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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Will you please tell what is a saltine? I keep seeing you all talk about them but really don't know what they are.

A saltine is a two round granny square that we build quilt afghans with. The Happy Yellow House site listed in the first post will show you lots of patterns for them. Julie's castleghan and my dragonghan are two examples of them using patterns that I designed. Most patterns use solid and/or bi-color squares. I have a quiltghan in process, but on hold at the moment, which also uses 4-color squares. (Everyone thinks I'm nuts, but they are an integral part of the pattern. The pattern is another one of mine.) Here is the pattern of the dragonghan and the amount I've got done so far (the top two rows of 8 total.) The bottom one is the beginning of the one I call the Painted Desert. I've more than that done, but I'm not sure where the picture is at the moment.




I've been working on the saltines for the next block on the dragonghan so far today.


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Afternoon Ladies!!I'm back :clap


I am so tired but had fun with them.


Now the bad news...on Friday morning i get up and 2 of my little minions had decided that it would be fun to pull out Nanas knitting needles that were in my"Hip To Be Square"Blanket,yarn was everywhere...i turned around and went right back to my room and sat in bed and cried like a baby,i kid you not....like a baby :cry...it took me 2 hours this morning to fix it and get the needles back in the stitch's....so now i am back down to the 3rd row of blocks.I thought it was better to hide and cry then get mad at them.


Didn't get any crocheting done while they were here so now im going to make me some coffee and sit and enjoy the QUITE :whew and do some hooking cleaning can wait till tomorrow.

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Oh boy, Shay

I sure feel sorry for you -- my kids used to do that with my crocheting --they wouldnt grab it and pull it out on purpose, but would walk through where it was and get it stuck on their leg or something and walk all over the place, unraveling it as they went.

Mine was just crochet though and much easier to fix than knit .


If it was a knitted project, I'd lose it and probably pull out the rest of it myself . I'd never be able to fix it and get all the stitches back where they belonged !

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Hi Brenda !


Welcome ! If you go to the first post, then click on the website listed, it will show you several patterns to choose from, and also each will give you the directions used to make the grannies. The ones that have 2- color have directions included in their instructions.


Once you choose what pattern and colors you want, then if you need any help, just holler. We'll all jump in and help you in any way we can .


Let us know which one you decide to work on !

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Good day everyone. I had to work today, and I'm too lazy to get up early enough to check in before work. It was extremely busy at work, or at least my day was, so the day

flew by. I have to work tomorrow too.


Dh is in the kitchen making an Indonesian fried rice dish for dinner, but he asks me what to do next every few minutes. I'm starting to think that it would be easier to do it myself. However..he likes to play at cooking!


It is really lovely weather here. I believe spring is really here. I saw my first robins last week, and yesterday I saw a bluebird. Crocuses are in full bloom and the daffodils are full of buds. We are supposed to have temperatures in the 70's by Wed., and I happen to ahve Wednesday off!


I am having computer issues, so if you don't see me around much, that's why. I'm on dh's laptop at the moment, but he usually uses it in the evenings to get his accounts up to date.


I haven't been doing too much crafting. I read a book most of yesterday. I did knit about 6 inches on a scarf, but that's it.

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What are the actual colors you are using in the dragon ? Those are so pretty together .

Let's see. I'm using RHSS in Turqua, Amethyst, Lavendar, Black, Hunter Green, and Heather Gray.

Now the bad news...on Friday morning i get up and 2 of my little minions had decided that it would be fun to pull out Nanas knitting needles that were in my"Hip To Be Square"Blanket,yarn was everywhere...i turned around and went right back to my room and sat in bed and cried like a baby,i kid you not....like a baby :cry...it took me 2 hours this morning to fix it and get the needles back in the stitch's....so now i am back down to the 3rd row of blocks.I thought it was better to hide and cry then get mad at them.


Didn't get any crocheting done while they were here so now im going to make me some coffee and sit and enjoy the QUITE :whew and do some hooking cleaning can wait till tomorrow.

Oh, Shay! That's too bad, but they undoubtedly didn't have any idea what a mess they were making for you. I'm glad you got it back on the needles okay. That's such a pain.

Also is there a simple pattern somewhere I can try?

