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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Omg Im excited... Next week I'll be picking up yarn for my first quilt ghan. Im going to stick with the Wind Walker lapghan. It seems easiest to do. :) I think I may practice with a checkered board pattern though with my scrap yarns.

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Oooooh, Mary :yay:yay How exciting!! I hope Baby Luke is already here, and that you have had a chance to hold and cuddle him. Prayers being said that DD and Baby are both doing well :hug You must be on :c9 Warm wishes to the entire new family.

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Omg Im excited... Next week I'll be picking up yarn for my first quilt ghan. Im going to stick with the Wind Walker lapghan. It seems easiest to do. :) I think I may practice with a checkered board pattern though with my scrap yarns.

That's great! Practice is good, too - odds and ends make great pet ghans for shelters...furbabies aren't picky:)

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Hi all from water soaked NJ! I can't wait for the nicer weather which is supposed to be here tomorrow!


Mary-:dance:woo Grandson on the way!!! How exciting!!!! What a great day for you!!!


Judy- Yes, I think I am another "victim" and which one caught my eye? All of them!:rofl. But I think I'm going to do the ATW in lots of different colors! Plus they are all solid squares! and :yes it would be nice to meet in RL if I ever get a day off:lol Seriously- that would be fun (and I could learn lots from you:yay)


Julie- Glad to hear that you DD made it home safely! have fun at Cam's concert tonight!


Cheeria- Did you get lots of crocheting done today- perfect rainy day to be inside--the roads were not fun driving home- you can't see the potholes since they are filled with water!


Tam- I love my coffee too:manyheart , but I don't knit:lol I do have a little plaque in my cubicle at work that says "Behind every successful woman is a substantial amount of coffee"


Tab- good luck with your papers and finals- last 2 weeks of class there's always lots to do- :cheer You can do it!


Diane- RE: Dancing/Stars, I'm with you. i agree Buzz can't dance, and I'm not a fan of Kate (and she can't dance either) I think Nicole will do well and I also like Evan (the skater. Can't wait to see who gets the boot tonight


Everyone else- hope you have a great evening.


I think dinner is almost done so I better go check it before we have burned chicken!

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Hello, everyone. Another busy day at work, but I have two days off now. Its supposed to be wonderful weather both those days too. I think tomorrow I may go to the zoo with the grandsons.


Mary, hope the new grandson is here now and all is well.

Julie, glad your dd got home safely.

Diane, sorry about the identity thing. Something similar happened to my dd and her dh. Someone in the UK got into their bank account, but the bank immediately questioned the transaction because it originated outside the US.


I feel like sewing today...(but not saltines!!) I'm not getting into those in the foreseeable future! I might do a little work on the quilt I've been working on.

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Omg Im excited... Next week I'll be picking up yarn for my first quilt ghan. Im going to stick with the Wind Walker lapghan. It seems easiest to do. :) I think I may practice with a checkered board pattern though with my scrap yarns.




Which one will you be doing?? I have done several and love them. :yes I wish you luck and hollar if you need any help.

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Joanne, it would be fun to meet!


I met Kathy (losingmymind2) from here...her mom lives 5 minutes away and she was staying with her for a while...it is fun to do that!


I don't know what you could learn from me...unless it's what to do when you make mistakes in your work:lol


Have a good night, everyone:hug:manyheart

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http://www.happyyellowhouse.com/htm/windwalker.html I am going to do this one! I found colors to use from my stash so I cant wait! Im going to use cream, light blue, and turquoise! :)


That looks like a great pattern. Since it is a lapghan it should work up a little more quickly. Your colors sound yummy! I use to do fabric quilting years ago. Don't have the room anymore and the eyes are not as good so crocheting quilts fills that void for me. Just love it.:yes

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So I have been unable to resist and am going to make this one:http://www.happyyellowhouse.com/htm/woven.html


I thought I would do this one first since it is all solid granny's and 3blocks X 4 blocks wide. I am making it in dusty blue, silver blue, and linen. I have started- 6 saltines done!:lol


Good night!

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Hi Ladies. Thanks so much for being here for us. :manyheart Baby Luke was born at 6:24 this evening, weighing in at 6 pounds 7 ounces and is 19 1/2 inches. :c9 DD ended up having a C section; baby and mom are doing great! We just got home about 30 minutes ago, but I will post pictures tomorrow. He is just adorable, has lots of brown hair, and already has his U of Texas socks and TCU cap on. :)


This Granny and Gramps are tired so I'll check in tomorrow. :hug

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Oh Mary :hug That is so awesome...its such an overwhelming hard to describe feeling when you hold them for the first time....I'm so gad that things went well and that baby and Mom are fine,,,,Im so happy for you.Cant wait for photos.

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Hi Ladies. Thanks so much for being here for us. :manyheart Baby Luke was born at 6:24 this evening, weighing in at 6 pounds 7 ounces and is 19 1/2 inches. :c9 DD ended up having a C section; baby and mom are doing great! We just got home about 30 minutes ago, but I will post pictures tomorrow. He is just adorable, has lots of brown hair, and already has his U of Texas socks and TCU cap on. :)


This Granny and Gramps are tired so I'll check in tomorrow. :hug



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First and foremost could I give a hearty round of applause for the birth of Mary's grandson, Luke ! :c9




Congratulations to the whole family ~~ I'm sure you will be greatly blessed !



As for everyone else - I checked in several times yesterday, but couldn't keep up with posts , so will just say howdy to the whole gang,,and hope all are doing well and working on a project of some type .


It's great to see we got a few new recruits to the saltine maker's club . I hope you enjoy it and have fun picking colors and patterns .


As for what I am concentrating on this week, I am working on the castle this week,mainly . That's what I decided to put most of my time into ,to see how far along I can get it .


Well, that's all for now folks -- gotta get a move on today .It's payday,so will have stuff to do this morning. Finally picked up my car last night,so it'll be great to have my wheels back . :D


Anyhow, will stop in later on to see what you all are up to today !


Have a good day everyone .:)

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Quick good morning to the house!


:cheer:clap:cheer Congratulations Grandma Mary and whole family!!!! You must all be on:c9


Julie- glad you got your wheels back!


Hope everyone has a great day! And :yay the rain stopped!


BBL after work!

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Thanks Julie- It's finally "Hump" Day- only 2 more to go after today and I have the weekend off!!!


Can't wait for some of the sunshine and 70 degree weather they are forecasting for the weekend!

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