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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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OMGosh.............. my daughters birthday will be 10-10-10 this year too! :D








I already told my DD's and DH that I want to do something special this year-really, how often does 10-10-10 come along?:lol

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:lol Julie should have done this on april fool's day:lol



Sheila- yea, that would've been a good joke I guess .... anyhow, it's good to know you guys are on your toes and keeping track of what is going on !:D



Morning Joanne !!

That's cool about your birthdate this year ! My girl's birthday is 10-5 , so close to yours !



Morning Tam- it sounds like you have a busy day ahead of you . We used to go to our boy's baseball games too, a long time ago ! They are all grown and we have grandkids-- wow, time goes so fast .

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I always heard that children whom have a 10th birthday on the 10th day of the 10th month of the 10th year were considered lucky, and same with other days and years like that cause it was so rare for that to happen.


Maybe I'll be lucky since I'll be 55 and 5 plus 5=10 :lol

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Good morning everyone. Joanne and Tammy, sounds like you ahve busy days planned. Julie too, with all that knitting!


I don't have any plans, which is a good thing, since I hardly slept at all last night. Every once in a while I have a night like that.

The only things I have to do is the laundry and some vacuuming.

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Morning Brenda- I hope you can get some sleep soon !



Yep, Joanne and Cindy- I am hard at it ,and working on knitting . I got the N one done last night ,and just started the A this morning ... Good thing they only have a few nurses or I'd never be able to get them all done this quickly .


They recently hired a "boy nurse ". ( I call him a boy because he's about 20-something -- a real young guy .) Anyhow, I'm not making him one, since I doubt he'd enjoy having a dishcloth ...


I usually always bring them treats every time I go in . I usually bring them a sack of candy bars ,so he can eat some of them .


Sometimes I bring them donuts, depending on how early my appt is . I have the 8 AM,so thought I'd skip trying to get up, ready ,over to the next town ( we don't have a bakeshop here ) ,and over to their office (in another town ) by 8 .


These are lots of fun, since they make the designs -- I just have to remember to keep marking off each row when I finish it or I get mixed up .



Cindy- sorry you didnt get much sleep - I hate when that happens . Those nights make you even more tired the next day .

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Joanne........ I'm going to drive my daughter crazy this year with 10 :D

I'm going to send her 10 birthday cards in the mail... I'm going to give her 10 gifts... make her a number 10 birthday cake with 10 candles.. and so on.............LOL

Oh how I understand time flying Julie!! It wont be long and we'll be watching grandkids at school and sports events! With 7 of them... we'll be watching lots! :yes





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Good morning, House mates!:hug


Jules, I saw the name change right away since it's the only thread I subscribe to and it popped up this AM...

Someone here was right - it would have been a riot if you'd have done this on April Fool's day:lol


Joanne...indoor baseball...not mine or the Yankees favorite, I think.


believe it or not: in the 10 seconds it took to get my camera I missed documenting something I've never seen walk across my backyard.

Sparkie was leaping at the back patio window and barking like a maniac at a ....TURKEY!

She was sauntering across the yard like she hadn't a care in the world...but I had to open the side door to see if I could get a shot with the camera and she was in the bushes before she took off. What a HUGE wingspan and such pretty brownish red colors!

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Cindy, I hope you have a good day :hug I know what it's like not to have a good night's sleep - seems to happen more often these days.

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Judy- Wow a turkey in the backyard!!! Wonder where it came from?:think I have never seen one here.


Well, I got all the laundry finished and took my car for an oil change. Finished cleaning up around here and we'll be headed out in about an hour.


Maybe I can get a few rows done on the large granny before we leave!:hook


Tam- that sounds like so much fun for your daughter with the 10 card, the 10 gifts, etc, etc. :yes


Cindy- I don't sleep nearly as much as I used to- seems like 5 hours or so and my internal alarm goes off! Hope you have a good day and maybe get to take a nap!:c9

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Morning OUR HOUSE - I really like our new name for it is kinda like our houses except it is really very busy here :lol:lol


It is cool here in New Jersey. What happen to the heat ?????? :think


Judy a turkey.


Julie - nice knitted dishcloths, that is very sweet of you to make a gift for the nurses. I love your castleghan it look like a painted picture.


1wani - colorful squares that is going to be beautiful when it is finish.


Joann - beautiful crochet hook case - lucky you. Your granny square afghan is coming along nicely. I love blues. Look like your in for a great day of fun. Enjoy.