The patterns at the Happy Yellow House site that only use solid squares are the simplest ones to learn on. The next simplest are those that only use an occasional bi-color square. The bi-color squares aren't hard to make, they just take a little time and practice. We'll all be glad to help you if you have problems. My first quiltghan was the Purple Pinwheels pattern. Welcome to the group! :welcome We've all found these to be addictive patterns. My best advice is to assemble them in blocks that are 4 squares by 4 squares, 5 squares by 5 squares, or 6 squares by 6 squares. It makes the assembly a lot easier. Also don't wait to start putting them together until the end. It's awfully intimidating if you do it that way.


I've got the saltines for the next block of the dragonghan made. Now to hide the tails and assemble them. I've almost earned 3 block's worth. :D

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Afternoon everyone, I'm just getting out of my bed. Yesterday was spent finishing the spring cleaning, so I decided to just stay in my bed in my PJ and relax. I'm glad I'm almost done, just some dusting here and there. My next task to tackel will be the kitchen which will be easier.


It is my plan to concentrate on my knitting and crocheting this week. Especially making more squares for my 63 square afghan. We are suppose to have as my grandbaby would say "yucky" weather for the next two days great weather for me to jump back into my crafts.


Linda - I really love that dragonghan. Is it made with saltines????? Did you make that design??? I love the colors.


Shaylen - so sorry about your knitting I probably would have cried too. I'm glad all wasn't lost and you got thre stitches back on the needles. :hug


Souther Peach - just want to say hi and welcome. I'm also interested in making a ghan out of saltines. Have fun crocheting. :hook


Talk to you all later

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Thanks for the colors, Linda

Those are really nice together !



Cindy - It sounds like your husband is quite the cook ! He's making some pretty fancy sounding items ! It's good if he does that for you after working all day,since you are probably tired .

I hope you get your computer problems solved soon !




It sounds like you have chosen a couple really good patterns as some favorites . I hope you find the one you like the best. We'd be glad to help you if you need anything ,just holler .




You will have the cleanest house of all of us ! You are getting lots done. I wish I had the energy you do .

Take a little break to do some crocheting if you get a little spare time .:)

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well so far today.. hubby went to work came home an hour half later with the news that there plant is closing between now and 60days.OH joys.I dont care for 2010 at all!now sure now had a cry but still in too much of a shock.

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Linda - I really love that dragonghan. Is it made with saltines????? Did you make that design??? I love the colors.


Talk to you all later

Hi, Cheeria. Yes, the dragonghan is made with saltines and, yes, it is my own design. The inspiration was the picture I'm using as my avatar. It took me two years to be able to come up with a dragonghan pattern, but I finally did it.

well so far today.. hubby went to work came home an hour half later with the news that there plant is closing between now and 60days.OH joys.I dont care for 2010 at all!now sure now had a cry but still in too much of a shock.

Oh, no! :hug :hug to you and your hubby.

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Hello all!


After reading through all these posts, I'm thinking about starting one of those quiltghans- but I'll start easy with a solid color one. But first, I must finish the granny square ghan I'm making- I'm getting tired of looking at the pile of squares!


Julie- glad you had a good visit with your daughter! Good luck with the car tomorrow- at least i think you said you are taking it tomorrow to have the brakes checked


Cheeria- you sure did get lots of cleaning done and hoe you spent some time relaxing today (although it seems you did being in your pj's

Cindy- My DH likes to cook- actually he cooks more than I do:lol Although tonight he wasn't really hungry so we had cheese omelettes and english muffins! Hope you have a good day at work tomorrow.


Shay- I would have been in tears had that happened to me- And I probably just would have given up on it and started something else. At least with crochet frogging is easier- and even with that I don't have patience:lol


Linda- Thanks for all the tips on the quiltghans. Your dragon ghan is going to be simply sensational.


Judy- I am loving the ATW ghan too- but I think I need to start with a simple one! Maybe someone who lives nearby can help out IRL?:devil


Brenda Hi and welcome to the house!


Sheila-:hug for you! Oh, that is shocking news!


Tab- Oh, I am yearning for a day of resting and relaxing!:manyheart


Tam- You never cease to amaze me with the amount of stuff you get done! I:lol when I read your "So what's everyone going to work on today?" Mmm. I'm working on work :lol:lol.....but tonight- some granny's!


LeeAnna- I like your birthday wish of not worrying about ANYTHING! Hope it comes true for you:c9


Marissa- Hope you had a good day


Nicole- are you back from your vacation? Hope it went well.


Well, that is all my tired mind can remember- so if I didn't mention anyone, it wasn't intentional!


Have a good night everyone!

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Tabby, good to see you...have a good night, hon:hug


Judy - Your ATW is wonderful! What are you making for the commissioned afghan?

