memories yesterday- good ones!


Tam- you should be at the ball game now and hopefully watching the tension on your stitches!!


Cindy- Your lunch sounds delish- and we usually eat earlier on Sunday as well and then something small at dinner time.


Linda- Wow I can't even imagine that pollen count!:eek Probably is a good idea to sit inside today and look out the window!


Mary- That's a lot of yard work! I think today should definitely be a sit and do some crocheting or desk work! My back still hurts sometimes if I do too much- (this is from shoveling snow this winter)- so I do yard work in small increments. And yes, I had an awesome time yesterday!!!


Well, all, I am watching the Yankees and going to pick up the old :hook and:yarn

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Mary, Yikes! :eek That's a lot of yard work all at one time!


John made it back about half an hour ago. No turkeys for the hunters. Looks like I'm going to have to come up with something different for John and Kim's hats for this year. I wonder what? :think Not much time before they are needed now. I hope I think of something quick. :think


John had bought a laptop for me to use in the bedroom &/or downstairs at Christmas time, but it was out of stock, so it was on rain check. They still don't have it in and won't be getting it in. So they substituted another (better) one for it which he brought home on Friday. I'm trying to get it all set up and running now. (And a bit frustrated, as it didn't come with a detailed manual, and it's a whole lot different from the ones I've used in the past.) I'll get there.

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Evening house. It has been a beautiful sunny day here in New Jersey. After church I went to my favorite dollar store to hunt down goodies so that this week I can work on decluttering my kitchen drawers and cabinets. I also brought beautiful mugs to replace the mix match ones that keep popping up in my cabinets. After the kitchen is done my whole home would be decluttered and I feel great about that. Julie like you I'm knitting away. June seems to be fast approaching with the birth of my new grandbaby. I have made a promise to myself to knit 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening so I can get done with this knitted baby blanket. I did not do any crocheting this week-end but instead I learned to use a spool knitter (Wonder Knitter by Clover) to make an I-cord. I'm working on a project that uses a small loom for weaving and an I-cord. When I'm finish with this project I will share pictures of it with the group. I don't know if anyone heard of Noreen Crone-Findlay she just publish a book called "The Woven Bag." I am in her potholder loom group on Raverly and I'm also in the small loom to go group. Well have a great evening group, back to working on the I-Cord. :hug

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