Linda - I also love knitting and crocheting prayer shawls. I love the color of yours.


As for myself I haven't yet plan my day, which is great. So far I'm still in my pj's but I know that I want to get out to get some air. I will probably stop at the AC Moore to pick up a new color for my half granny, also I want to get a spool knitter to make an I-Cord for a project that I will be working on. I really want a peaceful uneventful day so I will probably cook hamburgers for dinner. I know I want to crochet and work on my knitted blanket. Now I have plans. Yipppeeee


Talk to you all later hope everyone has a great day. :hug

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*singing...* Our house, is a very, very, very fine house...with two cats in the yard...


Like the name change...

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Good morning, House mates!:hug


Jules, I saw the name change right away since it's the only thread I subscribe to and it popped up this AM...

Someone here was right - it would have been a riot if you'd have done this on April Fool's day:lol



Yep, glad you guys are all getting a kick out of the new name -- I kinda like it, I think it was time for a change in here .


And I saw a wild turkey like that once, driving around down where our reunion is -- it's way out in the sticks, with lots of old dirt roads. I like just driving around down there -- lots of old empty houses falling down,old cemeteries in the weeds --- so I drove right upon a wild turkey -- I think I scared him SPITLESS .

I tried to take a snap of him with my camera, but he was too fast for me .

Are you guys right in a CITY or in the country ?


Morning OUR HOUSE - I really like our new name for it is kinda like our houses except it is really very busy here :lol:lol


Cheeria- I'm glad you like our new house name -- I do too. Makes it seem like a big old living room, where people can come in ,hang out, then go do other stuff whenever they want .


Julie - nice knitted dishcloths, that is very sweet of you to make a gift for the nurses. I love your castleghan it look like a painted picture.


Thanks ~~~

I hope you enjoy your day too,and have fun yarn shopping !



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:lol Julie should have done this on april fool's day:lol

It wouldn't have been nearly as big a surprise on April Fool's Day. I did a triple take and searched for Happy House before coming in here.

One of the things we're doing today is working on the bleachers in town at our baseball field. We've been restoring them. Hubby grinds the old paint off the steel frame... I paint and hubby and another dad puts new boards on. My 14yr old(Patrick) has been helping too. He's done good.






Wow, Tam. That's quite a project and good for you for helping out the community this way. Have a great day.

believe it or not: in the 10 seconds it took to get my camera I missed documenting something I've never seen walk across my backyard.

Sparkie was leaping at the back patio window and barking like a maniac at a ....TURKEY!

She was sauntering across the yard like she hadn't a care in the world...but I had to open the side door to see if I could get a shot with the camera and she was in the bushes before she took off. What a HUGE wingspan and such pretty brownish red colors!

Yeah, Judy! You are doing better than the hunters. I think they are majestic and beautiful, too.


Kim and I are starting the day off quietly. We were both out in the pollen yesterday and we are both somewhat stuffed up today. Another reason to take it easy today.

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A wild turkey eh? Cool! I saw two young fawns the other day in my driveway...one looked like it wanted a snack from me, which I didn't have...


Hope you're having a good Saturday...

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Judy mentioned turkeys and guess what I saw this morning? I went out to an estate sale and on my way I passed an old barn. Two turkeys were sitting on top of the rusty metal roof. I gotta say though, that I still think they are homely birds.

And on my way out of the driveway, I spotted a deer eating the rest of my day-lily foliage. I wonder if those things will still bloom, since the deer have been nibbling at them as soon as a few new shoots appear.


So far today, besides the estate sale trip (a bust, nothing but a lot of over priced junk:(), I have done laundry and made a square for my 63 squares project. Oh and the dreaded vacuuming has been started. Dh will do the rest of it. Too much vacuuming sets off my back problems.


I'm going to head outside soon with my knitting and an audio book. Its about 65 degrees outside, and very sunny.

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What book are you listening to ?


I have Cam here today -his mom asked me to take him to his soccer game today- it was fun. I know nothing about soccer but it was cute watching all the kids .


Now we're home, with macaroni and cheese and spongebob on TV -- what more could anyone ask for ?


( I think I could SKIP Spongebob for the 87th time, but after awhile, you just go into a Spongebob Coma . )

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Hi Julie, I'm listening to "The Cat who Could Read Backwards" by Lilian Jackson Braun. I've read the book several times, but when I listen to an audio book, I notice things that I missed when reading the book.


Glad you are having fun with Cam.

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