It's a smaller version of Larissa's Moon and Stars ghan...no link to show you, but I found it 2-3 years ago on the crochet calendar. I LOVE it! I made the first square today and it reminds me of the little boy Blue nursery rhyme because my friend picked Pound of Love in Denim and the crescent moon is pale yellow yarn (old glow in the dark I had) and the small star next to it is soft white. Comes to a 6 1/2 inch square, so I sat with pencila nd pad and drew out where to put the moon squares, the plain ones and the ones with just a big star on them. 5 by 5 squares with a deep border should do it...

well so far today.. hubby went to work came home an hour half later with the news that there plant is closing between now and 60days.OH joys.I dont care for 2010 at all!now sure now had a cry but still in too much of a shock.

Oh, no! Is your area big enough so he can get another job? Sweetie, I'm sending you hugs and good wishes:hug:manyheart

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Cindy - It sounds like your husband is quite the cook ! He's making some pretty fancy sounding items ! It's good if he does that for you after working all day,since you are probably tired .

I hope you get your computer problems solved soon !



He can't really cook very well, but he likes messing in the kitchen, and I like the fact that I don't have to cook on the days he does, so I eat whatever he makes without complaint. Usually it tastes fine, even if it doesn't turn out the way he planned!:D I don't even say anything about the huge mess he makes when he cooks.

I do have to say that he makes awesome bread though.


well so far today.. hubby went to work came home an hour half later with the news that there plant is closing between now and 60days.OH joys.I dont care for 2010 at all!now sure now had a cry but still in too much of a shock.


Oh dear, I'm so sorry. Hope he can find something else.


Can someone help me find a crochet tutorial on how to do the half square stitches? aka triangle grannies?


The ones on the Happy Yellow House site are two colored grannies. There is a pattern within this quilt pattern for those:



Here are a couple of triangle grannies:


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Hey TAB ~



Sheila- sorry to hear about your husbands job-- sure hope something else will turn up for him very soon .



Jude- your moon and stars ghan sounds very pretty !


Cindy- yep, I'm sure you appreictae all the help your hubby gives you even if he leaves a mess in the kitchen .



Brenda- did you find the links that Cindy left you ? There is one on there that shows how to do your triangle-type square .

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Hello the House :clap


Just a quick drop in to say Hi. I worked on my saltines today. They are all done! Had to do the black ones during the daylight, easier to see. Looks like we have a couple of more saltine recruits. It is addictive, fair warning. :devil


Sheila, so sorry about your DH's job. Hope he gets something else real soon :hug


Shay, having the knitting needle come out of the yarn is my worst fear. I think I would have to frog it all and start all over. My sister is fearless when it comes to knitting. She thinks nothing of pulling the needle out, unraveling and picks up all the stitches without any problem. Not me. I knit with a death grip on the needle. :yes


Well here's my bad news for the day. Got a phone call from the bank today. The Fraud Dept. Somehow, someone charged something on my ATM card. They needed to confirm that I didn't use it. They have canceled my ATM card, sending papers to file to reverse the charge and all 3 credit reports to review for any other discrepancies. What a pain in the a$$. Although I am glad that they were so on top of things. It was only $15, but who knows what could have happened. This is the second time it has happened to me. First time, the identity thief was my DIL. Grrrr! That was over $1100. Took 2 years to get straightened out. And is part of the source of a major rift between DH, myself and S and DIL. Haven't spoken in 4 years. :(


Well, I'm off to watch Dancing w/Stars and sew my saltines. I'll check in tomorrow. Hope y'all have a good evening.

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Evening Ladies!!


I had a nice quiet day...got alot done on my Hip to be square and also figured out how to work a twisted stitch that's on the needle in knitting and how to pull a stitch back off without dropping it.


Julie...Got my first dishcloth started...doing the sun girl...so cute watching it come together...im doing mine in redheart and then when i have enough i will sew them together for a lap gran or something.


Linda...How do you put a border around your Filet....im getting ready to hang mine but i don't want the sides to stretch.

Tammy...my knitting buddy i have found the perfect dishcloth for you here The first thing i thought was that's Tammy :yes How is your shawl coming??


Sheila...I am so sorry about your DH job...lots of hugs and prayers for you :hug


Judy....cant wait to see the moon and stars gran....sounds really cool.


Tabby...Are you working on the 63 squares now?


Diane....I do that to...i will be knitting away and realize i have a death grip on it so tight that my shoulders are sore.


Hello to everyone else :manyheart

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